
Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan

author:Growing up history small class
Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan

Gongsun Zhan

Zi Bojue was a native of Lingzhi, Western Liaoning (present-day Qian'an, Hebei).

Wife Hou Shi.

Junmen Shuzuo married Hou Taishou's daughter.

From Zhuo County, Lu Zhi learned from the Mountains of the JiaoShi And restored to the county official.

Taishou Liu Ji sat on the matter of enlisting the imperial court, and Zhao wei went to Luoyang. Later, he followed Liu to the south, and Liu Dao was pardoned.

Ju Xiaolian, for Lang, except for liaodong belongs to the state of the long history.

Kill and injure dozens of horses, move Zhuo Order.

In the second year of Zhongping, Zhang Wenzheng Gongsun Zhan begged Liangzhou Bianzhang, zhang chun rebelled with Wu Huan, and Zhang Chun rebelled against him, and He was a lieutenant.

He fought with Wu Huan and Zhang Chun at the Shimen of the Liaodong Vassal State and broke it. There was no continuity in the depths, but Qiu Liju and others besieged the Guanzi City in western Liaoning for more than 200 days, breaking through. He was a lieutenant of the Imperial Household, the Marquis of Fengduting, and the governor of the fu and subordinate states.

Dozens of people who often work with good archers ride on white horses, thinking that they are left and right wings, and call themselves "white horses and righteous followers".

The imperial court took Liu Yu as the assassin of Youzhou, and Yu Shang dismissed the Tun soldiers, but Liu Zhan would ride on the right side of Beiping. Zhen and Yu are at odds with each other.

In the sixth year of Zhongping, Dong Zhuo moved the general Fenwu to be the Marquis of Ji.

In the second year of Chuping, he led 20,000 people on foot and counterattacked 300,000 people in Dongguang South, breaking it and shaking its prestige.

Sending his brother Yue to ride a thousand horses to Yuan Shu to tie himself up, Yuan Shu sent Yue and Sun Jian to attack Zhou Ang at Yangcheng, and Yue was killed by the loss.

In the third year of Chuping, the garrison of Panhe proclaimed Yuan Shao's ten major sins. Gongsun Fan led the Bohai soldiers to help Him. Yan Gang was made Ji Prefecture, Tian Kai was Qing Prefecture, shan jing was Yan Prefecture, and zhu counties were placed.

In March of the third year of Chuping, Yuan Shao defeated Yi Yi at Jieqiao and captured Yan Gang. After the defeat of the Zhen army, the Jicheng army was defeated and a small city was built southeast of the city.

Shao dispatched General Cui Juye to besiege gu'an with tens of thousands of troops, and retreated to the south. Zan will ride 30,000 people to chase after the giant horse water, and destroy the crowd, killing 7,000 or 8,000 people.

Returning to the south, Shi Tian Kai of Qingzhou was sent to hold qi land. Shaofu sent tens of thousands of soldiers to fight with Kai Lien for two years, and ran out of food. Shao Zi Tan is the history of Qingzhou Thorn, broken Kai.

In October of the fourth year of Chuping, he killed Liu Yu in Jishi. Tianzi sent an emissary Duan Xunqian to qianqian as a former general and fengyi marquis.

Migration town is easy, Tsukuyi Jing.

In the first year of Xingping, Tian Kai and Liu Bei rescued Tao Qian in Xuzhou, and Liu Bei went to Kai guiqian.

In the second year of Xingping, Liu Yu's old department Xian Yufu and others broke Gongsun Zhan's yuyang taishou Zou Dan Yulu. King Wuhuan Qiao and Yuan Shao combined 100,000 troops against Gongsun Zhang, and beheaded 20,000 people. Gongsun Zhan surrendered to Yijing, and he held on to YiYi for more than a year, and Qi Yi withdrew.

Dai Commandery, Guangyang, Shanggu, and Youbeiping each killed the chief officials placed by The Commanders, fu and Xian Yufu, Liu Hebing, and Gongsun Zhanju Yijing did not come out.

In the third year of Jian'an, Yuan Shaofu attacked Zhan. He continued to ask for help from the Black Mountain Marshals.

In the fourth year of Jian'an, zhang Yan, a black mountain thief, led 100,000 soldiers and three ways to save Zhan. Before the soldiers arrived, Yuan Shao broke the city, and Gongsun Zhan, his sister's wife, set himself on fire and died.

See 【Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Biography of Gongsun Zhan】【Later Han Shu, Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan
Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan
Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan

Gongsun Fan

Gongsun Zhan's younger brother, Yuan Shao, granted Bohai Taishou, but then joined forces with Gongsun Zhan and was defeated after the Battle of Jieqiao. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Gongsun Yue

Gongsun Zhan, from his brother, led a thousand horses to Yuan Shu to form an alliance, and died in the war with Yuan Shao for Yuzhou, which became the fuse of the Battle of Jieqiao. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Gongsun continued

Gongsun Zhan's son, Yi Jing, asked Zhang Yan for help when he was besieged. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Guan Jing

Zi Shiqi, a Taiyuan native, a cool official, flattering and unscrupulous, trusted by Gongsun Zhan, served as a long history, and persuaded Gongsun Zhan to stick to Yijing and not abandon the city. After Gongsun Zhan's death, Guan Jing cema went to Shaojun and died, and the first rank was teleported to Xu Du. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan, Heroes, Spring and Autumn of the Han Dynasty】

Single warp

Gongsun Zhan's Yanzhou Assassin History, Tun Plain, was broken by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan and Emperor Wu of Wu】

