
Biden dismisses "$450,000 per person for compensating discrete illegal immigrants" report: Those are "garbage"

(Observer News)

The U.S.-Mexico border has been less calm lately, and the problem of illegal immigration is enough to "annoy" Biden, and now he has to be busy cleaning up the "mess" left by the Trump administration.

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that "for immigrants who were separated from their families at the U.S. border during the Trump administration, the Biden administration is considering providing them with $450,000 (about 2.88 million yuan) in compensation", which immediately triggered the "complaint" of Republican politicians. In addition, many Americans have also been "broken" because this compensation may exceed the cost of the families of the victims of the "911" terrorist attacks.

"This cannot happen", US President Biden refuted the report in front of the media on the 3rd local time, and said that those reports were "garbage".

Biden dismisses "$450,000 per person for compensating discrete illegal immigrants" report: Those are "garbage"

The Wall Street Journal report, which Biden called "garbage," was screenshotted from the newspaper's website

Biden dismisses "$450,000 per person for compensating discrete illegal immigrants" report: Those are "garbage"

Biden refutes the above report screenshot from abc

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter as saying on October 28 that the US government is considering compensating illegal immigrant families who were "separated" because of the strict "zero-tolerance" border immigration policy during the Trump administration with $450,000 per person, because members of these families said that the US government's law enforcement policies "have caused them to suffer lasting psychological trauma."

During the Trump administration, there were about 5,500 children at the border and separated from their parents, and so far, these illegal immigrant families have filed about 940 claims. "The U.S. Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health are now considering paying nearly $1 million in damages to each illegal immigrant family that has been harmed," the report reads. ”

According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (abc), Fox News Network and other local time reported on the 3rd, Biden urged American parents to vaccinate their children against the new crown at a press conference held on the same day, and a reporter mentioned the above report of the Wall Street Journal, and asked Biden whether he believes that the relevant policies mentioned in the report "may further 'encourage' (incentivize) illegal immigrants to pour into the US border."

Biden responded, "If you guys keep posting that crap, yes (would have 'encouraged'), but (compensated) it wasn't true." ”

"So this is a 'garbage' report?" The reporter then asked.

"Yes, $450,000 per person, is that what you said right?" That can't happen," Biden said.

Fox noted that Biden was attending the G20 summit in Rome, Italy, a few days ago, and wasn't that the way he was asked that — Biden kept looking into the camera and listening to reporters, and when he heard the question, "President, are you really going to give 450,000 per scattered immigrant?" he looked away and "scratched his head."

The report also mentioned that the news triggered a "complaint" from Republicans. Former Vice President Mike Pence of the Trump era praised himself and Trump's past "achievements" in the past - the border wall on the 29th, while saying that Biden's want to compensate discrete people is "completely unacceptable". Florida Governor Ron Desantis also believes that in today's supply chain problems, energy shortages, and soaring prices in the United States, compensation will give those "hard-working" Americans a "slap" if they come true.

In addition, the report also mentioned that the news has sparked criticism of the Biden administration, because the amount of compensation may exceed the cost of the families of the victims of the "911" terrorist attacks.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection released data last month showing that U.S. law enforcement arrested about 1.7 million immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2021 (October 1, last year to September 30 this year), the highest value ever recorded in 1960. At the same time, there are constantly US media reports on the separation of immigrant families at the border, or incidents of extortion and beatings, which has aroused widespread criticism of the US government's immigration policy.

Since the beginning of this year, the tide of illegal immigration along the US-Mexico border has continued, and many people have been repatriated and re-crossed the border and arrested again. In August alone, more than 200,000 illegal immigrants were arrested.

In May 2018, the Trump administration implemented a "zero tolerance" immigration policy — adult illegal immigrants caught will be prosecuted for illegal border crossing, and children who enter the country with them will be sent to child detention centers across the country. However, due to public outcry and court judges' rulings, Trump was forced to suspend the policy in June of that year.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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