
A 40-year educational career as a middle school teacher

author:Xiao Bell Lamp

[Press: The public account of "Middle School Teachers and Students" has won the attention and support of teachers and students in the world, and is committed to creating a spiritual home for a generation of middle school teachers and students. Today, we share Mr. Zhang Keli's article "Cultivating clouds and sowing rain for forty years, a lifetime is only for one thing - my education career quadrilogy". The public account of "Middle Teachers and Students" is preparing the editing of the paper version of the public account of "Middle Teachers and Students", and is carrying out the collection of books for the series of books of "Thousand Schools of Middle Teachers: Me and The School of Middle Teachers", and welcomes teachers and students to provide articles on the life and study of middle schools. We are invited to join the Editorial Board. 】

A 40-year educational career as a middle school teacher

Original title: Forty years of cultivating clouds and sowing rain, my life is only for one thing - my educational career quadrilogy

Author: Zhang Keli

When I graduated from normal school, I was not yet nineteen years old and was assigned to teach at my alma mater, Junshan Middle School in Hanyang County.

Since then, I have been educated for forty years.

The first teacher stood firm.

At the end of the 1970s, the state had just restored the college entrance examination enrollment system, due to the restrictions on the proportion of university enrollment, after graduating from high school and taking the college entrance examination, I was admitted to Hanyang Normal School.

Although it is a secondary normal school, all of the courses offered are university specialist courses, and the training goal is "one specialty and multiple abilities", and it can "lift the pot and put the stove on the stove" when participating in the work.

In the early 1980s, structural shortages of teachers in primary and secondary schools were a common phenomenon. When the private and substitute teachers were fighting the world, we, the graduates of the "science class" teacher training, became the "baby bumps" of primary and secondary schools, acting as "all-rounders" in the teaching of various subjects, and at any time as "firefighters and main battle generals".

In this context, in the first three years of my education work, I have successively taught Chinese, mathematics, history, geography, politics, music and other subjects, and also served as a counselor for the Young Pioneers, secretary of the Youth League Committee, financial accounting and other work.

Because of my conscientious and responsible work, excellent test scores, and active demand for progress, in June 1985, I became the only member of the Communist Party of China among several young teachers.

September 10 of that year was the first Teachers' Day in the country, and at the first Teachers' Day commendation meeting of the Hanyang County Government, I was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Worker" by the county party committee and the county government. At that time, the atmosphere of respecting teachers and emphasizing teaching was strong, and the Junshan Juvenile Management Office in Hubei Province, which was adjacent to the school's friendly cooperation unit, also gave each teacher and staff a bed sheet (worth about 15 yuan, equivalent to one-third of our monthly salary at that time), and invited us to dinner.

In the spring of 1984, Ma Xulong, the vice president in charge of teaching, told me with concern: "You have just taught for a short time now, and there is still a long way to go, and you must determine a full-time discipline as your lifelong career."

At that time, the school's teacher situation, the most lacking is the language teacher, I also understand the "learning is good, teaching is specialized" principle, although the teacher training is science, but I have always been interested in language.

In the 1985 provincial adult college entrance examination, I was admitted to the wuhan institute of education Chinese specialty, and began to systematically learn chinese language and literature knowledge. In 1989, he passed the adult college entrance examination and entered Hubei University to study Chinese language and literature.

Since then, the school has arranged for me to be a Chinese teacher.

In the fall of 1985, I served as the head of the third grade liberal arts group and class teacher.

My wife was pregnant at the time, and our young family lived in a bungalow of less than forty square meters.

In order to let the students in the graduating class study with peace of mind, I patiently did a good job in my wife's work, and arranged two classmates in the class, Liu Wuhua and Li Xiao, who had difficult families and excellent grades, to live in my home.

At that time, rural children studied very hard, and after evening self-study, they still relied on the classroom to study and refused to leave.

I remember that in the middle of the night in the cold winter of March 9, I often crawled out of the bed, wore only a pair of autumn pants and then put on a cotton coat, forcibly turned off the lights in the classroom, and repeatedly urged the students to go back to the dormitory as soon as possible to fall asleep.

In the third year of that year, Zheng Daqing of our class won the middle school entrance examination with 603 points.

Youth and blood sprinkled with vocational education.

After working at my alma mater for six years, in September 1987, due to the separation of husband and wife, I was transferred to the adjacent Hannan District Vocational Training Center to work as a high school Chinese teacher and teacher training class "Chinese Textbook Teaching Method", and concurrently served as the deputy director of the school's political and educational office.

Vocational high school students have slightly worse grades in cultural classes, but they know how to be polite, have personality, and talk about feelings.

Because of the small age difference between teachers and students, students dare to joke with young teachers.

A few female students recommended Karen Shum's romance novel "Love Variations" to me, and female students discussed déjà vu and love at first sight with the teacher about the "Bao Dai First Meeting".

