
I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

Source: Xin'an Evening News

In mid-January this year, Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, and Dawan News continuously reported that many swans were poisoned and killed in Caicheng Pond, Kongdian Township, Datong District, Huainan City. After receiving the report, the local police promptly detected the case and arrested the criminal suspect. On the afternoon of November 4, the Datong District People's Court of Huainan City held a trial of the case of Zhu Moubao and Zhu Mou's uncle and nephew poisoning wild swans.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

On January 14, 2021, the police sent the dying swan to the park for rescue.


Nine swans were poisoned

The public prosecution alleged that on the evening of January 12, 2021, Zhu Moubao and Zhu Moubao, in order to hunt and eat wild swans, carried 4 kilograms of pesticide "furandan" to a lotus pond on the west side of Caicheng Pond in Kongdian Township, Huainan City. On the morning of January 13, the pesticide "furandan" released by Zhu Moubao and Zhu Mou caused the poisoning and death of 8 wild swans. On the morning of January 14, Zhu Moubao and Zhu Moumou went to Lotus Pond to catch a poisoned swan, and Zhu Moumou took the swan home to slaughter and pickle. On the same day, a wild swan was found poisoned at the scene, and the police sent the swan to the Longhu Zoo in Huainan City for treatment.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

On January 14, 2021, the police found a swan in danger at the scene.

After judicial appraisal, the 8 dead swans found at the scene of the crime, one dead swan seized in Zhu Moumou's home, the species are all small swans (national second-level protected animals); 9 swans are detected in the gizzards of "furandan"; the 9 dead swans are worth 135,000 yuan. The public prosecution organ held that Zhu Moubao and Zhu Moubao, in order to hunt wild animals, released the pesticide "furandan" in the lotus pond as a danger to public safety, resulting in the poisoning and death of 9 national second-level protected animal cygnets, 1 cygnet poisoning and injury, and direct property losses of 135,000 yuan, and their behavior should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of releasing dangerous substances.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

On January 14, 2021, the police conducted an investigation at the scene. (File photo)


I just want to eat swan meat

During the trial, the defender argued that the defendant, because of his lack of legal awareness, saw wild animals and wanted to eat them when he saw wild animals in the past. The defendant bought furandan with the intention of releasing it and later capturing the swan, but its intention was simply to go home and pickle and eat it, rather than to use it for trafficking or indiscriminate hunting and killing after capture, and the subjective intent and criminal viciousness were relatively small, and should be given a lighter punishment.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

Pickled swans. (Courtesy of the Court)

The reporter learned that the 2 defendants all pleaded guilty in court and signed the "Affidavit of Admitting Guilt and Accepting Punishment". The defendants all claimed to be a farmer, did not understand the law, did not know that poisoning wild swans would break the law, it was almost the New Year, that is, they wanted to pickle some swan meat for the New Year, and now they realized their mistakes, admitted guilt and accepted punishment, and hoped that the court could give a light sentence.

The verdict was not pronounced in court.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

8 swans killed by poisoning. (Courtesy of the Court)

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The government sent special personnel to guard Cai Chengtang to prevent the recurrence of the hunting and killing cases

Located in the southeastern suburbs of Huainan City, Cai ChengTang plays a significant role in flood control, water storage, irrigation and fish and bead farming. Xin'an Evening News, Anhui Net, Dawan News reporter learned that due to the good protection of Caichengtang Wetland in Huainan City, every late autumn and early winter, reeds are overgrown, fish and shrimp are fat, attracting dozens of species of swans, bean geese, green-headed ducks and thousands of migratory birds to roost for the winter, the scene is very spectacular.

I want to eat swan meat for the New Year! Two villagers in Huainan poisoned and killed 9 wild swans for trial

Huainan Cai Chengtang.

Now it is late autumn again, and a large number of wild swans return to Caichengtang for the winter. On November 5, the person in charge of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Datong District of Huainan City told xin'an evening news, Anhui net, and dawan news reporters that in order to protect the wild animals of Cai Chengtang from inhabiting here and there were no more cases of poisoning, in mid-January this year, after the swan was poisoned, the bureau set up a care point at the intersection leading to Cai Chengtang, and arranged 4 people per shift to be specially cared for, and took turns to patrol around Cai Chengtang to prevent people from poaching.

Previously reported

Wild swans died one after another, and the Huainan police dispatched more than 20 people!

Wei Xiaoyu Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Zhang Anhao photo report

Source: Xin'an Evening News Anhui Net Dawan News

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