
Invincible Destruction King 2, the biggest Easter egg is hidden here

author:Pocket Lanzhou

As a sequel to 2012's Invincible Destruction King, Invincible Destruction King 2: The Internet Will Land in Theaters Nationwide on November 23. Invincible Vandal became one of only three films in disney's animation work history to have a sequel (the other two being Fantasia 2000 and Rescue Heroes: Adventures in Australia).

Still familiar with the recipe and familiar taste, "Invincible Destruction King 2: The Big Trouble internet" was created by the original director and screenwriter team of the original work, co-directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnstone (co-writers of "Invincible Destruction King" and "Zootopia"), and the original dubbing team from six years ago also fully returned. The protagonists are also the video game villain Ralph the Destruction King and the naughty girl Winellope. Only this time, the place where they ventured was no longer a retro game hall, but a larger and cooler Internet world. "Both Ralph and Vanellope are flawed," says Oscar-winning director Rich Moore, who directed his predecessor, The Invincible Destruction King, "but those flaws make them more beloved." Their friendship comes from the heart, and their chemistry is very attractive, so everyone wants to get to know them better. Recently, Richie Moore also came to China to share the story behind the production of Zootopia and Invincible Destruction King 2.

Invincible Destruction King 2, the biggest Easter egg is hidden here

Stills from Invincible Destruction King 2

After "Zootopia", continue to do such a "cool" subject, the director said that he wanted to hit the iron while it was hot: "After filming "Zootopia", we have the ability to create a super-large-scale city, and each area has its own characteristics, realistic details, and the residents are also very diverse. Animation technology has advanced rapidly in recent years, so we want to hit the iron while it is hot and explore the internet world through Invincible Destruction King 2. The Internet is not only a behemoth, but also a variety of characters in the scenes. In terms of scenes, characters, design, and technology, this is probably the most complex cartoon we have ever made. ”

In addition to old friends, there are also new faces in Invincible Destruction King 2, such as Yesss, who is the algorithm director of the popular website Pop, and she is familiar with how the Internet works. Character Art Director Yami Thompson said: "Sister Zan is at the forefront of fashion, so her appearance is a bit ahead of the curve. We customized a cool fiber optic coat for her and designed 6 hairstyles. Zanjie represents the essence of the continuous progress of the Internet, and she is also very humorous. ”

Knowsmore is the front desk for a search engine that can provide clues. Jackpot is a completely old pedant. So when he was designed, he wore a pair of large glasses, a bachelor's hat with tassels, and the appearance of a small professor.

"Invincible Destruction King 2" also has a setting, it is easy to make everyone can't help but think of "Ready Player One".

It is designed to be "network users" and "network citizens": network users are virtual villains that people in the real world use when accessing the Internet. Web users look around for the best deals and inquire about the latest gossip. Most internet users are unaware of each other's existence, and are manipulated by a complex transportation system, navigating the vast Internet world. Cyber citizens are native residents of the Internet. They are employees of major websites and are responsible for guiding online users to buy goods and retrieve information. Sister Zan and Mastercard are internet citizens.

Invincible Destruction King 2, the biggest Easter egg is hidden here

Internet world

The embodiment of the Internet world

According to art director Corey Loftis, they also had to consider the visual appearance in the first film. "Destruction King Ralph and Vanellope still live in that world, so the overall style can't be completely detached from the original. In "Invincible Destruction King", games such as "Quick Hand Ashu", "Hero Mission", "Sweet Rush" and so on have their own unique visual styles. They're still there in the new movie, so we need to refer to the original design. ”

And there is also a new scene in "Invincible Destruction King 2", that is, the Internet world. Rich Moore shared at the scene that when making "Zootopia", the team went to distant Africa to collect wind, and when making "Invincible Destruction King 2", the team moved to an Internet company a few kilometers away from the head office.

The Internet in the Invincible Destruction King 2 movie is not just a city, but an entire planet, as layered as Earth. The oldest sites are clustered in the center of the earth, and the higher you go up, the more novel and modern they look. All websites can be traced back to the most original system. Because in reality, the Internet is connected through physical cables, and every building in the movie is also connected together.

Art director Loftis said that when designing the appearance of the Internet world, the artist deliberately avoided finding inspiration from physical objects (such as the game Central Station, which was designed according to a power plug board in the first film), because people's first impression of the Internet was wireless devices and brand new mobile applications. "They all have a similar modern design aesthetic, as is the case for almost all operating platforms, such as square icons with smooth four corners, which are easy to identify and simple and atmospheric," he says. The choice of color matching is refreshing and bright, but it is not necessary to use the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue, such as cyan and magenta, which are becoming more and more popular. This forms the look and color of the Internet in the movie. ”

In order to create a large and busy scene, the designers also drew inspiration from big cities such as Manhattan, Shanghai, and Dubai. Larry Wu, director of scene design, said: "We want to create a steel jungle above the heads of cyber citizens. Each building represents a website, and the higher the building, the larger the website. There are also many components suspended in the air next to the building, making them look unpredictable, reflecting the rapid changes and vitality of the Internet. ”

The creators even created a sophisticated transportation system. Matthias Lechner, scene art director, said: "Cyber citizens working in the internet world can walk freely here, and they can even be annoyed by the traffic jams caused by internet users. After a web user visits a search engine and clicks on a link, a car representing the link will appear next to the virtual villain and send the user directly to the destination website. ”

Invincible Destruction King 2, the biggest Easter egg is hidden here

The biggest Easter egg: the return of Disney's princesses

From the moment the first edition of Invincible Destruction 2 was edited, the creators knew there was one clip that was definitely worth keeping—the princesses of many of Disney's best-known films appeared in the same frame in a relaxed, fun, and faithful way.

Screenwriter Pamela Ripon was a little skeptical at first about putting the beloved classic characters into a modern scene, but out of love for Vanellope, she decided to give it a try. Ribbon said: "Strictly speaking, Vanellope is a princess, but she has never joined the Disney PrincessEs. She is the princess in my mind, and I wish she could be one of them. ”

Johnston said: "Considering Vanellope's stubborn personality and untrimmed dress, the idea of having her in the same room with all the Disney princesses was interesting from the start. As the plot progresses, in order to better serve the storyline, we have made a lot of changes to this scene. Vanellope is growing, so meeting the princesses is integral to her storyline. ”

In turn, Vanellope had an influence on the princesses, and even the character art director began to design casual clothes for the princesses who had always been dressed. They incorporated the princess's respective stories into modern dresses, such as Cinderella's t-shirt with a pumpkin cart with the words 'g2g' written on it, meaning 'I have to go'; Snow White's jeans with an apple print; Princess Merida's vest with a bear and the words 'Mom' printed on it. The designers also designed band-style, flannel-style and American motorcycle-style T-shirts.

Invincible Destruction King 2, the biggest Easter egg is hidden here

Disney princesses

The source | The Paper

Edit the | Liu Yang

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