
Feng Yi, Chairman of China Resources Shuanghe: Go all out to seek breakthroughs and changes| Pharmaceutical biology 2021 Thoughts


Editor's note: Can the pharmaceutical and biological industry usher in the long-awaited golden age of scientific research and application? What kind of actions and observations do industry researchers, practitioners, investors and observers have? Thoughts inspire ideas, the financial industry "Pharmaceutical biology 2021 thought record: golden age needs and love" heavy online, with important companies to walk together, connect the strongest thought waves in the field of medicine and biology!

Recently, China Resources Shuanghe released its 2020 social responsibility report. Feng Yi, chairman of Crs Shuanghe, said in his speech at the report that in 2020, CR Shuanghe will grasp the fight against the epidemic with one hand and the operation with the other, laying a good foundation for the smooth start of the "14th Five-Year Plan" while practicing responsibility.

In 2020, CR Shuanghe sought development with change, unswervingly implemented the strategic path of "low cost, multi-variety, large-scale and high quality", carried out organizational changes, optimized resource allocation, promoted innovation-driven transformation, accelerated epitaxial mergers and acquisitions, and laid out the field of anti-coagulation technology. Feng Yi said that looking forward to the "14th Five-Year Plan", CR Shuanghe is committed to "becoming a world-class pharmaceutical enterprise trusted by the public and driven by innovation", riding the wind and waves to meet people's new expectations for health, and bravely moving forward.

The following is the full text:

Ride the wind and waves to start a new journey, and Miao Li will pursue his dreams with one heart

The spring breeze is strong, and the long wind breaks the waves. In the blink of an eye, we have ushered in the spring of 2021.

The past 2020 has been an extraordinary year. This year is the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan, a year of encounter with the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and a year of continuous deepening of the reform of the three medical linkages. This year, the procurement of quantity was promoted as scheduled, the domestic innovative drug Qianfan competed, and the "Internet + medical insurance" finally broke the situation. Under the unprecedented changes in a century, opportunities and challenges coexist.

At the end of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", looking back on the glory years, China Resources Double Crane, born in the flames of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, has always been determined at the critical moment of the great changes in the country, stepped forward, went all out to seek breakthroughs and changes, and embarked on an extraordinary road. In 2020, in the face of the double test of the new crown epidemic and industry change, CR Shuanghe led all employees to practice the spirit of Taihang in the new era, unite as one, cut through thorns and thorns, forge ahead, and stand up and dedicate when the motherland and the people need it most. On the one hand, we grasp the anti-epidemic supply, support the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, ensure the supply of drugs, and practice the responsibility of red enterprises with the style of retrogrades; on the other hand, we grasp production and operation, conduct in-depth research and judgment, pool wisdom, pool wisdom and efforts, and boldly break the situation, clarify the strategic positioning and development blueprint, and lay a good foundation for the smooth start of the "14th Five-Year Plan".

We are not afraid of difficulties, change and development. Unswervingly implement the strategic path of "low cost, multi-variety, large-scale and high quality", carry out organizational changes, optimize resource allocation, promote innovation-driven transformation, accelerate epitaxial mergers and acquisitions, and lay out the field of anti-coagulation technology.

We fight the epidemic and ensure supply, and build a solid epidemic prevention embankment. Take ensuring market supply as the primary task, quickly resume work and production, and transport drugs to key hospitals for epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible; raise epidemic prevention materials from many sources, support the frontline of anti-epidemic, adhere to the rear area of epidemic prevention, and live up to the mission and trust.

We are determined to innovate and embark on the road of transformation. After action learning, we have determined the 3rd path of R&D innovation, driven the company's development with transformation and innovation, accelerated product acquisition both internal and external repair, led industrial upgrading, and built the core driving force of business growth, laying a good start for innovation and transformation.

We uphold the original intention, the pursuit of excellence in quality. Continuously establish and improve an all-round, full-cycle quality management system; actively promote quality research, pursue excellence and pilot, and provide the public with safe and secure drugs with higher efficiency, better quality and lower price.

We advocate compliance and forge a shield of compliance. Continue to build a company-wide compliance management system, build a compliance panorama, standardize the behavior of cooperation and exchanges between companies, abide by the rules of fair competition market, protect the benign competition mechanism, and work with partners to create a good business environment.

We are grateful and give back to the community. Actively embrace procurement with quantity, practice the responsibility of state-owned enterprises; promote the sinking of excellent medical resources and help the strategy of rural revitalization; carry out special brand public welfare activities, actively alleviate poverty and help the poor, donate funds for education, and pass on care to every corner of society.

We develop green and build an ecological civilization. The development of green products, cleaner production, and resource recycling are always unremitting; actively promote the regeneration and recycling of resources, increase investment in pollution prevention and ecological protection capacity building, and protect the living environment of green mountains and beautiful waters.

Based on the present, looking back at the past, looking forward to the future, you can always see the imprint engraved on the time coordinates shining brightly. Looking back at the "13th Five-Year Plan", we have achieved fruitful results; looking forward to the "14th Five-Year Plan", we have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders. The blueprint of "becoming a world-class pharmaceutical enterprise trusted by the public and driven by innovation" has been drawn, with a bright future and a stimulating effort. We are willing to work with a wide range of stakeholders to build new dreams, ride the wind and waves to meet people's new expectations for health, and move forward with courage!

Profile: Feng Yi, graduated from Beijing Iron and Steel Institute (now University of Science and Technology Beijing) majoring in metallurgical machinery, and master's degree in business administration for senior executives of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He once served as the director of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the deputy general manager of the personnel department of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., and the senior vice president of China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. He is currently the Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Shuanghe.

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