
This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

author:Red Star News

What is a good actor? What kind of beliefs should a good actor uphold? Today, the 7th Important Activity of China's Good Actors organized by the Actors Working Committee of the China Television Association- Lv Zhong and Niu Ben Art Seminar was held in Chengdu, where famous critics Zhong Chengxiang and Yin Hong, famous actors Chen Baoguo, Zhang Guangbei, Liu Jin, Cao Cuifen, Li Mingqi, Guo Xiaodong, and famous directors Jiang Ping, Zhang Li, Kang Honglei, and Zhao Ningyu talked freely about the artistic lives of the two artists. As a well-known artist in China, the 85-year-old Niu Ben and the 80-year-old Lü Zhong have dedicated too many classic roles, which can be described as both moral and artistic. The famous director Jiang Ping recalled that Niu Ben was injured in filming many years ago, and he insisted on tying himself to a pillar to complete the shooting behind. He once invited Teacher Lü Zhong to voice the role, and Teacher Lü Zhong not only cheerfully agreed, but also said that he would be obliged to dub and would never charge for it.

"I feel like I'm back to what I was on campus decades ago, and I'm filled with happiness now. I feel like an occasion like this is far away from us, very strange. Chen Baoguo, a famous actor and chairman of the Actors Working Committee of the China Television Association, said that this seminar made him more aware and more determined of three points: First, a good actor, an artist of the people, serving the people is his lifelong ideal and responsibility; second, acting is a science; third, acting is a noble profession.

This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

Seminar site

【Two Old Artists in the Eyes of Others】

Calf: Misplaced spine, taking the initiative to ask to be tied to a tree to shoot a scene

This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

Calf at the workshop site

"Teacher Niu Ben told me early in the morning, 'Don't talk about me, don't talk about me.'" But I still have to say that today's young people must learn the old artist's behavior and art..." The famous director Jiang Ping and Niu Ben have known each other for many years, and in his view, Niu Ben has fully practiced director Xie Jin's requirements for actors in those years: act seriously and act innocently. Jiang Ping recalled a small incident that had just happened in the morning: the cow beebeth was baking bread in the restaurant, but it was all baked out of the paste. At that time, the waiter said that he threw away this piece of bread, but the old man insisted on refusing, and he had to cut off the baked paste with a knife and eat it. "He said it couldn't be wasted, and whispered to the waiter to fix the machine for toasting bread."

This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

Jiang Ping at the seminar site

According to Jiang Ping's understanding, the old man should have been born in 1933, when his date of birth was engraved by his parents on the door panel of the home, but his parents died on the same day when he was very young, resulting in his birth date can not be verified, "Now the birthday of the teacher of the cow is July 9, this is actually the day he joined the group, he took this date as a birthday." Later, after fleeing to Beijing, Niu Yanyin, whose original name was Zhang Xuejing, became an actor by mistake. His current name is also related to the role of the calf in his first film, "The Tale of the Holy City", and after playing the "Holy City", the audience deeply remembered the image of the calf. Director Xie Tian was very optimistic about this fledgling boy, personally named him a stage name, and felt that he was very successful in playing a calf, so he called him a cow, which means that four cows spread out to make a movie.

"Everyone in the film studio calls Niu Ben Teacher 'Niu Luo Pot', and he is really getting stronger and stronger now, which is also related to me." Jiang Ping recalled that as early as 1997, he and Niu Ben cooperated in "Life and Death in Pear Garden". Unexpectedly, during the filming process, the calf was thrown off his back by the frightened donkey, resulting in a misalignment of the spine and unable to move. Everyone let Niu Ben go back to Shanghai for treatment, but he resolutely disagreed, unwilling to affect the shooting of the whole crew because of him alone, "He finally let us tie him to a pillar, and then sewed the robe and coat on his body, he couldn't move the shooting, and later I saw in the monitor, the old man moved a little, the sweaty ah." After the final scene was filmed, we carried him on a stretcher to the plane. Such a spirit, ah, is very remarkable. ”

