
Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

The sea squirt is one of the oldest species on earth, the sea squirt is an animal, a species that is almost immortal, and is now the object of research that scientists seek regeneration and immortality...

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

Purple-spotted yellow sea squirt, a temporary name, because the book only says that it is one of the species of sea squirts. In other words, the person who published the book is also very unfamiliar with this sea squirt.

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

For the average person, even divers are still very unfamiliar with sea squirts, diving fish books and related websites, and even for the various different sea squirts do not even have names.

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

Purple-spotted yellow sea squirt, divers in Shenzhen and surrounding waters can occasionally see its figure if they pay attention when diving.

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

The sea squirt is widely distributed in the world's major oceans, from tides to deep seas below 1,000 meters.

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

Many scientists believe that sea squirts look like sponges, worms or some plants, but they are far from these species, and in fact, the sea squirts have a closer relationship with humans. The sea squirt is very close to the earliest chordate ancestor of mankind 550 million years ago...

Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

In addition, scientists have identified the underlying mechanisms of complex processes such as sea squirt self-healing and tissue regeneration, which are expected to lay the foundation for human regenerative therapy.


Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

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Marine Primitives (6) - Sea Squirts (2): Purple-spotted yellow sea squirts

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