
Bethune's journey to aid China's anti-Japanese resistance in Lingqiu

author:New information of the times

Bethune's anti-Japanese tour of China in Lingqiu consisted of the attractions of four villages: Yangzhuang, Hezhe, Quhui Temple, and Huata. Bethune spent 103 days in Lingqiu, and in the nearly two years of China's military turmoil, he stayed the longest in Lingqiu, the land of the old revolutionary area. Choosing this route, the majority of tourists can visit the former site of Yangzhuang Bethune Special Surgery Hospital, the first branch of the rear hospital of the 359th Brigade in Hezhe, and the second branch of the rear hospital of the 359th Brigade of Quhui Temple, where Bethune lived and fought, personally understand the deeds of Bethune, and feel bethune's lofty internationalist spirit in the real scene.

Bethune's journey to aid China's anti-Japanese resistance in Lingqiu

Yangzhuang Village includes the former site of Bethune Special Surgery Hospital, Bethune Sculpture Square, Friendship Bridge and other attractions. This traditional village, built on a ravine, still has bethune's story. Next to the village opera stage, a marble statue of Bethune is printed in front of the eyes, and the stone wall of the main wall is engraved with the full text of Mao Zedong's "In Memory of Bethune". Bethune Special Surgery Hospital was proposed by Bethune and established on December 15, 1938, the hospital inpatient department is located in a courtyard on the north side of the village, the gate of the old site of the hospital is a green brick vaulted gatehouse, with hospital offices, wounded reception rooms, disposal rooms, and external departments. The interior includes a scene sculpture of Bethune performing surgery, an original wide-mouth infusion device, a wooden infusion rack and disinfection facilities, surgical instruments, military doctor hats and other old-fashioned items, and the touching deeds of Bethune are displayed on the wall panels. A two-story building in Pogen, the east of the village, is Bethune's office and bedroom, now changed to the Bethune Memorial Hall, which includes medical artifacts from that period, and the photos on the wall show Bethune's life deeds; in November 1938, in order to facilitate the people on both sides of the ditch, especially the wounded, Mr. Bethune proposed and participated in the construction of a wooden bridge in the river, in order to commemorate this event, a stone bridge was rebuilt after the founding of New China, and named "Friendship Bridge", which is still serving the local people. In 1996, the former site of Bethune Special Hospital was identified by the Lingqiu County People's Government as a key cultural relics protection unit in Lingqiu County, in 2008 it was identified as a clean government education base, in 2012 it was announced by the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government as a provincial patriotic education base, in 2016 by the Shanxi Provincial People's Government as a provincial-level cultural relics protection unit, and in 2021 by the Shanxi Provincial People's Government as the fourth batch of national defense education bases in Shanxi Province.

Bethune's journey to aid China's anti-Japanese resistance in Lingqiu

Quhui Temple Village includes the Second Branch of the Rear Hospital (Zhong's Residence), the Quhui Temple Stone Statue Tomb Museum, and the Tang Dynasty Stone Statue Tomb Group. Quhui Temple was the second branch of the rear hospital at that time, that is, the Zhong Family Residence, where Bethune once treated patients and saved people, and the existing south room and gate tower are relics of the Qing Dynasty. Quhui Temple Stone Statue Tomb Museum is located on the side of the 108 National Road, the museum displays precious excavated cultural relics Buddhist statues and unearthed gold and silver ware pictures, and through holographic projection technology to show the stone pagoda construction process, a large number of historical background information, focusing on the long history and splendid culture of Quhui Temple. This area can appreciate the world-famous Quhui Temple Tang Dynasty stone statue tomb, the appearance of the earth and stone tomb mound, the content of the stone statue in the tomb for Buddha, Bodhisattva, donor, etc., the large height of about 1.5 meters, the small less than 0.3 meters, there are circular carvings, semi-circular carvings, reliefs, sitting and standing, different forms, lifelike, "Quhui Temple Stone Statue Tomb" has a very high historical, cultural, artistic value, is a national key cultural relics protection unit.

Bethune's journey to aid China's anti-Japanese resistance in Lingqiu

The scenic spots of Hezhe Village include the first branch of the rear hospital of the 359th Brigade, the Martyrs' Monument Pavilion, the ruins of the fortifications of the 359th Brigade, and the shadow wall of the Wudao Temple. Hezhe Village is a beautiful ancient village surrounded by green mountains and flowers, every household has a few clean windows, red tiles and white walls of stone courtyard walls, most of the houses are old-fashioned stone buildings, each construction is fresh and elegant, the village has both landscapes and beautiful scenery. In the summer of 1938, the brigade headquarters of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army was stationed in Lingqiu under the leadership of Brigadier Wang Zhen. Subsequently, the 359 brigade health department stationed in Hezhe Village, at the same time set up a branch of the rear hospital in Hezhe Village, the old site construction area of 52 square meters, so far the original appearance of the stone cave is still the same, now the courtyard is idle, the overall preservation is better, Bethune has come to a branch office many times to treat the wounded, once here for the founding major general Peng Qingyun to do amputation, but also to save the wounded personally donated blood; the Martyrs Monument Pavilion is located next to the village 108 national road, covering an area of 30 square meters, from September 1938, since September 1938, The martyrs of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army were buried here, and some of the wounded of the First Branch Were unfortunately deceased due to the harsh environment and limited medical conditions, and the 359th Brigade set aside an open space in Antai (place name) under the village of Hezhe to bury the remains of the martyrs, and 2 monumental pavilions were built on the site today, which is better protected; the site of the fortifications of the 359th Brigade is located on the hill behind the village of Hezhe in Duyu Township, and in early 1939, the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army built fortifications here. The site covers an area of 1,000 square meters, the trench is about 1.5 meters wide and more than 150 meters long, according to the needs of the battle, the curve is straight, straight in the curve; the shadow wall of the five temples is a relic of the Qing Dynasty, with a turtle back pattern.

Bethune's journey to aid China's anti-Japanese resistance in Lingqiu

Huata Village has the former site of the recuperation center of the Six Regiments of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region. After the tiredness of the world, let us explore the paradise to rest our body and mind, the flower tower was once an ideal place for soldiers to heal their wounds. Surrounded by mountains and surrounded by rivers, the river surrounds the village, and at an altitude of 550 meters, it is the lowest point in Datong City. The former Huata Village was almost isolated from the world due to its inaccessibility. The unique geographical location and climatic environment make the village singing birds and flowers in spring and autumn, the climate is pleasant, and it has the reputation of "paradise". (Lingqiu County Culture and Tourism Bureau)

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