Lv Zhong: To be a good actor, you must read more books

This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

Lü Zhong

For this event, the famous critic Zhong Chengxiang flew back to Chengdu from abroad early this morning. Zhong Chengxiang believes that Lü Zhong has starred in a large number of dramas and film and television dramas, accumulating a wealth of experience, but her creation, first of all, lies in her personal in-depth understanding of the role, this understanding in addition to the accumulation of years, but also the study of the day after tomorrow, for example, Lü Zhong once suggested in an interview that young actors read more books, read books on philosophy, history, aesthetic literature, "Lü Zhong acted in a lot of historical dramas, especially Cixi in "Towards the Republic", which is a must, which lies in her understanding of history. If you don't know anything about history, what other historical drama do you make? ”

Zhang Li, the director who has created "Toward the Republic", "The Right Way Under the Heavens is Vicissitudes", and "Daming Dynasty 1566", has cooperated with Lü Zhong for more than 20 years, in his view, old artists like Lü Zhong must have "believed first and then seen" when creating, and they themselves have entered a deep understanding of the role and then exported it to the outside world. "Whether it's an actor or a director, what we crave most is possession, and then the machine grabs, captures the capture. But there are few and few times like this, and sometimes, our happiness explodes. ”

This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

Zhong Chengxiang and Zhang Li were at the seminar site

In Jiang Ping's view, what old artists inherit to young people is not only art, but also being human. Jiang Ping recalled that he had a work starring Teacher Qin Yi, but the old man felt that he was older and that there was a situation of eating words in his lines, so he invited Lü Zhong to dub by name. After Jiang Ping sent an invitation to Lü Zhong, Lü Zhong readily agreed and said that he would never accept money, "Teacher Lü Zhong said, I will not come to collect money." "Another time I asked Teacher Cao Cuifen to make a cameo role, there was only one scene, and as a result, after the old man saw the script of this scene, he must have all the scripts, saying that he should understand all the character relationships before and after."

【Instructions of two old artists to the younger generations】

Niu Ben: Young actors should not be in a hurry

"I often have reporters ask me, saying why do you like to play small people? And play a little person for a lifetime? I said I didn't like it because my own material decided I couldn't play big characters or big roles. I've been pursuing it all my life, not to ruin everyone's efforts in the movie. At today's event, Niu Ben excitedly said that now his positioning is like a portrait photo, this photo can play a harmonious role in it, not to destroy the whole atmosphere, nor to destroy the director's conception, it is enough.

At the scene of the good actor's activity, Niu Ben said that he was very happy to see that there are so many outstanding young actors in China, full of vitality and talents. However, he also said that young actors must not be in a hurry, let alone be in a hurry, and work hard slowly, after all, everyone is from small to large, from one shot to two shots (starting). In the past, film studio directors were all from the scene to remember, it is impossible to take a step to the end, and actors are even more so, and they all have the process of understanding. Along the way, we have accumulated knowledge, grown, helped the director come up with ideas, how to make the lens more powerful and touching, "Maybe sometimes we think about an action for a long time, but the director does not use it, I don't think it is regrettable, in short, we have to do 10 points of effort for a role."

Lv Zhong: Don't use acting as a means of gaining fame and fortune

The famous performance artist Lu Zhong thought from the perspective of acting and being a person, and she used the role of her mother in "The Right Way in the World is Vicissitudes" and the righteous prostitute in the drama "The First Floor under Heaven" as an example, "Every actor when you create this role, you have to find historical basis, to study that period of history, you have to look at the development of history, you have to look at the historical trend at that time, you have to know that history." With these lessons in mind, the actor explores how to create a character and understand what kind of person a character should be in the course of historical development.

In Lü Zhong's view, actors rely on themselves to create, you are not good at studying people, you are not good at studying history, you are not good at shaping yourself, what do you take to understand people? You yourself have not even done a good job of people, what do you take to understand people? "That's why I said that actors playing roles and being human beings are one, so old actors teach us to be innocent and act seriously."

In Lü Zhong's view, today's economic life is getting better and better, but many young children have not undergone historical changes, have not experienced social turmoil, have not suffered hardships, and they do not understand what people are doing in the whole history. The responsibility is not on them, every actor has such a social responsibility, to publicize the truth, goodness and beauty through the play to educate people, "Our work is not simple, do not underestimate us, do not treat ourselves as commodities, do not use acting as a means of earning money and gaining fame and fortune." ”

Red Star News reporter Qiu Junfeng Photo report Editor Li Xueli

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This is the virtue and art of the two xin ah! The artistic life of Niu Ben Luzhong was held in Chengdu

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