
How to determine the CBA's wrong judgment? Zhang Xiong revealed how the monitoring system works

author:Beijing Daily client

The wonderful CBA All-Star Weekend has just come to an end, and the fourth phase of the regular season is about to begin. During the All-Star Weekend, the relevant person in charge of the CBA company talked with the media and made a detailed explanation on the issues of referee evaluation training, audience admission, local player growth, future brand building, etc., all of which are aimed at trying to build a better CBA.

How to determine the CBA's wrong judgment? Zhang Xiong revealed how the monitoring system works

Media salon scene. Courtesy of CBA

Refereeing issues have always been the focus of the CBA, CBA CEO Zhang Xiong said that the CBA League referee team is facing a situation of inadequacy, CBA is strengthening the business training of referees, constantly improving the evaluation system, minimizing disputes and penalties, and promoting the healthy development of competition order.

How to determine the CBA's wrong judgment? Zhang Xiong revealed how the monitoring system works

CBA CEO Zhang Xiong. Courtesy of CBA

"It generally takes 8 to 10 years to train an athlete, and it can take longer to train a referee who meets the needs of the CBA League. In the face of the current disconnection of the referee team, CBA hopes that the sports team, fans and the public will give the league more time and confidence. Zhang Xiong said. According to FIBA regulations, referees over the age of 50 are required to retire from active service, which leads to the withdrawal of many experienced referees, and the CBA League referee team has the problem of not picking up. Since its establishment, CBA has been committed to improving the professional ability of referees and improving the evaluation system.

In terms of professional ability improvement, referee training has changed from a short-term training before the start of the league to a regular training, and now there are online referee exams every week. In terms of the evaluation system, CBA has established a referee supervision and evaluation system and continuously improved it. CBA company has a special staff to supervise and judge the referee's on-the-spot referee's judgment through video playback. In order to ensure that the results of the audit are objective and fair, CBA has also invited some professionals to conduct supervision and judgment online.

Zhang Xiong introduced: "After each game, CBA company will summarize the data of the two evaluation teams. If both teams believe that there was an error or omission in the penalty, it is determined that the penalty was wrongly missed. If the two teams disagree, the team will finally determine it. The wrong and missed judgment and related videos will be pushed to the corresponding referee's mobile phone, if the referee is not satisfied, he can appeal, and there will be a team of experts to review. "In the recent stage, CBA company actively promoted two-way communication and interaction between referees and sports teams, resolved some contradictions and problems, and was praised by both sides.

On All-Star Weekend, the CBA, which had previously closed the game, decided to "open its doors to guests", which was the largest domestic sports event open to fans since the new crown pneumonia epidemic last year. This season's regular season is about to enter the fourth stage, for the remaining regular season and playoffs to open the audience admission problem, CBA company competition head Meng Xiaoqi said that the All-Star Game audience admission to the CBA more confidence, according to the current plan, the regular season follow-up schedule is arranged in Zhuji Division, CBA company is ready to gradually resume audience admission from the fourth stage. "I believe that in subsequent games, including in the playoffs and finals, you will see fans cheering on their favorite teams on the spot." Meng Xiaoqi said.

How to determine the CBA's wrong judgment? Zhang Xiong revealed how the monitoring system works

Competition leader Meng Xiaoqi. Courtesy of CBA

On whether to restore the home-and-away format next season, Meng Xiaoqi said: "We are already in preliminary communication with clubs, and fans everywhere want to see their teams play in their home stadiums. We're also making some plans for next season. "Although the situation of the epidemic is uncertain, CBA companies will make different preparations, including home and away formats, tournament formats, and mixed systems. If the outbreak is well controlled, these programs will move forward quickly.

How to determine the CBA's wrong judgment? Zhang Xiong revealed how the monitoring system works

Athlete Development President Zhang Chi. Courtesy of CBA

Zhang Chi, President of Athlete Development, introduced the league's relevant policies and work results on the growth of local players, saying: "Paying attention to the growth of local players has always been the long-term goal of CBA companies. In order to achieve this goal, CBA has carried out a series of constructive attempts and initiatives in four aspects: rules improvement, athlete rights protection, supervision training and comprehensive skills and data presentation. In view of the future brand building of the CBA, Liu Chao, head of marketing, said that the brand building of the CBA League should not only make more people accept and love this event, covering more people, but also send more positive messages through the event, influence more young people, establish sports concepts, and learn basketball knowledge.

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