There was a young male teacher who was very angry and a little pedantic because of his surname Peng, and the naughty student gave him a nickname called "Little Foot Basin".

There is also a bold girl Huang xx asked the teacher, "Do you have any unforgettable love?" "The teacher went out to study for such a long time and didn't come back, is he happy to think about it?" ”......

The students of the teacher training class are the backbone teachers of the primary schools in the district, and they are generally older than me and have rich experience in education and teaching.

Due to our close age, we quickly became friends, and the students affectionately called me "Teacher Xiao Zhang".

There is a young female teacher Liu, who was transferred back from Xinjiang, dressed in flowers, can sing and dance, is cheerful and generous, and speaks with a variety of styles.

In the process of teaching, I combined Chinese teaching and real life in a simple and simple way, the lectures were eloquent, the teaching attitude was kind and natural, and she often walked to the podium during the recess and praised me, "Teacher Xiao Zhang, the students all say that your class is good."

People work hard in middle age.

In September 1994, I was transferred to Shamao Middle School for work reasons, which is a newly opened district-level single-set junior high school.

In the first six years of working at this school, I served two consecutive classes of students in the "big cycle" (from the first year of junior high school to the third year of junior high school).

The first batch of students is the worst class in this grade, the top few are poor and there are many students, under the leadership of the squatting leader, I convened several teachers in this class to conduct "consultation-style" discussions, and united to "roll up the sleeves and work hard", and when it came to the middle school examination, our class was on par with other classes. In the third year of the second junior high school, the class Li Ji we brought won the title of "Middle School Entrance Examination Champion" in the whole district.

Since then, I have served as the grade group leader, the deputy director of academic affairs, and the director of the office. In the process of the school's establishment of "Wuhan Open School to the Outside World" and "Wuhan Demonstration School of School Running Level", I did not spare day and night, sacrificed vacation, and accumulated a large number of written materials for the school's creation work, which was fully recognized by the municipal and district education bureaus.

In October 1997, I passed the written examination and expert review and was recognized as a "middle school level Chinese teacher" by the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Personnel.

In December 2002, he was recognized as a "Senior Chinese Teacher in Secondary Schools" by the Municipal Personnel Bureau in the same way.

In the spring of 2004, I invited three teachers from our school (Xiao, Kwong and Yang) to apply for the high school teacher qualification certification and pass it in one go.

In November 2005, because of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage by an elderly teacher in Hannan No. 1 Middle School, I was urgently transferred to the school as a high school Chinese teacher as a "firefighter".

In the ten years of working in Hannan No. 1 Middle School, I have successively served as deputy director of the grade, director of the teaching department, director of the office, and secretary of the fourth party branch.

In May 2010, in the first post setting of professional and technical personnel, I was fully responsible for the formulation of the plan for the post setting of Hannan No. 1 Middle School, personnel classification, post preliminary evaluation, etc. In accordance with the provisions of the document and the conditions I have, I was identified as a "professional and technical sixth-level post" and enjoyed a considerable economic treatment slightly higher than that of civil servants at the deputy department level.

In 2013, in the process of the school's re-evaluation and acceptance of the "Hubei Provincial School-running Level Demonstration High School", as the main person in charge of the data group, I organized everyone to go to Hanyang No. 1 Middle School to observe and study, and in accordance with the requirements of the re-evaluation and acceptance, I compiled 100 boxes of inspection materials (and electronic files), with detailed data specifications, policy heights, ideological depth, practical strength, and replicable experience and practices, which were unanimously praised by the experts of the Provincial Education Supervision Office.

The Year of Destiny enters the institution.

In the spring of 2014, I was seconded to the Party Office of the District Education Bureau.

After entering the district education bureau, I successively engaged in the "party's mass line education practice activities", "creating a national civilized city data collation", "the whole district teacher personnel file cleaning", "accurate poverty alleviation material publicity information" and other work.

In order to create a civilized city in the whole country, the District Education Bureau accepted the task of sorting out the data of "the ideological and moral construction of minors in the whole region" issued by the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee (the District Civilization Committee), and I am the main person responsible for the construction of the data.

After more than twenty days of hard work, we collected the information of all primary and secondary schools, ministries, commissions and bureaus in the whole district, and after compiling it into a book, it was "a hit" in the Municipal Civilization Commission, unlike other units that repeatedly "hit the board" and returned it.

On February 28, 2015, at the commendation meeting held in the Great Hall of the People, Wuhan was awarded the title of the Fourth National Civilized City. Comrade Lin Wei, director of the District Education Bureau, was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Individual" by Wuhan City, and I was also highly praised by the director and secretary. At the beginning of March 2015, the party committee of the bureau arranged for me to assist in cleaning up the personnel files of the teachers and staff in the whole district, focusing on the inventory of the "three ages" (party age, working age, age), "two calendars" (academic qualifications, experience), "one identity" (cadre identity), as well as the time of appointment, starting point education, work changes, academic qualifications, job promotion, etc., which lasted more than three months.

