
Pandora's Box 010203

author:Sister Bamboo's sandalwood fingers
Pandora's Box 010203

Human society has experienced the agricultural era, the industrial age, and entered the era of science and technology.

In the 16th century, Copernicus proposed the heliocentrism, challenging the traditional notion that the earth is the center of the universe, while Veszalius's discussion of the structure of the human body touched on the mysteries of the human body and life.

For the universe and life, human beings have jumped out of the dogma of religious belief and have a new understanding.

From this crucial moment onwards, modern science unfolded rapidly.

The 18th century was the golden age of scientific progress, Newton established the theory of gravity, Darwin established the theory of biological evolution, and modern science replaced the metaphysical and theological framework of the past as the main field of human exploration of knowledge.

In the Neolithic Age, human beings developed agriculture, began to settle and form settlements and countries, and had cultural progress and inheritance.

On this basis, the major civilization systems have developed indigenous religious beliefs and formed a stable value system.

Human beings have never stopped exploring the universe and their own mysteries, and the nearly century-old scientific revolution is like a Pandora's box obtained after a thousand years, and mankind has opened it.

Since then, this scientific revolution has completely changed the cosmology and epistemology in human civilization, and mankind has since launched a new way of thinking.

Several major ideologies and belief systems that have been stable for millennia are waning.

Buddha, Jewish prophets, Confucius, and Jesus created the human value system, in which human beings knew good and evil, had sustenance, and faced life and death and uncertain fate with confidence because of their faith.

Human beings know how to regulate themselves and how to cooperate with each other, and they also have the introspection and understanding to enhance their own spiritual realm.

These are the fundamental differences between human beings and other living things.

The development of cosmic science, life science and information science based on mathematics has not existed since the development of the original value system.

Pandora's Box 010203

The development of astronomy was difficult centuries ago, and it went through a long process of development.

Before truly exploring space, as creatures bound to the earth's surface by gravity, human beings appealed to all their mysteries to "heaven".

The Heavenly Court, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Lord of Buddha, jehovah, the Jade Emperor, the Star King... It is all a romantic imagination of the sky and various celestial bodies.

Until space exploration became a reality, human beings could no longer only peer into the universe through telescope tubes, but looked back at the earth from outer space.

Only then did I know that The Earth was only a small one out of hundreds of millions of planets.

Humanity's perspective on the universe has changed dramatically.

The development of the life science field, from the gene structure of Watson and Crick in 1953 to find parallel twin spirals, the value challenges and ethical paradoxes caused by genetic modification, cloning technology, nanotechnology, etc., are also endless.

Human beings have been exploring themselves and the mysteries of life since ancient times, and now they seem to have gotten the key and broken through many taboos.

Now that the development of information science and artificial intelligence have also been pushed to the cusp of the storm, perhaps one day, human beings will create a "new species" with powerful intelligence, a kind of artificial human beings, so did human beings gain god's power, or opened the box of disasters?

Pandora's Box 010203

It is the Tao, which has come and gone, its past, its high and coverless, its low without load, its big without outside, its small without inside, its outside without things, its no one inside, its near no self, its far no other. Indisciplineable, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, inconceivable. But it is deficient, so it is the Word.

- "Eight Chips"

Today, human beings have been able to penetrate deep into the realm of its greatness and its smallness, and is close to cracking the mystery of life.

Human beings, who could once blame God for all their problems or pray for help from the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, now possess powers that they have not had for thousands of years.

The problems that accompany it have not diminished, but have increased.

God fades out and the gods retreat!

Humanity itself shoulders the responsibility of solving all kinds of difficulties, but are human beings ready?

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