
Classic review only for Bo you to smile "Xiao Gang and Banana Fan"

author:Stir-fry sprouts

【 Is the neck a little sore】

Xiao Gang bought a banana fan and hid it in the cupboard and was reluctant to use it.

Finally catching up with the particularly hot summer, he took out the fan and held it in his hand. Look left and right to see the criminal thoughts: don't fan it, full of sweat, wipe it with a hand towel; Fan, the arm is shaking, the fan is broken. He was really embarrassed, so he held the fan in both hands, turned around on the ground a few times, his heart lit up, and suddenly came up with a good way. Only to see him put the fan handle in the crack of the wall, with his hand back, a cat at his waist, his face facing the fan, and his head swinging from side to side. While shaking, he smiled and said, "This method can be thought of correctly, it does not take effort, nor does it cost fans, beautiful!" However, the neck is a little sore. ”

After reading: Xiao Gang is a "talent". Next time I will try [Cover Your Face] [Cover Your Face] [Cover Your Face]

In the comment area, do you think Xiao Gang's method is good or not?

Even if we encounter the greatest misfortune in the world, the premise of being able to solve all difficulties is to live. Only by living can there be hope. No matter how painful and sad it is, as long as you can work hard to live, everything will be fine.

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