
Taiwanese NPC deputy Zhang Xiong's wish for "double superpower."

author:China News Network

Beijing, 27 May (China News Service) -- Title: The wish of Zhang Xiong, a Taiwanese NPC deputy, to "double superdomize."

China News Service reporter Lin Chunyin

Zhang Xiong, a Taiwanese npc deputy and professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Tongji University, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the China News Agency that three sentences could not be separated from his "double super particles."

Zhang Xiong's team developed a bionic nano product - superhydrophobic super-oil-loving particles for ecological environment restoration. As a national "13th Five-Year Plan" key research and development plan project, this "double super particle" is super hydrophobic and super oil-friendly.

"You imagine a lotus flower, the water can't drip up, and then imagine throwing the oil-absorbing tea bag into the chicken soup, putting one, and the oil is sucked out." This is hydrophobic and lipophilic. Zhang Xiong used the analogy of "lotus flowers and water" and "chicken soup and oil tea bags" to do popular science to reporters as easily as possible.

Zhang Xiong said that the surface of the petals of the lotus flower is as rough as frosted glass, all of which are 20 microns in size of "knots", and the team imitates the lotus flower to take a papillary structure on the surface of the material, and re-film on the particles to form a nano-scale mastoid body, so that the water cannot be wet and the oil can be fully infiltrated.

In this way, in the saline and alkali land and sand texture laid a layer of "double super particles" as a water barrier, you can make the water not leak, saline alkali is not flooded. "Breathing in the upper and lower layers of the soil, creating a growing environment with water barriers and smooth air, it is easier to plant grass and trees in the desert."

Zhang Xiong said that China is striking hard at environmental pollution and ecological damage, adopting enclosure and protection, afforestation and grass planting, and returning farmland to forests for ecological restoration.

"We fought an auxiliary war, and from the very beginning we were determined to overcome the problem of infiltration and water loss in sandy soil in dry environment areas." Zhang Xiong said.

At present, this technology has been applied in Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other regions. Some poverty-alleviated areas are eager for this. On the sandy terrain of Xinjiang, villagers set up greenhouses to grow vegetables, and the "double super granules" contain water, and the villagers intend to expand the area of vegetable gardens and increase income.

Zhang Xiong is a science and technology star and a teacher who is busy on a three-foot podium. Because his place of origin is Taipei, Taiwan, students know him as a "Taiwanese teacher". For him, the disciple who impressed him the most was a Taiwanese student.

It was 1997, and Zhang Xiong went to Taiwan to inspect the education system in Taiwan. A master's student surnamed Lin, majoring in construction at The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, has long admired the Department of Civil Engineering of Tongji University and wanted to study in Tongji.

Zhang Xiong recalled to reporters that the Taiwan authorities did not recognize mainland academic qualifications at that time, and secondly, they restricted the "landing" of public officials. "He broke through all the obstacles and finally got my PhD student."

"Mr. Lin is not easy, and he also sees his pure heart." Zhang Xiong said that at that time, there were no direct flights from Taitung to Shanghai, and the young man had to travel to several stations in Taitung, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Shanghai every time he came, he also wanted to stay on the mainland to work, but because the cross-strait integration was not enough that year, he had to return to Taiwan to teach.

In recent years, Mr. Lin's son has embarked on his father's path of study and come to Shanghai Medical University to study medicine. "This time, the mainland's various Huitai policies are favorable, and compared with the development space between the two sides of the strait, Kobayashi has also decided to stay on the mainland to work."

Zhang Xiong laughed and said that just like the "double super particles", he also has two super ideals: one is to turn the saline land of the Gobi Desert into an oasis, and the other is to promote cross-strait integration through education.

To this end, Zhang Xiong has been proposing suggestions for many years, paying attention to the convenience of Taiwan's young people studying and employment on the mainland, and witnessing the mainland's continuous release of goodwill. Nowadays, Taiwanese teachers can apply for the National Social Science Fund on the mainland, and the number of Taiwan compatriots' certificates has been adjusted to 18 digits, and they can smoothly log on to the job search website," Kobayashi said, there is no reason not to stay. (End)

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