
The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

author:Hometown Xuchang
The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

【Weekend, follow Lao Liang to Xuchang】

Stop 216: West Lake Park

Wen Tu ‖ Liang Yaoguo

Dexing Pavilion

I broke my finger and calculated, a large West Lake Park, the earliest building built, I am afraid it is not the Dexing Pavilion. To say that it is the earliest, in fact, it is fifty or sixty years old.

Dexing Pavilion was, and still is, the tallest building in the park. Since its inauguration, it has become the most classic place to take photos: visitors sit on the edge of the terrazzo pond on the south side of the fountain, with red-crowned crane sculptures in the pool and rockeries stacked with thin stones in the West Lake in the foreground, and the distant view is the tall palm trees and the Dexing Pavilion on the great shore. (Want to see where the old Liang went from the last stop?) Welcome to click on the following link to enjoy: Blood-stained past: 1924, Xuchang Yanzhaidian People's Anti-Bandit Record)

In my home, there are still photos of my grandmother, my parents, me, and four generations of my son as a background. Unfortunately, this scene has become a memory forever. The reason for this is that the fountain used as a foreground has been demolished and replaced by a group of figure statues of Xun Shu and Chen Yu.

Below: The once fountain became a group of sculptures.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

In fact, the Dexing Pavilion was built to commemorate a meeting between the Xun and Chen families. According to legend, during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Taishi officials looked at the stars and xiangrui, saying that there would be people of great virtue in the world, and they learned that Xun Shu and Chen Yu were also famous for the Yingchuan sages, so they were recorded in the annals of history.

Xun Shu (荀淑), the twelfth grandson of Xun Zi (荀子), and Chen Yu (陈寔), was the head of Taiqiu (太丘長). Chen Yu's third room is a girl from the Xun family. Chen Yi took his children and grandchildren, originally went to the Xun family to visit relatives, but as a result, he was written by the Taishiguan, which actually achieved an allusion, a good story, and then there was the Dexing Pavilion (also called juxing Pavilion) that we see now.

Dexing Pavilion, brick-concrete structure, modern style, a total of three floors. Climbing up the stairs, there is a pair of couplets on the front column on the first floor, and the upper and lower links are:

Rende Zhongxiao is well known

Honesty and honesty shake the ancient and modern

The yang side of the wall in the pavilion originally had Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", but when it was rebuilt in 2012, it was replaced by a relief of "Gentleman on The Beam". The yin side is still the introduction of Dexing pavilion, and the content has been slightly modified from before. The second floor is the office of the Management Service. Go up the outer staircase to the third floor, and the railing overlooks the park.

The turning point in my life is actually related to Dexing pavilion.

One day in July 1995, I took my son to the park to play, just in time for the Xuchang Asia Hotel to engage in recruitment activities on the Dexing Pavilion, I held the psychology of trying it out, worried and uneasy to come to the recruitment site set up on the third floor, filled out the form, did not expect to receive the offer letter a few days later. At that time, I was very troubled, go, I will lose the identity of the national fixed worker; if I don't go, I will not have the opportunity to go out once I am thirty years old. Weighing and weighing, at the end of the day, I still rushed to the fame of Asia Minor, and reluctantly left the coal machine factory for which I had struggled for eight years.

Now that I think about it, I really should thank Dexingting! Hats off to Dexing Pavilion!

Below: Dexing Pavilion.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

West Lake Lotus Boat

West Lake Lotus Boat, this name is quite poetic, a glance to know that the name of the person is a cultural person with a heritage.

Boats, boats also. If the name is West Lake Lotus Boat, the slag of the soil is not said, nor is it elegant. West Lake Lotus Boat, it is much better to listen.

West Lake Lotus Boat was built at the time of the upgrading of West Lake Park, and has been more than seven years now.