Strict outline

Gongsun Zhan's assassination of Jizhou, the Battle of Jieqiao was broken by Yuan Shao's general Qi Yi, and he was beheaded (Later Han Shu) or captured (Romance of the Three Kingdoms). 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】【Later Han Shu Yuan Shao Biography】

Tian Kai

Gongsun Zhan's Qingzhou Assassin Shi, together with Liu Bei Dongtun Qi to yu Yuan Shao, Xingping yuan yuan and Liu Bei rescued Xuzhou Tao Qian, and was later expelled by Yuan Tan. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan, Biography of Yuan Shao, Biography of Xianzhuo, Biography of Zhao Yun】

Liu Bei

A native of Zhuo County, Zhuo County, and a classmate of Gongsun Zhan, Yu Luzhi. Sent by Gongsun Zhan to guard Gao Tang, he was destroyed by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. He was made Sima of the Other Department by Gongsun Zhan, and together with Tian Kai rejected Yuan Shao, he was made a plain commander and a plain phase. In the first year of Xingping and Tian Kai, they rescued Tao Qian in Xuzhou and went to Kai to return to Qian. 【The First Lord's Biography, Gongsun Zhan's Biography】

Guan yu

Hedong Xieren, Liu Bei as the Plain Phase Sima of the Other Department, divided into sub-divisions. 【Guan Yu Biography】

Zhang Fei

A native of Zhuo County, Liu Bei was a Sima of the Other Department when he was a Pingyuan Xiang, and was divided into sub-divisions. 【Guan Yu Biography】

Zhao Yun

Changshan Zhending led the volunteer soldiers of the county to defect to Gongsun Zhan, accompanied by the conquest, and accompanied Liu Bei to save Tao Qian, and returned to his hometown because of the death of his brother. Later, Yu Fu returned to Liu Bei. 【Zhao Yun Biography, Ancestor Biography】

Tian Yu

Entrusting himself to Liu Bei and accompanying Liu Bei to save Xuzhou, Liu Bei was the one who assassinated Yuzhou because of his mother's request for return, and for Gongsun Zhan's Eastern Prefecture Order, he drank the rebellious general Wang Men, but could not be used by Gongsun Zhan. After his defeat, he persuaded him to surrender to Cao and later to Wei. 【Tian YuChuan】

Fan Fang

Gongsun Zhan engaged, and was ordered by Gongsun Zhan to lead cavalry to assist Yanzhou to assassinate Shi Liu Dai, and later led the army to return. 【Cheng Yuchuan】

King's Gate

The general Gongsun Zhan defected to Yuan Shao and led more than 10,000 people to attack Dongzhou, but was reprimanded by Tian Yuhe to retreat. 【Tian YuChuan】

Zou Dan

Gongsun Zhan placed Yuyang Taishou and was defeated and beheaded by Liu Yu's old troops and Yan Rou and others in the north of Lu County. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Zou Jing

Lieutenant colonel, Liu Bei of the First Year of Zhongping accompanied him in his crusade against the Yellow Turban Army. Gongsun Zhan and his party pursued the Hu people and relieved Zou Jing of the siege. 【Biography of the First Lord】【Taiping Imperial Chronicles and Heroes】

Ji Yong

A native of Qinghe, originally a general of Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao rebelled against Gongsun Zan with Juancheng, and Yuan Shao sent Zhu Ling to attack the city and capture Ji Yong, but Zhu Ling's entire family was killed. 【Xu Huangchuan, Spring and Autumn of Kyushu】

Wen Ze

Pedestrians, when Yijing was besieged, were sent by Gongsun Zhan to send a letter to Gongsun To ask for help. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan

Li Shao

Yuan Shao's julu Taishou (太守), together with the county's great surname, wanted to surrender Gongsun Zhan ( 公孙瓒 ) , but was stopped by Dong Zhao , who was sent by Yuan Shao. 【Dong Zhaochuan】

Sun Ling

Julu County's surname is Xiao Lian, and dozens of people are Li Shao's masterminds. After Dong Zhao arrived in office, he beheaded them all. 【Dong Zhaochuan】

Zhang Ji

Luo Hou, Anping Ren, gongsun zhan general. Dong Zhao falsely claimed that he would attack julu. 【Dong Zhaochuan】

Gongsun Ji

Liu Yu's subordinate Youzhou was treated favorably because he had the same surname as Gongsun Zhan, revealing that Liu Yu wanted to attack Gongsun Zhan. 【Later Han Shu Liu Yu Biography】

Duan Xun

The emissaries of the Son of Heaven went to Youzhou to seal Liu Yu and Gongsun Zhan, and coerced Liu Yu to behead Liu Yu for Gongsun Zhan, and Gongsun Zhan was the assassin of Youzhou. 【Later Han Shu Liu Yu Biography】

Liu Weitai

Bu Shushi, Brother of Gongsun Zhan. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

Lee mover

Selling, Gongsun Zhan married a righteous brother. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】


Jia Ren, Gongsun Zhan's brother in arms. 【Biography of Gongsun Zhan】

If there are any omissions, please add them.

Biography and subordinate statistics of Gongsun Zhan


Writer, screenwriter, book reviewer. Graduated from Communication University of China. He is currently a member of the Beijing Writers Association, the Beijing Film and Television Arts Society, and the partner of Zhen Cheng and the bookstore in the city.

He has published works such as "The Dispute of the Nations: The Political Game of the Rich Families of the Three Kingdoms", "Such a Good History: The Struggle for Hegemony in the Three Kingdoms", "The Race of the Deer: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the production of the audio course "The History of Young China".

Soon to be published "The Troubled World: The Past of the Three Kingdoms in the Letters" and "Return to the Scene of the Three Kingdoms".

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