
The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

author:Ding Daoshi

On the weekend, I went to see "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble internet", and I didn't dare to blink my eyes for nearly 2 hours. Shocked by the wonderful setting and the open brain hole again and again, on average less than three minutes, people can't help but "shoot the case" once.

The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

As an internet elderly who has been in the industry for more than ten years, I am very worried that Disney has messed up before watching, after all, the architecture and technology behind the Internet is complex, how to express it can be understood by 8-year-old children, while also losing the essence of Internet culture and taking into account the fluency of the lens language, and finally to meet Disney's consistent and beautiful values, which is really a problem.

Unexpectedly, Disney once again did it, whether it is the dream transition from the era of game consoles to the era of wifi Internet, or the connection and interaction between network protocols, routers, relay stations, and even the anthropomorphic presentation of network beings, all of which are full of creativity and just right, and pay tribute (spit) to countless well-known IPs again and again, full of feelings.

In the first half of this year, there was actually a similar movie "Ready Player One", which achieved amazing box office and word-of-mouth results. In front of Zhu Yu, "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble Internet" can still be a new innovation, which has to make people feel the greatness of Disney and the wonder of this world.

Of course, for hardcore movie fans, the happiest thing is counting easter eggs. Whether it is the old man Stan Lee who has just left us, or the 100mbps speed limit road sign, or even the line "I am Groot", and the skill moments of more than a dozen princesses, they have all been found out by our netizens and discussed on social networks happily. The latest data shows that in just 3 days of release, more than 104 Easter eggs have been discovered by Chinese movie fans.

The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

However, today we will not talk about Easter eggs, but about dimensions that you haven't seen online. The sequel to this movie, named "Brain Internet", is naturally inseparable from some memes and slots and metaphors in the Internet industry and culture, and we will talk about it today.

Everything has to sell on the dark web

Internet veterans all know that there are two Internets in this world, one is the Open Internet and the other is the Underground Internet. All the evil and dirty things you can think of are peddled on the dark web.

In "Invincible Destruction King 2: The Internet", the place where the protagonist Ralph went to buy the virus was through the dark web. Later, how powerful this virus was, everyone saw it. Here is a warning to our children: guard the brain like jade, stay away from the dark web!

"404" of uncertainties

Ralph, because he might lose a friend, angrily lifted an object and smashed an innocent user (id). Unexpectedly, this id is a well-known kol in the real world (this kol really has a prototype, not mentioned here), and then she suddenly dropped the line and was innocently "404".

After being inexplicably k-ked, this kol squinted his eyes and kept typing on the keyboard, and when he let go of the Buddha's heart and shouted "why". Seeing this scene, a kol in the marketing industry who went to watch the movie with me looked at each other and then smiled.

The splendor of the game hall was mercilessly impacted by the Internet

A game hall, connecting two "Invincible Destruction King", the boss of the game hall also witnessed the game industry from the game hall to the Internet game era.

The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

In the second part, there is a detail that everyone may have overlooked. The boss is using a very old-fashioned Apple desktop, access to the Internet. Here can actually release a signal: as we all know, many years ago, Apple's desktop was a luxury in both the United States and China, and the ability to afford to buy An Apple computer in that era shows that operating a game hall made a lot of money and was brilliant. And today is still through this old computer, access to the Internet, but also reflects the current game hall has no money to earn, into the era of decline.

Ralph, who fills the screen after the virus, is reminiscent of worms such as panda burning incense

At the end of the film, there are a few minutes of footage, and it is estimated that the dense phobia patient will be very uncomfortable after watching it. At that time, the entire Internet world, after being copied and infected by the virus, there were tens of thousands of Ralphs, running non-stop.

Friends who are familiar with network security should know that this is actually a typical worm. Very early on, when the worm attacked, a worm-like thing would appear on the screen, eat the letters on the screen and change it, so it was called a worm. This virus will use the Network to replicate and spread, and the panda burning incense that was very popular in China at that time is actually a worm virus. So, when the screen-filled Ralph ran towards me (wearing 3D glasses), the first time I remembered the panda burning incense, sighing that time flew by, and the panda burning incense was also more than ten years ago.

