
Buddhism: How to give alms

author:Half-crazy students
Buddhism: How to give alms

If there is a person who receives almsgiving, there will be a choice, and if there is a discriminating mind, then the amount of heart is small, and the heart is small. If almsgiving dwells and clings to it, whether it is dwelling in any of the six dust realms of color, sound, incense, taste, touch, or Dharma, it is to dwell in it and practice almsgiving. This kind of abiding generosity, only merit has no merit; only generosity and no almsgiving, can not go to the other shore, can not be liberated.

There are five types of generosity for the wise:

1. Give with all your heart. That is, to do almsgiving with sincerity is to give up arrogance.

Second, do it yourself. That is to say, to give alms personally, not to fake the hands of others; if you let others do so, the blessings you receive must also be obtained through others, so you must give by yourself.

Third, give with confidence. Believing that the results of generosity will not be lost, and that if there is a cause of generosity, it will reap its results, so practice generosity with confidence.

Fourth, the season is applied. To give alms according to the needs of seasonal causes is to give in seasons. For example, to do what the other person needs, when the other party is seriously ill, what is needed is to cure the disease, so to help him seek medical treatment and relieve his suffering, it is seasonal giving.

Fifth, seek things according to the law. This means that the things to be given should be sought in accordance with the law, and the goods should not be obtained by improper means to give alms.

{The Fruit of Generosity}

Giving alms can lead to five kinds of results, namely the five kinds of results of body, longevity, happiness, strength, and eloquence. These five kinds of results can be obtained by both the giver and the receiver, and the way of meditating and meditating on giving alms cannot make people obtain these five kinds of results at all, so they are not considered almsgiving. And the visualizer himself cannot attain these five kinds of results. Depending on the object of generosity, the results received vary, as can be found in the Bodhisattva Sutra of Sorrow and Sorrow. For example, giving alms to animals will be rewarded a hundredfold; giving alms to a person who breaks the vows will be rewarded a thousandfold; giving alms to a person who holds the vows will be rewarded a hundred thousand times over. If you give alms to a renunciator of the outer path, you will be rewarded a million times over; if you give alms to a person who is a pathfinder, you will be rewarded with hundreds of billions. If you give alms and make offerings to a first-born person, but as for becoming a Buddha, you are immeasurable rewards. If a person who gives alms has the following three things, he will not be able to get the reward of victory after giving alms. First, first more hearts, then less and less -- originally the heart promised to give how much, but afterwards did not fully do, for example, has promised and promised to take 10,000 yuan to help the other party, but in fact only took 5,000 yuan. The result of giving five thousand yuan in this way will still be there in the end, but it is not very good, and it may be very reluctant to get it. Second, choose evil things and persist in giving them to others - some people like to give things they don't want, or send old things to Buddhist temples, which is not the right approach, so that the results are wonderful. You should give the other person the best thing or what the other person really needs, and this is the same kind of charity. Third, having done charity, I often hear a sentence in my heart when I feel remorseful, that is, "I regret helping him!" In fact, there is no need for this, help is to help, it has already been helped, because the causes are different, the past will let it pass. If there is remorse in the heart, the results will be wonderful.

Buddhism: How to give alms

In general, generosity is divided into three main parts: financial almsgiving, Dharma almsgiving, and fearless generosity.

Cultivating wealth and giving away wealth, practicing Fa-giving to gain wisdom and wisdom, and cultivating fearless generosity to obtain health and longevity.

First, financial almsgiving: internal wealth, foreign wealth. For example, giving away your physical strength and helping others to work is giving away your inner wealth; giving away your money to help others is external wealth giving.

2. Fabushi: Preaching the scriptures, printing the scriptures and making friends with others, recording the discs of the sermons and sayings, and persuading people to learn Buddhism are all Fabushi.

Third, fearless generosity: Fearless generosity is to make sentient beings no longer feel afraid. In its simplest, to be vegetarian is to be fearless (because if you don't eat them, they won't die because of our appetites). Release is also fearless charity.


First, heyan charity: to others, give a pleasant generosity.

Second, words and charity: the generosity of saying good things to people, with a good heart, doing good deeds, being a good person, saying good words, and encouraging people to practice them in a practical way.

Third, heart giving: the charity of the heart conceived for the other party and the heart that is considerate of sentient beings.

Fourth, eye shi: look at people with kind eyes.

Fifth, body giving: practice what you preach, help others, such as helping people with luggage.

Sixth, seat charity: the generosity of giving to people.

Seventh, Cha Shi: Don't ask the other party, you know the other person's psychology. If you practice these seven almsgiving, luck will follow.

Buddhism: How to give alms

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