
Tear off the beautiful mask of "Black Widow", is it an angel or a demon?

author:Uncle Tianshan
Tear off the beautiful mask of "Black Widow", is it an angel or a demon?

It inhabits large inter-spider spiders in agricultural and pastoral areas of Xinjiang

Strolling through the beautiful Xinjiang and listening to the stories of the millennium, I am the uncle of the Tianshan Mountains. In 2000, a bizarre poisoning death occurred in Turks County, Xinjiang, where a 15-year-old middle school student died. According to his parents, after the child returned from school that day, he had symptoms of fatigue, dizziness and nausea, and then began to vomit continuously, abdominal muscle spasms, convulsions and accompanied by apnea, and then died after the doctor's full rescue was ineffective. So, what causes the sudden death of a child? The doctor's conclusion was: poisoning, which shocked the parents of the child! One can't help but ask, who did this poison on an innocent teenager?

Tear off the beautiful mask of "Black Widow", is it an angel or a demon?

Female spiders often prey on males, and the black widow's notoriety comes from

In the end, it was the doctor who told them the truth. The real culprit who caused the child's death was a spider, scientifically known as the Majima Spider, also known as the "Black Widow", because the female spider often preyed on the male spider after mating, so it got this notoriety. So is the Black Widow an angel or a demon? It is understood that adult female spiders are 10 to 14 mm long and male spiders are 4 to 5 mm long, belonging to the bulbous spider family, and are a medium-sized female spider. Its abdomen is dark brown with red hourglass-like markings, the physiological structure is no different from other spiders, it is 8 legs, the abdomen has 3 pairs of spitting devices, the head has a pair of powerful claws, the top has claws, and endophytic venom glands. Its whole body is almost full of venom, and it is one of the most famous poisonous spiders in the world. It is mainly distributed in Korla, Qitai, Jimsar and other places in Xinjiang, China, living in wilderness, slopes, hills, farmland, in stone crevices, low plant clusters or soil caves. The Black Widow is not only cunning by nature, but also resourceful. It has a more impressive skill than the genius it reveals when hunting for food: building bunkers. It can make full use of the advantages of abandoned rat holes, sheepshoe pits and earthen wall holes, weave irregular spider webs to prey on all kinds of insects, at the same time, it is also in the spider web, the dead grass leaves, insect corpses, broken soil, etc. glued together, made into a "protective bunker", usually hidden under the "bunker", the abdomen is facing upwards, upside down on the net, both to prevent the attack of predators, but also to open the net, when there are insects falling into the net, quickly out of the "cover" to catch and eat. When it is frightened or encounters an enemy, it pretends to die in order to gain a chance to live by deception. It can really be described as a "beautiful killer with wisdom and courage".

Tear off the beautiful mask of "Black Widow", is it an angel or a demon?

It is the most venomous spider in the world, with a 10% lethality rate

It is reported that in recent years, with the gradual expansion of the scope of human life, people and animals have been stung and stung by "black widows" from time to time, and the fatality rate is as high as 10%. In 2000, there were many incidents of "black widows" injuring people in Genger Village, Dongwan Town, Qitai County, and local farmers and herdsmen were overwhelmed, and even "talked about spider discoloration". Data show that in the 18 years from 1998 to 2015, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University included 85 patients who were stung by "black widows", including patients admitted to prefecture hospitals and rural health centers. It can be seen that the harm caused by the "Black Widow" spider to local farmers and herdsmen cannot be underestimated. It is reported that the venom of the spider contains a protein neurotoxin, when the human body is punctured and injected into the toxin, it only takes about 10 minutes to attack, there is a pinprick feeling after being bitten, the wound can be pale, red or urticaria, and then there will be blurred vision, numbness of the feet, nausea and vomiting, fever and sweating, spasm and convulsions and other symptoms, which can even lead to shock or death.

Tear off the beautiful mask of "Black Widow", is it an angel or a demon?

Black Widow is a legend, it is the wise man of xinjiang's animal kingdom

The answer given by experts about the mystery of the "Black Widow" injury is that although the spider is highly poisonous, it does not actively attack humans and livestock, and only launches a counterattack when it is frightened or threatens its territory and life. Therefore, experts remind farmers and herders to wear tights and tighten their trouser tubes when performing field work. When bitten, immediately tie the wound with a rope strap, suck the wound repeatedly with the mouth, spit it out, or rub the wound with cooked tobacco, and in severe cases, you should seek medical attention immediately to prevent accidents!

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