
Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

Family portrait of General Chen Geng (chen zhijian in the back row left)

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

General Chen Geng took a picture of the whole family

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

Chen Zhijian, born in 1945, a native of Xiangxiang, Hunan, came from a military family, his great-grandfather was a famous general of the Xiang Army, an official to General Jianwei, and his father was the founding father of the Founding Father Chen Geng General.

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

In 1950, Chen Zhijian went to Beijing with his family from Kunming and entered Yuying Primary School, and after graduating from junior high school, Chen Zhijian did not want to study, he wanted to become a soldier at that time. As a result, one of his father's old subordinates carried him to his father's urn and taught him a harsh lesson. Chen Zhijian had to finish high school, and after graduating from high school, he enrolled in the Department of Missile Engineering of the Military Engineering College of the People's Liberation Army of Chinese (Kazakh Military Industry) majoring in remote control telemetry.

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

Chen Zhijian has successively served as a technician and engineer, deputy chief of staff of the 40th Infantry Division of the 14th Group Army and commander of the 120th Infantry Regiment, deputy commander of the 40th Infantry Division of the 14th Group Army, deputy chief of staff of the Group Army, director of the Military Bureau and the Second Establishment Bureau of the Military Affairs Department of the General Staff, and deputy commander of the Chongqing Garrison District. Rank of Major General.

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

The Chen family is a military family, four generations of martial arts. Chen Zhijian said that there is the influence of the people's style, and there is also the influence of the family style.

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

In 2003, he retired and served 39 years.

Chen Zhijian, the second son of the founding general Chen Geng, was in a recent photo: full of white hair and amiable

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