
Yandao Street and the Joint Market Supervision Bureau carried out safety production inspections of food processing enterprises

author:Information News

In order to further do a good job in the supervision of safe production in the jurisdiction, eliminate potential safety hazards, and ensure the safety of people's lives. On June 24, the Yandao Street United Market Supervision Bureau carried out a safety production inspection of food processing enterprises in its jurisdiction.

The inspection found that some food processing enterprises still have safety hazards, such as flammable materials next to the processing equipment, irregular circuit connections, and insufficient awareness of employee safety protection. In view of the safety hazards found, the inspection team immediately asked the person in charge to rectify in time. At the same time, it is pointed out that safety must be prevented before they occur, and we must not rely on empirical doctrine to continuously improve safety awareness and ensure safety.

Yandao Street and the Joint Market Supervision Bureau carried out safety production inspections of food processing enterprises
Yandao Street and the Joint Market Supervision Bureau carried out safety production inspections of food processing enterprises
Yandao Street and the Joint Market Supervision Bureau carried out safety production inspections of food processing enterprises
Yandao Street and the Joint Market Supervision Bureau carried out safety production inspections of food processing enterprises


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Release Date:2021-06-28 07:42:56 Category: Media

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