
The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

author:China News Network
The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

Media salon scene. Courtesy of CBA

Beijing, March 21(Xinhua) -- The reporter learned from the CBA Company that during the CBA All-Star Weekend on March 21, the CBA League held a media salon, CEO Zhang Xiong, President of Athlete Development, Press Spokesperson Zhang Chi, Competition Leader Meng Xiaoqi and Marketing Head Liu Chao attended the event and answered hot issues that the media cared about.

In 2020, the new crown epidemic pressed the pause button for global sports events, and the cba league took the lead in resuming the game from June of that year to the opening of 6,000 fans in a single game of this All-Star Weekend, which is not only the actual embodiment of China's major achievements in epidemic prevention and control, but also sets a benchmark for the resumption of global sports events.

At this media salon, when introducing how the CBA League has achieved from the "conference system + empty field" to the all-star weekend open ticket sales to allow spectators to enter, Zhang Xiong said: "The epidemic has occurred for more than a year now, the CBA League is the first top professional sports league in China to achieve a resumption through the 'empty field + conference system', today, the All-Star Game is open to ticket sales, allowing the audience to enter, CBA has been to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention, as far as possible to the pre-epidemic normal gradually recovery." In this process, we have also continuously formulated and adjusted the competition plan according to the development of the epidemic situation, as well as the overall deployment of the competent departments for prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control, and the epidemic prevention and control requirements of the host areas, and seek more possibilities. ”

The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

CBA CEO Zhang Xiong at the Media Salon. Courtesy of CBA

The All-Star Weekend was held at the 12,000-seat Qingdao Guoxin Gymnasium, and about 50 percent of the seats were open for both days of the game on Saturday and Sunday, and the total number of spectators is expected to reach 12,000. Zhang Xiong said: "This is the largest number of open fans to watch the game after the epidemic, and I heard that the players participating in the game were also more excited, and this long-lost state is back." This format is a very positive attempt for us to gradually restore spectator admission, and even to explore the future resumption of home and away games. ”

In addition, in view of the fact that the regular season is about to enter the fourth stage, in response to the remaining regular season and playoffs to open the audience admission problem, the head of the competition Meng Xiaoqi said that the results of the Qingdao all-star audience admission to the game gave CBA more confidence, he said: "According to our current plan, because the follow-up games and playoffs of the regular season are arranged in Zhuji Division, according to our preparations from the fourth stage, gradually restore the number of spectators, the number of spectators is gradual, Because the size of the venue is also different, it may also require some local details to prepare, we also maintain close communication with them, I believe that in the follow-up games, including in the finals, we should see fans on the spot to cheer for their favorite team. ”

In the Q&A session of the media salon, the four CBA executives present gave detailed answers to the development of local athletes, league brand building, whether home and away can be restored in the future, and the most concerned refereeing questions.

The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

Athlete Development President Zhang Chi. Courtesy of CBA

In the face of questions from the media, Zhang Chi, president of athlete development, introduced the relevant policies and work results of the league on the growth of domestic players, he said: "Paying attention to the growth of domestic players has always been the long-term work goal of CBA, in order to achieve this goal, CBA has carried out a series of constructive attempts and measures in four aspects, such as the improvement of rules, the protection of athletes' rights and interests, the supervision of training and comprehensive skills and data presentation. ”

Next, the head of the competition, Meng Xiaoqi, also responded on when to restore the home-and-away system, saying: At present, the CBA League is preparing for the resumption of home-and-away games next season. The resumption of home-and-away matches is everyone's wish.

Meng Xiaoqi said: "The problem of restoring home and away games, we have made preliminary communication with various clubs, everyone actually wants to see their teams play in their home stadiums, and from our department, we are also making some plans. We can make different preparations, including the preparation of the home and away format, but also other preparations, in the summer, to August, September, if the epidemic situation is clear, I believe that this matter will move forward faster. ”

The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

Competition leader Meng Xiaoqi. Courtesy of CBA

In response to the problem of CBA future brand building, Liu Chao, head of marketing, said that the core content of the CBA brand establishment process of the event, the brand building of the CBA League is not only to make more people accept and love this event, covering more people, but also to send more positive information through the event, influence more young people, establish sports concepts, learn basketball knowledge, etc.

When talking about the topic of CBA refereeing and penalty this season, which has attracted much attention, Zhang Xiong, CEO of the league, said: The CBA attaches great importance to refereeing issues, and has been continuously improving the referee's business improvement and evaluation system, including the introduction of a full-time referee system.

"Refereeing is an important part of the entire CBA league competition, and it is also an important guarantee to ensure the smooth and orderly progress of our league. Therefore, in the organizational structure of the CBA Alliance, we specially separated the business of the referee office from the operation department to become the company's first-level department some time ago, which also reflects the company's emphasis on the referee work. Zhang Xiong said: "CBA has been committed to the improvement of refereeing business capabilities and the establishment and improvement of the evaluation system. ”

The four major CBA executives responded to a number of hot spots CEO Zhang Xiong explained the refereeing issue in detail

Liu Chao, head of marketing. Courtesy of CBA

In terms of ability improvement, Zhang Xiong said that the CBA Alliance has been committed to strengthening the training of referees, and now referee training has become part of the normalization training system. In terms of evaluation, at present, each game video playback center will have a corresponding supervisor to supervise the refereeing work of the on-site referees. The referee office also evaluates each on-the-spot referee based on this set of interim evaluation system and evaluation data.

This season, the CBA has also strengthened the communication and interaction between the referee team and the sports team, Zhang Xiong said: "We invite coaches to the referee's station for business communication, and our referees go deep into the sports team at the invitation of the sports team to participate in some of their work, and have some exchanges with athletes and coaches at close range." Through these two-way communications, the in-depth communication between the two teams at the business level was beneficially promoted, and some contradictions and problems in the on-site work were resolved. (End)

Source: China News Network

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