
The Yandao police station carried out the open day activities of the police camp

author:Market Weekly
The Yandao police station carried out the open day activities of the police camp

In order to further enhance children's awareness of safety precautions, strengthen campus safety education, and build a safe and harmonious campus. Recently, the Yandao Police Station of the Xingjing County Public Security Bureau launched a police camp open day activity, and the children of the Wisdom Star Kindergarten in the jurisdiction walked into the police camp to experience the Tanabata of the police camp at zero distance and personally experience the life of the public security law enforcement team.

In the activity, the police led the children to visit the law enforcement case-handling area, the police dormitory and other places, and then the police showed the guns and police equipment to the teachers and students, and explained in detail the appearance color and logo of the police duty clothing for the teachers and students who visited through vivid and vivid language, and explained in detail the 110 alarm, fire prevention and theft prevention and other self-security protection common sense, through the interaction with teachers and students on the spot, achieved a good learning and communication effect.

(Source: Xingjing County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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Release date:2021-11-05 08:50:03 Category: Government affairs

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