
"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

author:Say anime overnight

Two days ago, overnight Jun wrote an article "Believe me, this Disney annual finale animation, will be screened in the circle of friends in two days!" article,

Although it is only based on the skin of this Disney animation to evaluate, it still gets endless feedback from netizens.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Today, this Disney animation is finally released, and the overnight Jun also went to see the earliest scene of this morning, the purpose is naturally to send you the freshest and hottest film review.

Rest assured, as a sequel animation, not only continues the classic of the first generation, but also makes refreshing creations in quite a few aspects,

Whether you are a new fan or a fan of an older game, you will definitely love this animation.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet
The preliminary score of Douban reached a high of 8.7 points, which is almost the same as the score in the mind of the overnight jun, and it can also be called quasi-god by today's standards...

Well, in the following content, overnight Jun will analyze the subtleties of this annual Disney masterpiece for you in detail---

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Following on from the story of the reunion in the arcade hall six years ago--- destroying king Ralph returned to his game as a villain and was recognized by everyone, Princess Winnie also got her identity in the candy sprint game.

Today's story is obviously fashionable, getting rid of the limitations of the arcade hall behind the scene, and taking us to the "Internet" world that is indispensable to people's lives nowadays (the opportunity is that the control device of candy sprint is broken, so Ralph goes to the Internet with her companion Winnie to find the possibility of buying).

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

However, like all adventures, this Internet journey is not smooth sailing, and the bidding price of e-commerce websites has been pushed to a high level.

Therefore, the penniless protagonists and the two have to find ways to find enough funds.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

The final ending, of course, is like all Disney stories, towards a reunion,

However, this reunion seems to be a bit "cut heart" (which will be explained in the following content), roughly speaking, it is such a colorful story.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Although in the previous article, overnight Jun has gone to great lengths to dissect the "Easter eggs" as much as possible for you,

However, how can the amount of information in the trailer be comparable to that of the main film?

Just when Ralph came to the Internet world with his companion Winnie, and the scene after scene on the screen was suddenly appeared for all moviegoers, the overnight Jun really couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

You know, this journey of Yunni and Ralph is closely related to "e-commerce", so in the play, it will naturally bring us the presentation of the "supermarket" of the e-commerce platform--- from the display of goods, to the bidding, to the final shopping payment, all of which are harmonious with the three-dimensional and virtual online shopping experience without violation.

This little bit of brain-hole creativity alone is enough for us to earn the ticket price back.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

In addition, in addition to bringing us convenience, the Internet is also difficult to avoid bringing us a considerable degree of trouble and nuisance, such as annoying pop-up advertising.

In the animation of "Invincible Destruction King 2", when Ralph and Winnie just arrived in the Internet world, they suffered a lot of aborigines holding various "induced click" advertising recommendations to come to their front--- play games to make money, *** girls have appointments, quick weight loss tricks, etc., of course, more dirty content is not shown in the animation, but it can also bring the audience a similar experience.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

In particular, isn't Ralph short of money? So in the later stage of the plot, I mistakenly came to the "live video platform" to record all kinds of funny and even bottomless content, hoping to exchange for the audience's likes and get the corresponding traffic remuneration (similar to live broadcast tips).

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

The charm of the destruction king is unstoppable, and the video has been favored by more than n users as soon as it was launched.

But in order to get enough money in a limited time, Ralph also unscrupulously pushed the video content to their screens under the advice of the managers.

In the end, although the wish was successfully fulfilled, it also received the user's spit and disgust. And Ralph's short journey of tens of minutes can also be regarded as a naked reflection of the current Internet ecology.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Of course, this sequel animation created by the "Zootopia" production team is not only these profound revelations.

Including the "automatic association of word meanings" function of the search engine, as well as the so-called "dark web" content that has gradually been recognized by everyone in the past two years, it has also been shown in the plot.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Compared to the existing business world in Zootopia, "elephants use their noses to make ice cream", "carrot lunch boxes purchased by Judy The Rabbit were seriously cut corners", and "sloths are slow to work administratively efficiently",

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

It can be said that the performance in this "Invincible Destruction King 2" is only excessive.

