
Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary


The Filial Piety Sutra has a cloud: "The body has skin, and it receives its parents", and the life and health of the body are the most generous giving from the parents. With a sensitive and studious mind, we can swim in the sea of human wisdom for thousands of years. With strong limbs, we can use our youth to build a richer and more magnificent future for the next generation.

The history of mankind was created by people using their knowledge and limbs. Imagine a man who has lost his entire limbs, but still created a jaw-dropping achievement, is not a magnificent ode to human wisdom and courage? This indomitable strongman is Tang Yi.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

In 1967, an ordinary rural area in Chongqing gave birth to a male baby. According to the traditional rural concept, the emergence of a new male in the family is a very happy thing. With male babies, the family's incense can be continued, and the family's fields can harvest another labor force. A male baby, in the future, will be the new good worker of the family, and is also destined to become the top pillar and inheritor of the family, this male baby is Tang Yi.

Like all the rural areas in the country, male babies are spoiled by their families. The family did not send him to the academy to study, but raised him at home and watched him grow day by day. In their eyes, children only need to grow up healthy, and finally take over the heavy responsibility of working at home, which is the only wish.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

Although Tang Yi had developed some mischievous and idle troubles under the care of the elders in the family, he was still considerate of the elders in his heart. Seeing that the elders have done a day's farm work, they will also be concerned to come to the elders to ask for warmth, and use their childish fists to beat their backs and rub their shoulders for the elders who have worked hard for a day.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

At this time, the warm smile will climb on the face of his grandfather and father, and the disasters that Tang Yi usually breaks into will disappear. The original happy family should have developed on the right track, but this peaceful family did not expect that in the year when Tang Yi was seven years old, a disaster was waiting for him.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

Chongqing originally belongs to the mountain city, basically surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the terrain is more undulating. Many mountains contain minerals, and Chongqing also contains a large number and variety of minerals. In Chongqing at that time, mineral mining was also an important industry that maintained the national strategic resources. Just next to Tang Yi's house, there are also many mineral mining sites.

It was a sunny day, and seven-year-old Tang Yi went out to herd cattle by himself in order to reduce the burden on his elders. Young Tang Yi is just when his curiosity is strong, and he is already full of expectations for the construction site next to him. He drove the cattle to graze and went to the construction site to play himself.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

Then he was suddenly attracted by a winch. Coming from a rural area, he had never seen such a strange thing, which was completely different from a tractor bicycle. Just as he was watching carefully around the winch, he was too distracted to notice that the winch suddenly started, and before he could react, he was instantly swept in by the winch.

Fortunately, there were workers nearby who were working on the construction, and they immediately stopped the winch and rushed him to the hospital. After some rescue, although Tang Yi's life was saved, the injury on his leg was too serious, according to the medical technology at that time, if he did not amputate his leg in time, it would be life-threatening, and he had to amputate his legs.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

Although the playful Tang Yi retrieved a life, the loss of his legs was undoubtedly like the collapse of the family. On the one hand, this family, which depends on agriculture for a living and is not very rich, suddenly loses its expectations. On the other hand, Tang Yi, who has fallen seriously disabled, cannot even guarantee his normal life, let alone his future life.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

But at this time, the sensible side of the young Tang Yi was revealed, and instead of giving up on himself, he went to comfort his parents not to be too remorseful. And he himself, not only practiced by his own efforts, but also learned to walk with the help of a bench. After carefully analyzing his actual situation, he made a decision that since he was disabled, he would use his brain and live the life he wanted by reading.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

Perhaps because of Tang Yi's own leg amputation, he had no way to run and play like other students. This in turn makes him more focused, without distraction when studying, and sitting is a day. And he seems to be very suitable for learning, and the problems that others have racked their brains to solve are only a few equations in his hands. Therefore, he was deeply loved by the high school teachers, poured out his teachings, and gave all his expectations.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

The Emperor's heavens paid off. In the year of Tang Yi's college entrance examination, he exceeded the score line of a key local university by many points with excellent results, which made Tang Yi's whole family overjoyed. College students were still very rare in the era at that time, and Tang Yi thought of finally changing his life through his unremitting efforts. However, contrary to his wishes, Tang Yi, who was waiting for the admission letter, had no news for a long time, and he did not see his admission letter until the beginning of the school.

After contacting his own teachers, he learned that the university felt that Tang Yi's high degree of disability would affect his studies, so he did not admit him. This was another head-to-head drink, and Tang Yi, who had once been sinking, had no way out of the sky and no way down to the earth, and relied on the help of a good teacher, and he regained his strength and decided to go to the sea to do business.

Tang Yi, who had both legs disabled and was refused to study, resolutely decided to do his own business and break out of his own piece of the sky. At first, he did not hesitate to go for dozens of kilometers, relying on his bench alone to the next town little by little to learn maintenance techniques from the teacher. The master who heard about Tang Yi's deeds was very shocked, and treated Tang Yi like his own son, personally taking Tang Yi out of the division.

Tang Yi himself was extremely clever, and it didn't take long for him to learn the skills of a teacher and open a shop in his town to repair electrical appliances. Because of his own diligence touched many villagers, coupled with his exquisite skills, the price is reasonable, in the opening month earned 3,000 yuan. Victory finally showed its generous side to the tortured Tang Yi.

Chongqing man Tang Yi, 7 years old lost his legs 38 years old counterattacked the billionaire, married 1 meter 7 female secretary one, curiosity caused by the disaster two, development setbacks do not give up three, victory favor the strong four, summary

After accumulating experience in opening and repairing electrical appliance shops, he set his sights on more markets. At that time, the country was building a socialist market economy, and he had a keen insight into this trend, opened hot pot restaurants and hotels, tried various businesses, but failed for various reasons. His wife, who shared his troubles with him, did her best to help him grow in the mining business, and eventually the business flourished. When Tang Yi knew the Mandate of Heaven, his value had already exceeded 100 million.

After experiencing the tragedy of leg amputation, young Tang Yi showed a strong heart and decided to study. On the road to study, rain or shine, he showed his talented side and achieved excellent results. Although he was rejected from studying, he still did not give up on himself, still found a way that suited himself, and created the value of life.

Victory is prepared for the strong who will never accept defeat, hardships and hardships, Yuru Yucheng. If Tang Yi had given up on himself at the beginning, he might have spent his whole life in regret. But Tang Yi's life is full of injustice or desperately insisting, success will definitely favor him who is self-reliant and give him the life he wants.

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