The embarrassment of the appearance of Chinese elements: it is really just a street sign

In recent years, Chinese elements have appeared in Hollywood movies. However, Hollywood uses Chinese elements more for the money in the hands of Chinese audiences, and few movies truly integrate Chinese elements into the core plot. Therefore, in recent years, Chinese elements have entered Hollywood, and they have been evaluated as "vases" or "soy sauce".

Also in "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble on the Internet", China's Internet companies have also taken it for granted, including Tencent qq, Maoyan Movie, Weibo, Tmall and so on. On the one hand, we Internet practitioners are excited, but on the other hand, we are secretly sentimental: Disney really just implanted our logo as a street sign. Then, there is no then. In contrast, eaby, Google, etc. have become part of the plot.

Network sluggishness

After the Ralphs entered the Internet world, there was a building whose wall clock stood out, a circle symbol in a buffer. Seeing this scene, I believe that many Internet old birds can't help but smile. In the early years, access to the Internet was very slow, and when we hit a website, there would often be a buffer symbol in the middle of the screen.

The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

Today, when we visit regular websites, almost all of them are clicked, and there is no "entry" process. It is touching that the symbol in this buffer alone (which may only be 1 second of footage) shows Disney's sincerity and control of details.

Constant reminders for payments

In real life, we found that many websites or apps, the user experience is very poor, many functions and services do not know where to start, which represents the platform is Amazon and eBay. But (the point is), when you want to pay, it is very convenient, no matter which page you run to, it is always very convenient to find the payment entrance.

In "Invincible Destruction King 2 : The Internet", this phenomenon was ruthlessly complained about and satirized. Ralph auctioned off a steering wheel at ebay because there was no money to leave temporarily, and since then, in various scenes, ebay's anthropomorphic image has repeatedly reminded Ralph of the remaining payment time, which is really intimate enough.

Bo's silly auction model is associated with the US group and Hungry Mo's price increase

Let's talk about ebay again! "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble on the Internet" this movie, in fact, the main Presentation of the Internet company is ebay! Many people may not know that in the early days of Taobao in China, it was the learning ebay, that is, the auction model, when the auction model was all the rage. In contrast, it feels like it is convenient to buy directly or group today.

As we said above, the two protagonists, because they did not understand the rules of the ebay auction, raised the price of each other and fried the steering wheel of the original $200 to about $30,000.

There are many problems with the auction model, and the typical one in China is "trust". Malicious price increase has penetrated into almost all auction scenes, these days there is a news screenshot in china's Internet industry brush screen, said that the co-founder of the Meituan Wang Huiwen accepted an interview with 36Kr, and revealed in the interview that in the ali acquisition of, the METUan also had a "god assist", indirectly helping raise the price by $2 billion. "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble on the Internet" invisibly satirizes the irrational price increase of Ali and meituan.

Ralph sucks powder and steals traffic

Chinese culture is very broad and profound, such as "falling to the ground" and "falling underground" is actually one meaning, and the two words "sucking powder" and "attracting fans" are actually two meanings. Attracting fans appears to be tall, and sucking fans generally alludes to the use of various wild roads.

The most amazing thing about this "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble internet" is the presentation of powder sucking, this time the Understanding of The Internet in China and the United States is completely the same (I am worried that they will attract fans). In disney movies, how to express the profundity of Internet fan-sucking culture? Really very creative, there is a short video platform similar to Vibrato in the movie, the official NPC took two vacuum cleaners, aimed at the audience under this stage, and sucked away their red hearts (representative likes) with a few whistles. Seeing this, I once again lamented that the setting of this powder sucking is too cattle, the vocabulary is simple and rough, and the presentation is also simple and rough and easy to understand.

In another shot, Ralph, for more traffic and likes, moves the screen to claim other people's video likes for himself. This way, commonly known as "stealing traffic" in the industry, is more hateful than sucking powder.

Sister Zan's promotion squad metaphor league advertising

Continue with that short video platform similar to Douyin. The person in charge of this platform, called "Zanjie", the main job is to excavate and promote the short videos of the platform.

