
"Butterfly Couple": Let the butterfly culture fly to the international

author:China Youth Network

2015-07-08 15:13 Taiwan Net

"Butterfly Couple": Let the butterfly culture fly to the international

Xiao Lina, general manager of Taiwan's "Butterfly Wonderland Cultural and Creative Museum", and Mr. Cai Baijun

"Mr. Butterfly" is responsible for spending money to build and create elements of ecological culture and art, and "Lady Butterfly" is responsible for converting her elements into commodities and marketing them as an international cultural and creative industry - despite the hard work along the way, "Butterfly Couple" is willing to do so, because "butterfly elements have brilliantly enriched our lives".

<b>The youthful youth of Dihua Street</b>

Xiao Lina grew up in Taipei Dihua Street, and her relatives and friends in the big family are engaged in different businesses, such as traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, tea, cloth, cotton yarn, dyeing and finishing, north and south goods, hardware, food, jewelry accessories, bulk material trade import and export, etc. In the outline of Dadaocheng Street, it has become a diversified business circle. This has made her accustomed to various business models and financial transaction behaviors since she was a child. Childhood playmates and classmates have become elites from all walks of life today, and there are dozens of listed companies in a small Dihua Street.

There is a saying in Taiwan: "It is difficult for a business boy to be born." But neighbors often say that Xiao Lina is born a business boy, "because she usually sees more and listens more, and her experience is more 'compatible', and the business that comes to invest is natural and smooth." She carefully wrote the experience of the elders in talking and laughing at the dinner, carefully wrote loose-leaf notes, as her own entrepreneurial nutrients, embarked on the road of entrepreneurship, and flew into the butterfly world without emotion after marrying Cai Baijun, who had chased and studied butterflies all her life.

<b>Dance with butterflies with the passion of life</b>

Taiwan, once proud of the butterfly kingdom, once lost its former glory. There were originally more than 400 species of butterflies in Taiwan, the density and number of which ranked first in the world, but due to the destruction of the mountain forest environment in recent years and the large number of local residents who captured them and sold specimens, the species and number of butterflies were sharply reduced. In order to record the butterfly ecology, Cai Baijun put down his work, starting from more than 30 years ago, a person, a car, a camera, a day beyond a hundred kilometers of road, wind and dust servants, through the mountain stream, just to capture the beautiful figure of butterflies. "The seemingly romantic pursuit of butterflies is actually hard and lonely behind it, especially in the early era when it was not yet digitized, it may take hundreds of films and rinses to choose a few satisfactory photos."

"In addition to the extraordinary perseverance and physical strength of the field shooting work, the biggest test is how to get close to the butterfly without alarming it, and it is even more difficult to shoot the flying butterfly." Xiao Lina said that butterflies are of great significance to Taiwan, so Cai Baijun challenged the limits, with the goal of photographing nearly 400 species of butterflies in Taiwan, and spent more than 1 million yuan on more than 10 years of years, persevering in tracking, and finally photographing the most difficult to find and the most difficult to shoot wide-tailed butterfly photography.

The broad-tailed phoenix butterfly is a rare and preserved species in Taiwan, symbolizing the butterfly of the king in the butterfly kingdom, and is a very valuable material in Taiwan's ecological atlas. At that time, the broad-tailed phoenix butterfly photographed by Cai Baijun, whether it is the temperament of the butterfly and the spirit of spreading its wings, is classicly presented in one photo after another, and it has also become the symbolic totem of the "Butterfly Strange Origin Cultural and Creative Museum".

At present, Cai Baijun has become the most detailed expert in Taiwan's butterfly ecology record, and has also won the reputation of "Mr. Butterfly", and his persistent spirit has been compiled into the social textbook of the sixth grade of primary school in Taiwan. The ascetic path of eco-photography has also begun to change with the digitization of images and the government's support for cultural and creative industries.

<b>Taiwan's butterfly culture has jumped onto the international stage</b>

Walking into the "Butterfly Strange Origin Cultural and Creative Museum" founded by Xiao Lina and Cai Baijun, you will be greeted by a variety of butterfly cultural and creative products. Xiao Lina said happily that these elements are all from the butterfly world under Cai Baijun's lens, a beautiful butterfly image, vivid and charming, as if butterflies are flying and playing in front of you and me, "We do not make and sell specimens of butterflies, but use the lens to describe the shadows of butterflies." ”

Among them, the series of cultural and creative products of "Love Taiwan Anyway" are designed to become the totem of butterflies with the graphics of Taiwan Island, one positive and one negative, which makes people bright. Xiao Lina said that the meaning of the design of this work is that opinions can be accepted left and right, and it is expected that Taiwan will tolerate and harmonize with each other and grow and thrive in the various voices of the front and the back, "The focus is to have the intersection of loving Taiwan, so that Taiwan can be as beautiful as a butterfly, spread its wings and fly." ”

In order to present a diversified and rich appearance, Xiao Lina also set up the "Taiwan Butterfly Ecological Visual Art Museum" to carry out the traditional use of ecological art original collection, picture document authorization, digital art reproduction, and other art derivative goods, and also set up an ecological education area in the museum, through the practice of craft products, ecological photography and conservation education are closely integrated.

