
To stop illegal immigration, a minister in the presidency of the European Council: the EU should be fenced off

Source: World Wide Web

According to the "Russia Today" (RT) report on the 18th, the Interior Minister of Slovenia, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, Said on the 18th that in order to curb the wave of refugees that is not welcomed by the 27 member states of the European Union, the EU must quickly block the external border, "even use the fence when necessary." ”

To stop illegal immigration, a minister in the presidency of the European Council: the EU should be fenced off

According to reports, Hawes said at the "Sarajevo Migration Dialogue" held on the 18th that the current situation is similar to that during the European migration crisis in 2015, a large number of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa entered Europe through Turkey, when the EU allowed more than 1 million people to cross the border into Europe. But Hawes said the situation was different this time, warning: "Refugees will not be 'welcomed' anymore." ”

"I think it's important to secure the external borders, even using fences if necessary," Hawes said, adding that he supports a plan to build a fence funded by Brussels to strengthen the EU border.

Since August this year, a large number of refugees from the Middle East have entered Western European countries such as Germany and entered neighboring countries such as Poland and Lithuania via Belarus. As the number of refugees stranded at the border continues to increase, the situation on the ground is becoming increasingly tense. The EU has accused Belarus of facilitating the travel of migrants and refugees, mainly from the Middle East, to the border areas of EU countries in retaliation for EU sanctions on Minsk. Belarus blames Western sanctions for its inability to control the flow of refugees. The European Union held a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, on the 15th and decided to impose new sanctions on Belarus. In response to the EU's decision, Belarusian President Lukashenko took a tough stance. He said on the 15th that belarus is committed to repatriating refugees stranded on the country's border with Poland, but if the EUROPEAN Union imposes a new round of sanctions on Belarus, belarus will respond.

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