
Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

author:Mud-legged spectators

In 1953, Lu Xiaofu took power in the Soviet Union after a power struggle and became the third generation leader of the Soviet Union. After Khrushchev came to power, he denied his predecessors, advocated friendship with the United States, and even visited the United States to propose to see Monroe and visit Disneyland. In 1962, Khrushchev had a hot head and deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba, causing the "Cuban Missile Crisis". Moreover, Khrushchev dared to refute some countries in the UN General Assembly, and even some Western countries thought that he was knocking on the table in the UN General Assembly with his shoes.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

Khrushchev's series of anomalous actions are impressive and considered by the world's most incredible leaders. His body language is rich, and he often makes frightening remarks. Although somewhat boastful, Khrushchev embodied all aspects of his personality.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

Although Khrushchev was an elusive leader, he was also a controversial Leader of the Soviet Union. Some scholars believe that Khrushchev was the first person to "thaw" the Soviet Union, while others say that Khrushchev confused Soviet thinking and laid hidden dangers for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. However, Khrushchev's former personal guards revealed some unknown events of Khrushchev, and perhaps they could find the "code" on Khrushchev's body.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

The first one: the people-friendly style

After Khrushchev came to power, although it gave people a strong image. In fact, after Khrushchev became the leader, he was still a very close to the people in Su Pass. He often prevented the guards from restricting their movements. Crimea was a place of recuperation for Soviet leaders, and Khrushchev often came. But every time he came, he demanded that all the guards in the surrounding area be removed, leaving only the guards in the residence.

During Khrushchev's official duties, he was most disgusted by the intervention of the guards in some emergencies. Once, during Khrushchev's inspection in Central Asia, a female service worker tried to hand over a letter to Khrushchev and was immediately stopped by the guards. At this time Khrushchev said directly: "Bring it!" "Just take the letter away."

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

Khrushchev also asked chang to go deep into the masses to chat with them, and before he was about to step down, he took advantage of his vacation to go to his hometown, where he went to the farm to eat and talk with the peasants about family customs. I even know what is going on in almost everyone in my hometown. At one point, Khrushchev pointed to a girl in her twenties and named her parents.

The second thing: hunting for merit.

Khrushchev didn't have any hobbies of sports, but he liked to do it. For example, swimming is often done. In 1956, when Australia held the Olympic Games, Khrushchev almost did not allow the Soviet delegation to go because he considered Australia to be a British ally.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

But Khrushchev's greatest hobby was hunting, perhaps one of the favorite sports of the early Soviet leaders. Khrushchev had fun hunting figures, but there was one thing in the hunt in which he dismissed an official from his post. Mainly because while hunting, he killed a wild boar, which Khrushchev thought he had killed, but one official thought he had killed it first. After hunting and eating, the two still argued. At this time, the assistant reported that Khrushchev had killed the wild boar first, and another official believed that the assistant was patting Khrushchev's ass. Soon after this incident, the official was transferred to the headquarters of the CPSU.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

In January 1964, when Castro visited the Soviet Union, Khrushchev accompanied him on a hunting expedition, along with Brezhnev, Kosygin, Mikoyan and others, as well as Raul Castro.

While hunting, the Soviet leadership was happy and wrestled in the snow. Brezhnev even threw Khrushchev to the ground. But at this time there were no coup attempts against Khrushchev. Khrushchev was very happy about the hunt.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

Third: Pay attention to diet

Khrushchev was careful and restrained in his diet, and according to his guards, his breakfast consisted of two slices of toast and a jar of milk or juice. Khrushchev is vegetarian and does not eat fried food.

Khrushchev liked to eat tomatoes, but later heard that there was salt deposition and did not eat them. But the minister in charge of agriculture told him that he could eat tomatoes as he pleased, and Khrushchev began to eat them.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

Fourth: Wear domestic clothing

When Khrushchev came to power, the Soviet Union was still in the era of underdeveloped light industry, so the Soviet garment industry was lagging behind European and American countries, but Khrushchev never wore imported clothes, only domestically produced clothes. He is also not very sophisticated in dressing. And the underwear he wore was very ordinary, and when he went abroad, the guards took Khrushchev's shirts to wash, and foreigners laughed. However, on the shoes, Khrushchev special shoe shop fixed shoes.

From the revelations of Khrushchev's little-known revelations about Khrushchev, it can be seen that Khrushchev was not a high-ranking leader, and from these events, both his living habits and his deliberate change in the high-handed policies of his predecessors can be seen.

It has to be admitted that Khrushchev was also a leader who came out of the soviet union during the founding period, and on the whole he still retained the simple style of the Soviet leader.

Khrushchev is a controversial figure, there are 4 things that are not known, what does it mean? Event analysis outcomes

But it can also be seen from these unknown events of Khrushchev that Khrushchev's amateur life is also rich, and the combination of his hobby and state diplomacy gives the impression that the Soviet leadership is too relaxed. Of course, this may be a strategy of Khrushchev, through Castro's visit, to let him know what the Soviet-style state leadership system is.

Whether it is the familiar image of Khrushchev by the outside world, or the unknown side of Khrushchev's life. But Khrushchev was generally a leader who lacked theoretical literacy. He "shattered" the governing environment of his predecessors without being able to establish a new kind of state governance, and the Soviet Union was like a source of water, and Khrushchev did not solve this gap. Some experts say that if Khrushchev does not deny his predecessor and continue his reforms, in fact, the pace of the Soviet Union will be more stable, and he may not be ousted by Brezhnev.

In October 1964, Brezhnev and others took advantage of Khrushchev's leave of absence to stage a coup d'état and announced Khrushchev's retirement by conference. For this coup, Khrushchev did not treat it like the coup d'état launched by Malenkov and others before, but calmly accepted retirement.

After Khrushchev stepped down, he was monitored by the KGB, which made Khrushchev very angry, but Khrushchev could not do anything about it. Khrushchev was restricted to write even his memoirs. Later, after Khrushchev wrote his memoirs, he secretly published them in foreign countries.

On September 11, 1971, Khrushchev died of illness. It was planned to release the news of his death, but it was not carried out. Therefore, Khrushchev's funeral was carried out in secret and was not buried in the cemetery of the state leaders.

Although Khrushchev denied his predecessor and released pressure on Soviet society, the pressure was released too quickly, so that the Soviet Union could not find a way forward, because most of the previous things were lost, and it was confusing to regain ideas. This is also the reason for the three coups d'état in the Soviet Union in more than 10 years after 1953.

The great man once said that Khrushchev "lifted the lid and stabbed Louzi", and this is true.

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