
"Heart beating" could be arrhythmia? These situations require attention

author:People's Network Science Popularization

Ms. Ma often felt palpitations and fatigue, thinking that there was no reason for a good rest, and finally went to the hospital for examination, and was diagnosed with arrhythmia. So, what is arrhythmia? What are the symptoms in daily life?

What is arrhythmia?

Arrhythmias are a major class of diseases in cardiology that includes tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias. Tachyarrhythmias include atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, supraventricular tachycardia, ventricular prematureity, ventricular tachycardia, etc. During the attack, patients may feel fast heart rate, palpitation, heart beat irregularity, feel that their hearts are "beating wildly", and often take drug therapy and interventional treatment. Bradyarrhythmias include AV block, sinus arrest, sinus block, sinus bradycardia, etc. Patients generally have a sudden slow heartbeat, syncope without warning, dizziness, darkness, may fall to the ground, loss of consciousness, incontinence, usually using pacemaker implantation indications for treatment.

What are the effects of arrhythmias on the human body?

The harm of arrhythmias to patients is not only manifested in symptoms, but also in many ways. On the one hand, atrial fibrillation patients are prone to atrial thrombosis, and once the thrombus is detached, it will cause cerebral embolism, limb embolism, and other systemic circulation embolism, which will have a serious impact on life. Cerebral embolism can also cause disability, causing a serious burden on families and individuals. On the other hand, patients are hospitalized repeatedly because atrial fibrillation will have an impact on heart function, which can easily cause chest tightness and shortness of breath.

How should arrhythmias be treated?

During the supraventricular tachycardia, physical stimulation can be used, such as taking a deep breath, holding back, doing a valsalva action (taking a deep breath, closing the glottis, and then doing a forceful exhalation), or pressing the eyeball, which can be used to terminate the attack. If it cannot be terminated, it may be necessary to go to the hospital and be cured by radiofrequency ablation surgery in the future. Although aspirin is not able to prevent thrombosis of atrial fibrillation, patients with atrial fibrillation can have a CHSVASC score (stroke risk prediction score for atrial fibrillation patients) under the guidance of a professional doctor, and anticoagulants are used according to the CHSVASC score. Bradyarrhythmias can be equipped with pacemakers.

Arrhythmias are a large group of diseases, including many diseases. Each patient has its own different situation, and each disease has its own characteristics, so it is recommended that patients go to the hospital for professional medical evaluation.

Expert: Zheng Hongmei, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, MD

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