In the second half of 2015, the party committee of the bureau arranged for me to assist in the precision poverty alleviation work, specifically responsible for formulating plans, drafting documents, organizing meetings, compiling and printing materials, information submission, work summary, etc. I assisted in poverty alleviation work for a total of one and a half years, and together with the poverty alleviation task force, I often went to the poverty alleviation point - Dengnan Street Yaotou Village, field investigation of the family situation of poor farmers, discuss effective ways to solve poverty alleviation, during which I wrote more than 600,000 words of written materials, compiled and printed the "Poverty Alleviation Work" Wuhan Development Zone (Hannan District) Education Bureau Precision Poverty Alleviation Work Data Compilation" a total of 4 volumes, by the District Poverty Alleviation Office as a model of information in the promotion of the whole district, at the end of the year to participate in the Municipal Education Bureau precision poverty alleviation assessment, by the municipal bureau leaders highly praised, the Yangtze River Daily has twice used our documentary report, the district education bureau precision poverty alleviation work has been commended by the municipal party committee and municipal government.

In February 2016, after the integration of the education bureaus of the development zone and The Hannan District, I was assigned to the Recruitment and Examination Office to engage in the enrollment of the secondary school entrance examination.

Hannan District is the new urban area of Wuhan City, and the development zone is the central urban area of Wuhan City, although the two districts are administratively entrusted with the implementation of integrated development, but there is still a status quo of "one district, two systems" in the enrollment system. Therefore, the registration and enrollment of the middle school entrance examination must be carried out separately in accordance with the different policies of the two regions, which undoubtedly brings difficulties to our recruitment work.

In addition, the whole process of the current recruitment management is carried out under the network platform, so the recruitment staff must fully understand the enrollment policy of the middle school entrance examination, ensure that every data is accurate, and satisfy every parent and student. At the beginning of 2017, the bureau leaders arranged for me to be independently responsible for the enrollment of the middle school entrance examination.

Since I took over the work of the hand examination, I have been diligent and inquisitive, boldly trying, able to skillfully operate every step of the enrollment platform, and the recruitment work has achieved accurate reporting data, active and meticulous work, and rigorous responses to letters and visits.

The management of the recruitment work has achieved "three in place", that is, the time node is in place, the policy publicity is in place, and the guidance is in place.

In order to facilitate the handling of junior high schools and high schools in the development zone, I go to the schools in the development zone several times a year to handle affairs related to the enrollment examination on the spot. In August 2019, our recruitment and examination office welcomed a new leader, Wang Chaomin, the former principal of Shamao Middle School. After a period of running-in and conditioning, the value status of the recruitment and examination office has been rapidly improved, the responsibilities and functions of the recruitment and examination office have been fully restored, and a good working relationship has been established with all middle schools in the district, departments of the education bureau, and various offices of the municipal recruitment office, and smooth communication and cooperation have been maintained with the member units of the district recruitment and examination committee.

The democratic style of work and humanized management have enabled the staff of the Recruitment and Examination Office to be in a smooth mood, and everyone has done their duty and made concerted efforts to organize the college entrance examination, the middle school entrance examination, the academic examination and various examinations in a safe and orderly manner, and has completed all the tasks assigned by the District Education Bureau.

It should be said that the three years of recruitment work in the district are the most pleasant period in my 40 years of work, and it is also the period when the value of people is best reflected.

However, "the sunset is infinitely better, just near dusk". After the National Day next year, I will reach the age of "passing", and naturally I will return to my hometown!

Here, looking back on the work process of the four stages of life and five units in the past forty years, I can't help but feel a thousand emotions.

Starting from the Hanyang Normal School in the deep Hidden Longke Mountain, to the Junshan Middle School next to the bustling town, to the Hannan Vocational Training Center of the Water Town School, and finally settled in the Shamao Middle School next to the beautiful Shamao Mountain, Hannan No. 1 Middle School, and the bureau office, all the way along the Yangtze River from east to west, tasting the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, bowing to the home country education, such as the river water boat, fighting forward, not living up to the original intention, step by step. Sui Fu gave two small poems of oil to encourage himself:

Years in the koshi can look back, a chalk to write spring and autumn. Teaching and educating people in four steps, only leave the breeze bright moon!

Also known:

Twenty years into the altar, cultivating clouds and sowing rain for forty years, winning peach and plum all over the world, a lifetime only for one thing.

A 40-year educational career as a middle school teacher

About author:Zhang Keli is currently working for the Wuhan Economic Development Zone Education Bureau, a senior teacher