In May 2007, Cai Baijun passed the two-year preliminary examination, review and final examination, and was invited to the Smith Museum of Natural History, the largest in Washington, D.C., to exhibit "The Beauty of Taiwan's Butterflies". Tsai is the first ecological photographer in Asia to receive this award, and has also made Taiwan's culture and art shine internationally.

<b>Core technology ecological aesthetic wisdom asset</b>

Combining the right brain of the artist and the left brain of the entrepreneur, the culture, art and economic industry dialogue and exchange, create the added value of the commodity, the original industries that belong to different fields, cross-platform communication, so that a piece of storytelling image, to every corner of the world.

Today, Xiao Lina is actively developing digital imaging into creative products, and wants to bring brands and products with story vitality to the international market. At present, it has cooperated with a number of 3c (electronic products) manufacturers in Taiwan to develop related 3C cultural and creative products, and apply Cai Baijun's artistic creation to design various butterfly-related products in life.

Since cultural creation is usually a miniature business, in order to create the scale of the cultural and creative industry, Xiao Lina launched a large-scale building material designed by purple butterflies, using stainless steel, aluminum plate, glass, and magnetic brick as the medium, and various three-dimensional shape changes in design, becoming a cultural and creative industry with high economic value, and is currently used in architectural design cases such as glass houses, art corridors, and atrium gardens.

<b>Walk through disasters to find happiness</b>

In order to round the dream of living in the environment surrounded by butterflies, and also yearn for rural life, Xiao Lina and Cai Baijun chose to come down at the foot of Xinfeng Village in Gaoshu Township between the "Yellow Butterfly Valley" in Mino, the "Colorful Butterfly Valley" of the Six Turtles, and the "Purple Butterfly Valley" in Maolin, and planned to open a purple butterfly homestay, the goal is to plant the grass that butterflies love to eat, do not build a net room, and let the butterflies fly freely in the mountains.

In June 2009, the homestay opened, how to expect only 2 months, but in the eight eight floods when the bad water hit, instantly lost. Due to the swelling of the river in Pingtung's Chuangnong Creek, the earth and rock flow in the mountainous area caused the road and the stream, and more than 100 acres of agricultural land became a riverbed. Xiao Lina described that the water came, the bridge was hollowed out by the earth and stone brush, the tall betel nut trees fell in rows, and the entire Village of Xiaolin in Liugui Township next door was buried. Countless driftwood covered the home, and Xiao Lina is still horrified in retrospect, "However, the fortune of the TOEFL butterfly, we are still alive ..."

"Aboriginal legend: How many butterflies you see in a lifetime, how much luck there will be." Xiao Lina said that there are 4 stages in the life of butterflies, eggs, larvae, pupae, adult butterflies, caterpillars in the pupa is like a retreat practice, after breaking the pupa can fly freely. "Butterflies always struggle hard when they pupate, and if we are 'fake good people' to help it pupate, we are completely helping!" 」 Xiao Lina said that because butterflies must struggle hard to let bodily fluids flow into the wing veins and successfully feather and fly, "just like when people encounter various difficulties, they must bravely face, solve, endure setbacks and break through themselves, and the success after experiencing adventure and struggle will show greater value." ”

Xiao Lina, who loves butterflies, also plans her life into three stages: the first stage, before the age of 25, to work hard at school; the second stage, to focus on career development before the age of 50; and the third stage, to aspire to devote herself to the promotion of cultural and creative industries. Because she braved difficulties and focused on the in-depth promotion of art and culture, she won the second Taiwan New Venture Award in 2003, becoming the first winner of the cultural and creative industry success case in the knowledge service category in Taiwan.

<b>The power to bloom beautifully with the irrigation of hope</b>

Having experienced disasters, the butterfly couple has more deeply experienced the powerlessness and fragility of people in the face of the ruthless destruction of nature, and also hopes to use Taiwan's natural disasters and catastrophes as environmental education teaching materials, so that everyone can understand that the prosperity and drought of environmental ecology are closely related to human life, "If human beings continue to ignore or arbitrarily destroy the balance and harmony with nature, they will eventually bear the evil consequences and gain more than they lose." ”

Therefore, for more than 10 years, Xiao Lina and Cai Baijun have tirelessly visited dozens of schools to carry out creative teaching of ecological education, using Cai Baijun's carefully taken ecological picture files as environmental teaching materials to convey the educational inheritance of nature as a teacher and taking root downwards. "The biggest advantage of ecological works is that they are not limited by language, that is, the image itself is a common 'language' of human beings, which can fully communicate in a short period of time."

Just like a drop of water, only a small force, but a thousand drops, ten thousand drops, ten million drops of water, but can be gathered into the power of shaking mountains and rivers, there is a group of people around us, silently for ecological conservation to do their part, willing to pay without return, let us see the wisdom of the wisdom, experience inheritance, these scattered droplets into a powerful torrent, and then become the driving force of endless ecological conservation, so that all sectors of society can establish ecological conservation and deep cultivation and promotion concept, this is the central idea of ecological conservation of butterfly couples.

With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, long-term patient cultivation of cultural and creative industries, butterflies and husbands singing women and walking hand in hand, not only the artistic career is not alone, but also the dawn of hope for the cultural entrepreneurship industry is in front.

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