When people think of ships, they immediately think that the materials used for shipbuilding are either wood or steel. Don't be afraid you won't believe it, but the West Lake Lotus Boat is made of steel and cement. You may ask, how can such a monster not sink when it encounters a fierce wind and rain? I dare to pat my chest and say that if it sinks, I will walk down with my head down. Haha, don't sell Guanzi, to be honest with you, you can't see my joke in this life. Why? Because it is built on a solid pile foundation, not to mention the wind and rain, even an eight-magnitude earthquake can not help it.

West Lake Lotus Boat, antique boat appearance, front and back, curled edges. The bow has two floors, the cornice is angled, and the stern is three floors, similar in shape to the bow, except that there is an inner staircase that can be placed up to the second floor, up to the third floor attic. On the second floor, there is a corridor connecting the bow and stern. During the construction of the lotus boat, I climbed to the attic. After the repair, because I was contracted to deal with cold drinks for individuals, I never went to school again.

Since it is called a lotus boat, there should be a lotus to be appreciated. Unfortunately, the lotus planted in the water on the south side of the lotus ship does not know whether it is unsatisfactory to the water and soil, or for other reasons, one tree is not alive, let alone talk about appreciating the lotus.

In the middle of summer nights, ask for a cold drink, while tasting, while cooling, watching the sparkling light, listening to intoxicating music, smelling the rich flowers, but also a kind of enjoyment!

Below: West Lake Lotus Front.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

Elephant slide

Back thirty years ago, the amusement facilities in the children's playground seemed to have only wave pearls, high-altitude tour cars, bumper cars, crazy rats, spinning dragon boats, trampolines, and then cement elephant slides. Of these rides, only the elephant slide was free to play, so in that era of tight money, there were always long queues here on holidays, while other places were full of birds.

When the park was upgraded, in addition to the elephant slide, other old amusement facilities were dismantled and replaced by strange jumping machines, pirate ships, ferris wheels, carousels, etc., as well as many unnamed amusement projects. The originally empty paradise is now crowded with facilities, and the space is narrow and suffocating. The elephant slide is hidden in it.

The little nephew took him for a walk in the park at night, and the preferred target was to slide the elephant slide. Although the lights were dim, before you could get to the place, you could hear the children chattering and laughing. At this time, the pocket was not timid, left us, spread his legs like a fly, and ran straight towards the elephant slide.

Don't look at the children are small, they behave more obediently than adults, and none of them cut in line. Without adult teaching, when you encounter an age younger than yourself, you will take the initiative to take it into your arms, for fear of bumping it. After a while, one by one, the heads were covered in sweat. Once, when there were few people, I also went up to play and felt the lost childlike fun.

An elephant slide that fulfills the childhood dreams of two generations!

Below: Elephant slide.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

August laurel rain

Around the Mid-Autumn Festival, passing near the Dexing Pavilion, the cinnamon incense will come to the face. So, stop the hurried steps, take a deep breath, and try to suck this intoxicating aroma into the stomach.

Admire the moon under the laurel. Guixia tea tasting. Drink under Guixia. Listen to the rain under Katsura...

Close your eyes, think about the picture above, is it full of poetry, whether you want to linger in it, be the moon appreciator, be the tea taster, or lie drunk under the laurel and listen to the rain. (For other masterpieces written by Mr. Liang Yaoguo, please click on the following link: Qi, a tree actually gave birth to three different leaves!) )

In fact, people's humanistic feelings for osmanthus have a long history and have been endowed with many beautiful yearnings.

"Knowing that the osmanthus flowers in the sky are lonely, I would like to ask Chang'e to be more innocent." Tsukuni is fortunate to have a spare field, so why not plant two plants in the center. This is the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi using the white painting technique to give Chang'e a suggestion for planting gui in the moon palace. On the way to Jiangnan, he also wrote "Jiangnan memories, the most memorable is Hangzhou." Yamaji temple in the middle of the month to find katsurako, gun pavilion pillow to see the tide head" famous sentence.

In addition, the best works of Yong Gui in Tang poems also include Wang Wei's "People idle osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet in the spring mountain sky." Song Zhi asked, "The guizi moon is full, and the heavenly fragrance is floating outside the clouds." "Li Shangyin's" Last night the West Pond was full of cool dew, and the osmanthus flowers blew off the incense in the moon. "Wait, the list goes on.

