
How to spend an efficient and happy day

author:Oranges that love to learn

The three tools of self-discipline are "time management", "energy management" and "emotional management", how to use them in specific lives.

time management:

1. Get up early

Get up 1 hour early every day to read, a month accumulated, more than others 30 hours of reading time, short time may not see any difference, long-term, will see qualitative changes in the body.

The way of thinking, the habits of behavior will become different.

Get up early to make a breakfast, enjoy the reading time without external interference, think about today's plans, today's outfit, and get up early to make me calm.

2. Simple chores are handled in a timely manner

The brain's storage space is limited, and if the things that can be done immediately are dragged out, they will occupy rare and valuable space in the brain, and the energy will be dispersed, so it is dealt with in time.

3. Spend a little time every day on important and non-urgent things

Patience is the most precious quality in mature adults, and important things need to be accumulated continuously, and time is deliberately spent every day on important and non-urgent things. For example, reading, examining, baking, writing.

4. Set a time limit

Every year we will have our own flag, in a hurry, the time has passed more than half, the goal progress on the target list has not made any progress, not that we don't want to do it, but I feel that I wait, and then do it later.

At this time, it is very important to set the deadline, and what progress is completed at what time.

It can also be used in life, such as watching entertainment videos to deliberately pay attention to the length of time.

5. Classify the time

Think about what's most important to you right now, how your time allocation is every day in your entertainment, study, health, socializing, work, and family. Spend your time on the things that make the most sense.

Energy Management:

1. Deliberately protect attention

Every day we are surrounded by a large amount of information, WeChat from time to time message reminders, Weibo hotspot recommendations, Douyin according to the algorithm to calculate our favorite videos, always grab our attention.

And every time the message is switched, it takes more energy to return to the original state. For example, in the process of learning, the behavior of repeatedly looking at the mobile phone.

2. Step-by-step management of energy

The morning energy is the most energetic, used to do some difficult things, such as writing articles, reading more difficult books.

In the afternoon, when your energy drops, you can choose to listen to books, read public accounts, or watch collected documentaries.

Always do learning content brain will also be tired, appropriate for him to also convert the channel. For example, after 30 minutes of concentrated reading in the morning, it is also good to walk around the room, drink some water, and be in a daze for a while.

There are other ways to switch channels, such as tidying up the room, chatting with the family, and cooking.

Today I also learned a new content: if you come back from the outside and are tired, it is easy to want to do things that do not require energy and get happy, such as watching short videos, so it is difficult to enter the state of reading again.

But if we read the book directly, we may run away in the process, and some other ideas are filled with some other ideas, and we can't immediately immerse ourselves in reading, which is also good.

Because at least this has the opportunity to talk to the ideas in the head, and later will enter the reading state.

It's easy to go from difficult to simple, but it's hard to switch from simple to difficult. So watching the video directly after work, most of us have a hard time getting out.

3. Energy recovery method

Meditation, exercise, sleep are recommended. Watching entertainment videos takes up our energy and isn't really a break.

Mood Management:

1. Learn to accept joy and sorrow

Emotions are like a fluctuating curve that cannot remain the same. Life is colorful because of its joys and sorrows. Happiness and sadness will always pass. Learn to accept different emotions.

2. Lower the threshold for happiness

Are people happier with more money? Obviously not. When we were young, we would be happy for a few days because of a new dress for the New Year, but the clothes that can be bought at any time now seem to be less fun.

Feelings of happiness are closely related to dopamine. So most people choose to do things that can secrete dopamine, such as watching short videos, eating ice cream, and fried foods.

There are even some people who use drugs because simple activities can no longer prompt them to secrete more dopamine. Their happiness threshold is high.

Dopamine does not bring lasting happiness, and true happiness is persistent and sustainable. Reading is such an activity.

Others feel happy because their happiness threshold is low and simple things can be happy.

3. Live in the moment

Feeling what's happening in the here and now is the most important thing, we can't predict the future, change the past, and people who live in the present have a greater sense of control.

4. Ask the cause of emotions

Why do you have this emotion in the moment, what is the reason for the anger, and what does it have to do with yourself. The responsibility of others does not have to be attributed to oneself.

Cultivate your own bluntness, pay attention to what you can do, instead of expecting too much from others, and let your own joys and sorrows be decided by others.

The above are some of my thoughts on time management, energy management, and emotional management, and I hope that it will be helpful to you after reading it.

The above tools are for us, are used by us, not hard rules that force us to do it. I hope we can all habitually live a good and happy day.

Here is the little orange children's school, welcome everyone to pay attention to me, we grow together.

How to spend an efficient and happy day

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