This further confirms that the animation production team has been able to "routineize" this exquisite creative method--- given a large enough space, then the profound content will naturally come to fruition.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Of course, the biggest easter egg in this sequel anime is not all "Disney Princess" appearing together.

In the trailer, we can at most see the princesses dressed in beautiful clothes on stage, graceful and luxurious, so that people can only watch from a distance and not play.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

However, in the main film, we see the grounded image performance of the princesses behind the scenes--- and each of the more than ten princesses has a very different personality, including the dignified and noble Princess Elsa of "Frozen", the straightforward pride of Miss Mulan, and the rough temperament of Princess Melida in "Brave Legend".

Remember, these more than ten princesses in the play are not only eye-catching vases, nor are they playthings that squeeze the audience's feelings, but they all play a rather critical role in influencing the end of the plot.

But the overnight king will not give you spoilers here, and the good things are left for you to go to the cinema to watch.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Well, the bits and pieces of surprising content are also roughly finished, and in the last part of the review, the overnight jun will give you a dissection of the above mentioned "ending cut heart" thing.

We all know that this sequel animation has been six years since the release of the last one, don't think that only the real world has passed six years.

No, the crew also cleverly extended this time change into the animation plot, which means that Ralph and Princess Winnie have known each other for six years.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

For Ralph, these six years are quite happy, every day when the sun comes out of the arcade hall, he goes to work, and after work, he plays with Winnie in various games, which is definitely his life paradise.

But unfortunately, Yun ni has developed a dislike for the ordinary life of the past, and hopes from the bottom of her heart that she can have a life course that "surprises different every day".

It can be seen that at this moment, there is an unexpected "rift" in the relationship between them, which also brings one of the most thought-provoking questions of this sequel animation: as friends, when there is a difference in interest preferences between each other, where will the relationship go?

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

In the second half of the story of Invincible Destruction King 2, all the right and wrong revolves around this question.

We see the joy of Vinnie as she finds the world she loves, and of course we feel the pain she struggles with and doesn't know how to express to Ralph.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

For Ralph, who is nervous, he also made a terrifying and terrifying behavior after first sensing Winnie's "betrayal" intentions (going to the dark web to find network viruses), which once caused the entire network environment to collapse and almost led to an irreparable mistake.

In the end, of course, it is still a happy ending, Ralph and Winnie go to their respective lives--- Yunni stays in the Internet world, while Ralph returns to the original arcade game hall, and the two can only communicate daily through the phone when they are free at work.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Unlike the general reunion ending, the ending of Invincible Destruction King 2 is carried out by allowing the protagonist Ralph's mind to grow, so as to make "the suppression of wayward emotions to achieve compromise effect".

In the eyes of the overnight king, this theme is undoubtedly of great educational significance, but it is undeniable that the good times of the past six years of living and sleeping with each other will inevitably become an eternal scene in Ralph's heart.

It is conceivable that under the domination of the word "attachment", the so-called "growth" and "compromise" have naturally become "pain".

As a fan of the past six years who has been in the Ralph character's visual experience of these two animations, the feeling of "cutting the heart" is difficult to avoid.

"Invincible Destruction King 2", a Disney masterpiece that has been waiting for six years, did not expect the ending to be so heartbreaking! Invincible Destruction King 2: Make a Big Fuss about the Internet

Also, Ralph, in the fairy tale world, there may really be such a perfect story of "even if they are thousands of miles away, they can still communicate with each other", but it is difficult for the overnight king in the cruel real world to accept it.

I only recognize the so-called "co-evolution" --- whether it is a lover or a friend, if there is already a gap in cognitive taste, then over time the parties will only go to different directions.

This was the understanding that the overnight king had received from his education, and it undoubtedly cut another knife in my already wounded soul.

However, I hope you can enjoy the annual Disney masterpiece "Invincible Destruction King 2".

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