
CPPCC member Wang Xin suggested: Accelerate the development of HP childcare service system

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

"I have always had plans to have a second child, but my husband and I are very busy at work, and both parents have not yet retired, and they can't take care of a single child, let alone a second child." Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Huicheng District, said.

According to incomplete statistics, with the full liberalization of the two-child policy, there are more than 800,000 new infants and young children under the age of 3 in Huizhou, and families have a large demand for infant and child care services, but there are very few social institutions that are affordable and can provide professional and safe infant and child care services. How to achieve "infant support"?

In his speech at the Fifth Session of the 12th CPPCC Huizhou Municipal Committee, Wang Xin, a member of the Huizhou Municipal CPPCC Committee and an associate professor from the Department of Political Science and Law of Huizhou University, suggested that Huizhou accelerate the development of hp childcare service system and solve the pain points of young parents' childcare.

CPPCC member Wang Xin suggested: Accelerate the development of HP childcare service system

It is recommended to study and formulate a development plan for childcare services

Wang Xin introduced that at present, the total number of institutions that can provide infant and child care services for 0-3 years old in Huizhou is 121, of which 108 have qualified registration certificates, while in Huicheng District, there are only 4 registered community childcare service agencies.

"The lack of qualifications, service standards, safety, large upfront investment, and high daily operating costs restrict the development of childcare services in Huizhou." Wang Xin said.

So how to accelerate the development of Huizhou's HP childcare service system? In this regard, Wang Xin suggested that the government should first incorporate inclusive childcare service institutions into the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Huizhou City, and at the same time study and formulate a development plan for childcare services.

"Make clear requirements for the planning and construction of infant and child care service facilities and supporting safety facilities in new residential areas that are commensurate with the size of the permanent population, and ensure that the land for infant and child care service institutions and facilities is included in the overall land use plan, urban and rural planning and annual land use plan, and the allocation of new land use indicators should be appropriately inclined, and the overall arrangement with the land allocated for kindergarten construction should be made." Wang Xin said.

At the same time, Wang Xin believes that it is also necessary to establish an integrated childcare service model based on the community, supplemented by institutions and led by universal benefits. The government should encourage inclusive kindergartens to open inclusive kindergarten classes, and the kindergartens account for no less than 50% of the total number of kindergartens; at least 1 inclusive childcare point should be opened in each street in the central urban area, and the streets in non-central urban areas should be arranged according to the population structure and service needs. In addition, encourage the existing childcare and early education institutions with legal school running qualifications to continue to develop upwards, after review by the relevant government departments, institutions with certain qualifications (school running time, school quality) can be organized to set up childcare (0-6 years old) institutions.

In addition, Wang Xin also suggested that the government should actively guide and support enterprises, public institutions, social organizations or individuals to set up childcare service institutions and build a diversified childcare service supply system. It is recommended that more policy support be given to the development of childcare services. For example, relevant taxes and fees are reduced for childcare enterprises; appropriate rewards and subsidies are given to the demonstration and promotion of infant and child care services.

Writing, photography: Nandu reporter Cai Wen Tian Fei

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