
The latest announcement of China Resources Shuanghe: two drugs of the subsidiary were approved for production

author:Securities Star

CR Shuanghe announced that CHINA RESOURCES SECCO, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, received the "Drug Registration Certificate" of amlodipine atorvastatin calcium tablets and sildenafil citrate tablets issued by the State Drug Administration to approve the production of these drugs.

According to the third quarterly report of China Resources Shuanghe in 2021, the company's main revenue was 6.875 billion yuan, up 7.87% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the mother was 889 million yuan, up 1.8% year-on-year; the deduction of non-net profit was 835 million yuan, up 0.16% year-on-year; among them, in the third quarter of 2021, the company's single-quarter main revenue was 2.245 billion yuan, up 0.84% year-on-year; the single-quarter net profit attributable to the mother was 294 million yuan, down 7.72% year-on-year. In the single quarter, the non-net profit was 277 million yuan, down 9.84% year-on-year; the debt ratio was 22.0%, the investment income was 12.538 million yuan, the financial expense was -23.4589 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 57.78%.

In the past 90 days, a total of 1 institution has given a rating and overweighted 1; the target average price of institutions in the past 90 days has been 12.72; the net outflow of financing in the past 3 months has been 27.3093 million, and the balance of financing has decreased; and the net outflow of margin is 1.1091 million, and the balance of margin has decreased. According to the Valuation Analysis Tool of Securities Star, China Resources Shuanghe (600062) has a good company rating of 3.5 stars, a good price rating of 3.5 stars, and a comprehensive valuation rating of 3.5 stars.

The chairman of the company is Feng Yi. Mr. Feng Yi: Born in April 1962, Chinese nationality, master's degree, once served as the director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the deputy general manager of the personnel department of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., the deputy general manager of China Resources Snow Beer (Panjin) Co., Ltd., the deputy general manager of China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd., the party secretary, chief human resources officer, vice president and senior vice president of Zhuhai China Resources Bank Co., Ltd., the senior vice president of China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., the senior vice president of China Resources Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Supervisor of Dong'e Ejiao Co., Ltd. He is currently the Party Secretary and Chairman of China Resources Shuanghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

This article is compiled by the Securities Star Data Center based on publicly available data and does not constitute investment opinions or suggestions, if there are any problems in the text, please contact us.

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