In the Song Dynasty, There were also many poems by Yong Gui, among which there was Wang Jue's "Green jade branches are a millet of yellow, and the dream soul in the bisha tent is fragrant." "Zhu Xi's" pavilion under the rock gui, the age is unique and fragrant. "Song Gaozu's" autumn into the Youyan Guiying Group, fragrant deep millet millet illuminating Lin Dan. "Yang Wanli" is not a human species, but moved from the middle of the moon. A little bit of broad cold incense, blowing all over the mountain. Words are a new style created by the Song Dynasty, and the words borrowed from Gui yan are Li Qingzhao's "plum blossom jealousy, chrysanthemum shyness, painting column opening crown Mid-Autumn Festival." Zhou Bangyan's "Autumn wind is tender, and the osmanthus flowers are beginning." The people in Ruizhu Palace are difficult to learn. ”

In modern times, there are relatively few poems and good sentences written in Gui, among which there are famous Ones of Tan Sitong's "Osmanthus Autumn Garden, Cool Dew Night Three More." "Chairman Mao's" interrogated Wu Ganghe, and Wu Gang held out osmanthus wine. ”

Writing this, I feel as if I am drunk!

Below: Osmanthus tree in front of dexing pavilion.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

The persimmons are red

Outside the park office area, there were originally five persimmon trees with thick bowls, two on the east side of the Yongdao and three on the west side. The two trees on the east side may have hurt the roots of the trees during the upgrading and transformation of the park, one dead, one dying, while the three trees on the west side just circled into the flower beds of the herbs, the soil is loose and fertile, so the growth is gratifying, and the fruits are full of branches.

Because I love to eat fresh things, I have long paid special attention to these persimmon trees, more precisely, the persimmons that are knotted on the persimmon trees. From the ice jade persimmon flowers to the green jade persimmons, the persimmons from green to yellow to red, every morning practice passing under the tree, I will glance at it a few times. I have not looked at this very tightly, from 1987 to the present, a full 33 years of staring, which shows my greedy nature.

Entering the eighth month of the lunar calendar, persimmons begin to turn from green to yellow. The four-petaled persimmon begins in ripening mode first, followed by mirror persimmons, milled persimmons, and finally winter oil persimmons. On a cold day, the golden winter oil persimmons are still hanging from the branches, if you can't help but tempt to pick one and taste it, your mouth is full of astringency. Birds are spiritual and do not taste this thing even if they perch on a tree.

These persimmon trees in the park are all four-petaled persimmons. Don't look at the four-petaled persimmon is small, ripe, and can sweeten your teeth when eaten. In order to eat this fresh thing early, as soon as I entered the threshold of August, I got up earlier than the chicken, hurried to the tree, and looked for the fallen "persimmon flowers (another name for early ripening persimmons)". Luckily, I picked one up, opened a small mouth on the skin, and sucked it gently with my mouth, Oh, that sweet, no say.

In fact, the gray magpies had already set their sights on these fruits earlier than I could, and they flew in droves, pressed the fallen branches, and frantically and greedily preyed on them, without any regard for my feelings under the tree. I can only be angry. At that moment, I only hated myself for having one less pair of wings. Otherwise, where is their share.

In the meantime, I had not yet picked up a persimmon under the tree, either the leftover mouth handle of the magpie, or it fell down and fell to pieces. There was a mess under the trees.

Whenever I see persimmon trees, I can only lament: this year's persimmons are only afraid that they will not be able to eat them again!

Pictured below: Fruit-laden persimmons.

The five beauties of West Lake Park may not be seen by the old Xuchang people

【About the author】Liang Yaoguo, currently working in Xuchang Real Estate Transaction and Leasing Management Office, is a member of Henan Writers Association, a member of Henan Miscellaneous Literature Society, and a member of China Folk Photography Association.

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Love Xuchang's hometown, see "Hometown Xuchang". Hometown Xuchang, feelings, temperature, taste!

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