At the beginning, it is through the mechanism of the platform to recommend and present the video, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting high-quality videos. Later, we found that Zanjie's short video advertising content jumped out of its own platform and appeared in other websites and apps in the Internet world. In fact, the operation behind this is the advertising network (that is, advertisers, do not need to contact the media or website, directly through the alliance, one click can promote the content to hundreds of thousands of platforms), in the real world, the representative of the United States is the Google Advertising Alliance (adsense), the representative of China is the Baidu Advertising Alliance.

Annoying pop-up ads

In the Internet world, how can the pop-up ads that make people deeply known be missed by "Invincible Destruction King 2"? After all, this annoying way of advertising is with us today. Sino-US Internet, from PC to mobile, pop-up advertising form is still one of the mainstream, although users are disgusted, but the effect is direct and rude, still by advertisers, especially those involving illegal content advertisers.

The 14 Internet Metaphor Slots of Invincible Destruction King 2 See clearly?

The metaphor and satire of the pop-up advertisement in "Invincible Destruction King 2 • Big Trouble on the Internet" has reached the peak level, and let the protagonist click on the relevant consequences of the pop-up advertisement and participate in the process of plot development. This place is hard to talk about, or it would be a real spoiler.

Don't look at reviews, don't look at reviews, don't look at reviews

I often have friends who have just started creating on Platforms such as WeChat, and ask me what precautions I have. I would say "don't look at reviews, don't look at reviews, don't look at reviews" and say important things three times. Because the Internet is a world that emits good and stink, if the mental capacity is not strong enough, even if only 10% of the comments are malicious, it will hit the confidence of creators, especially new creators.

Our protagonist Ralph is like this, just became a short video Internet celebrity, hand accidentally read the comments, in the face of several screens of negative bad reviews, can't help but be discouraged. At this time, someone advised him (to the effect) that "the first principle of Internet celebrities sending videos, do not read comments".

Internet celebrities are also quick to thank each other for a short time

From Furong sister to backstreet boys, from papi sauce to mc Tianyou, you may notice a phenomenon: those Internet celebrities who burst into flames in the short term are often red and quick. Similarly, the internet celebrities on foreign YouTube platforms are also Internet celebrities who became popular a few years ago, and most of them are not cared for today.

"Invincible Destruction King 2" of course did not let go of this phenomenon, or on that platform similar to vibrato, when our protagonist enjoyed the satisfaction brought by popularity, but after only a short time, the video was toppled and became a popular Internet celebrity. After that, in order to maintain the heat and earn more money, the protagonist is open-minded, although there is no fast-handed Internet celebrity eating light bulbs and bugs, but basically everything collapsed, in short, in the end, in this era of ugly, he made enough money.

Guessing what you like is often inaccurate

Many people may have noticed that in recent years, our main Internet services have cleverly launched the "guess what you like" service through the so-called big data analysis and artificial intelligence recommendation. For example, buying things on Taobao, using search services in Baidu, watching news in today's headlines, etc., a lot of information is the platform to give you what you think you like, but many times it is counterproductive, often not what we need (for details, refer to the analysis I did before": Personalized push often plays the opposite role).

"Invincible Destruction King 2" also made a profound and playful satire on the "guess you like" that has been popular in Sino-US Internet services in recent years. The protagonist Ralph entered the Internet world, when using the search service, he did not open his mouth, the service provider cleverly asked the protagonist whether he wanted to search for a certain word (a lot of lists, but none of them are what the protagonist wants), this place is actually a satire on the current abuse of artificial intelligence and so-called precision push by our Internet.

Written at the end: Disney's control of details is really "outrageous", and I will give you an example. In the movie, there are more than a dozen princesses in the concentration, and Disney actually found the actors who voiced these dozen princesses separately that year, and re-dubbed them (except for a few deceased or elderly), which is not ambiguous at all.

All in all, Invincible Destruction King 2 : The Internet is the best cartoon of the year, and there is no one. In a way, it is a reflection of the beauty and problems of our current Internet. Although it is a fictional animated film, it has strong practical significance.

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