
Can Arowana be polycultured? Thunder Arowana polyculture tips, how to avoid big fish eating small fish

author:Fish farming said

Thunder Dragon Fish should be familiar to everyone, right? That is a general term for fish in the family Fish. We can see two kinds of thunder dragons in the market, namely blackfish (snakehead) and seven-star fish (moon fish). Some markets can even see some small fry or adult fish of rainbow thunder dragon fish (southern snakehead), which are all sold as meat fish. Are all thunder dragons so unpopular? No, these varieties are more common, and we have wild ones. Of course, some people with hearts will also take home to raise. However, most people raise ornamental breeds of Thunder Dragons are imported, such as golden cobra Thunder Dragon, Bakar Thunder Dragon, Dark God Thunder Dragon, Magic Sapphire Thunder Dragon, Burgundy Thunder Dragon, etc., they are all pets in the fish tank or aquarium shop. Usually the tank for raising Thunder Dragon Fish is relatively large, but many people think that raising a Thunder Dragon is too monotonous, it is simply oversized! As a result, countless people suddenly wondered, can the thunder dragon fish be polycultured with the thunder dragon fish?

Can Arowana be polycultured? Thunder Arowana polyculture tips, how to avoid big fish eating small fish

Polyculture of fish of the same family of fish is good. If it is also a polyculture of gill fish, it is not necessarily. The polyculture of fish in the same family of fish needs to be noted: the difference in body size of polyculture objects should not be too large, the density should be large, and the avoidance should be more (do not be too much). If the body size difference is very large, for example, the fry of an adult cobra Raven dragon fish and the seedlings of a phantom sapphire Arowana are polycultured, if the Cobra Raven Ray Arowana is in a good mood or has more dodges, or the phantom blue is more agile, the phantom blue can still survive for a while. But most of the time, the cylinder is less than half a day before the blue into the stomach.

I suggest that polycultures should preferably be of the same size so that they don't get bored. Thunder dragon fish are generally more territorially aware when they grow up. At this time, if a fish is suddenly thrown in, the old fish in the tank will definitely go to expel. In the native environment, Thundersaurus also has a sense of territory, in order to establish a safe area for breeding. Although he may not necessarily reproduce in the environment of the tank, his habits have been preserved and cannot be changed. However, if the polyculture density is increased, a large tank raises three or four, five or six. That way, fights will be less common. Because the invaders have more Thunder Dragon's territorial consciousness, it will slowly disappear.

Can Arowana be polycultured? Thunder Arowana polyculture tips, how to avoid big fish eating small fish

When you first enter the tank, you will usually fight first. Of course, the general situation is that the old fish chase the new fish to bite, and it is rare for the new fish to attack the old fish first. This is also the case when Thunder Dragon is paired, usually love to fight and drum up his cheeks when he is fine. As long as it is not a fierce fight, it is no problem, there is no need to separate. If you just enter the rhythm of the dead fish, you will immediately split the tank! In the case of no fight, observe for half an hour, do not be afraid of new fish and old fish hurt, generally the fins are broken, it will not be very serious. After half an hour, the momentum of the general fight will decrease, it will not be so fierce, and it will be tired. After almost an hour, if you can, you can almost stop fighting, you can rest assured.

In fact, it is best to start polyculture from seedlings, and the same variety is less likely to be bitten by the group. However, I still do not recommend that you mix your own Thunder Dragon, because it is very ugly to fight and break the face, and the value will be reduced, and it will take a long time to fully recover. It is also uncertain whether they will fight again during the polyculture period, and if they fight occasionally during the polyculture period, it will also affect the recovery effect and efficiency.

Can Arowana be polycultured? Thunder Arowana polyculture tips, how to avoid big fish eating small fish

If you also like to raise ornamental fish, you may wish to start pointing out a point of attention, all you need to know about fish farming is here.

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