
Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

author:Shi Hai Guanfu
Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

"A happy family, like a sweet spring in the desert, gushes out tranquility and comfort, making people feel refreshed and pleasant."

As the saying goes, "Loyalty and filial piety are difficult to be perfect." It can be seen that loyalty to the organization in which one lives and the heart for the family are difficult for a person to choose. Next, the characters to be introduced are the party and the government, and the family are not wrong. Li Desheng, as a person who joined the Red Army since childhood, met the same soldiers for the people and the country on the way of his life, and was also his wife, who was happily married, and gave birth to a total of 6 children.

His children are on almost the same path as their father and mother, so where do they live? What is the current situation? Let's walk in next.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > young enlistment and no regrets</h1>

Li De was born in 1916 in Xinxian County, Henan Province. Like most ordinary people, his family was in difficulty at that time, and he took on heavy responsibilities at a young age. This also made him accustomed to the hardships of the people, so he joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army at the age of 14, vowing to follow the Red Army in the revolution, change the status quo of the people's lives, and do things for the people.

Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

After joining the revolution, he constantly accepted the party and government ideology and strengthened his faith in our party. He was allowed to join our Party as his thinking matured. After that, he began, something he had insisted on all his life—to serve the people.

From the early days of the agrarian revolution to the end of the Liberation War, he experienced more than a hundred wars, large and small, and he shuttled through the rain of bullets and bullets, full of dangers, and he never gave up.

Even if he was seriously injured, his heart did not slacken in the slightest. In the struggle in the revolutionary base areas of Sichuan and Shaanxi, he fought heroically, but the sword had no eyes, unfortunately his left chest was injured, and his nerves were injured, and in that era of war and chaos, medical skills were relatively backward, even if the military doctors treated him in time, they also left him with indelible damage - the left hand was disabled. But it was also a symbol of his bravery, his medal.

During the period of recuperation, there is no slackness. Make the most of this time and read multiple ideological books to enrich and enhance your ideological awareness. Sure enough, in the time since, Li Desheng's conversation, cultural level and thinking have been significantly improved.

Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

It stands to reason that such an ambitious, ideologically conscious, and extremely loyal person to the Party deserves to be reused. But it backfired, and in 1935 he was framed, ostracized, and expelled from the party. Li Desheng was not ashamed in his heart, knowing that he wanted to prove himself with facts, and in the following period of time, he diligently and earnestly did his part and did not let others have a handle.

Finally, his persistence paid off, and a year later he rejoined the party. However, his story is not over, after many years, his grievances have finally been washed away, on the contrary, his party membership has been restored, the corresponding punishments and records have been eliminated, and the grievances have been snowed.

More than ten years of military career, so that he is full of merit. The night attack on Yangmingbao Airport, with less to win more, is his wisdom, many times praised by the superiors. In the Battle of Xiangfan, the clever use of strange soldiers, "three passes of the sword", all the way to break the city. Aiding the DPRK fought bloodily, repeatedly attacked and won victory.

One of the piles, one piece, can be credited. He was awarded the rank of Major General in 1955 for his outstanding contribution, and in 1988 he was awarded the rank of General. He was diligent and earnest, serving the people, spoiling and not being shocked, and full of righteousness, whether in the party, the government, the army or the people, he had a very high voice. It is regrettable that such a general eventually died of illness in Beijing in 1911.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > met his wife and loved him for the rest of his life</h1>

Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

Li Desheng's wife is Cao Yunlian, who was born in 1926 in Yushe County, Shanxi Province, joined the Eighth Route Army after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, and joined the Party after that, which can be said to be an old party member.

Cao Yunlian and Li Desheng met because of work, gradually became acquainted in the process of work, the two had similar interests, and they both dedicated themselves to the revolution, the combination of the two was natural, but after the initial run-in, they quickly married and became partners. The two work in the same field, and some things are self-evident. Supporting each other in work and loving in the family is a rare fairy companion.

They fought each other in the chaos of the war, and after the peace they supported each other. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Cao Yunlian served as the political organization officer of the Bishan Military Subdistrict, and later served as the secretary of Li Desheng's office.

They had 6 children in their lifetime. These six children are Li Heping, Li Nanzheng, Li Yuanzheng, Li Yaya, Li Xiaohu and Li Youyou, and from their names, it is not difficult to see what their father expects of them.

Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > six children have something to do</h1>

Although Li Heping's father was not of the same era, he both stepped into the Shangganling area and fought a glorious war here. He had followed the same path as his father, hard and glorious. Although he had a father who was a general, he obeyed his father's instructions, joined the grass-roots level of the army, was down-to-earth, and relied on his own skills to come to his current position - deputy division commander. Now he has left the army to serve as the secretary general of the Chinese Patriotic Engineering Federation.

The second son, Li Nanzheng, shared the same ideals as his eldest brother and father, defending the family and defending the country and serving the people. He was slightly different from his eldest brother, and just going to military school was much better than ordinary enlisted men. After years of experience and training, his results were naturally excellent, so he served as the vice president of the Beijing Institute of Chemistry, and then awarded the rank of major general. Life will not stop here, I believe that General Li Nanzheng may have another aspect of progress.

In addition to Li Desheng's two sons, he also has four daughters, and his daughters naturally have different intentions from their sons, different industries, and all the same way is to do things for the people.

Daughter Li Yuanzheng, from 1981 to 1985, studied in the Department of Language and Literature, and was later assigned to Beijing Forestry University, where she aspired to language and literature, and then went abroad to study at The University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, where she obtained a Master of Arts degree.

Where are Li Desheng's 6 children now? The eldest son has achieved extraordinary achievements, the second son is a general, the daughter is a military doctor who joined the army at a young age and finally did not regret knowing his wife, and he loved the six children of the rest of his life

Her ambition is to contribute to the country, and after completing her studies, she naturally chooses to return to China. After returning to China, he successively taught comprehensive English courses and language studies at Haidian University and Chinese University. He has made remarkable achievements in English and other fields, and has published many articles related to linguistics.

Li Yaya and Li Xiaohu both graduated from the Academy of Medical Sciences and later worked in different medical departments. Even the work developed into a department related to the father, becoming a military doctor, perhaps out of the father's original injury accident.

The youngest daughter, Li Youyou, graduated from the Beijing Language and Culture Institute with a major in French. After the 1970s, she studied in France as a publicly-funded international student, and she did not live up to this publicly derived quota, studying hard and gaining a deep knowledge of French.

Text/Shi HaiGuanfu

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