
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

author:Forensic Qin Ming
What woke you up from your slumber? What makes you feel cold in the heat, and what makes you sweat in the winter?
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
I haven't written a manuscript for the screen murder column for a long time, maybe it's a delay or maybe an escape, but this movie about the shadows of childhood allows me to overcome everything in front of me and pick up my thoughts again. Now I recommend this healing horror film "Joker Returns" to every reader I love. ——The editor lady Li Beibei

Editor tip, this article will be slight spoilers, mind those who read carefully.

The story takes place in a small town called Delhi. Half a year ago, there was a torrential rain in Delhi, and on that day, the hero of the play, Billy, who was in high school, personally made a small boat for his five- or six-year-old brother George, and George ran out with the boat, but never came back...

The police announce George's death, but Billy insists that George is just missing, so he experiments in his storeroom. This clever kid simulated the drainage system of the town of Delhi, roughly estimated where George was going, and then took a group of four people with his friends who had a good time with him and embarked on a journey to find George...

On the way to the first attempt to find, they stumble upon a new transfer student, Ben, who has a scratch on his abdomen and is chased and intercepted by several bad boys, and Billy and his party save Ben. They took Ben away, and came to the pharmacy to buy gauze and other things to treat Ben's wounds, a very real problem was in front of them, as a bunch of bear children, pocket money is not much, the only little partner with more pocket money, but also because the mother discipline is too strict to pay for these things. Just then, they meet Bevera, who is picking out her aunt's towel alone, and Bevera uses a beauty trick to attract the attention of the pharmacy owner, covering up the children to steal the drugstore bandages and other things to treat the wound.

Ben was a new transfer student with no friends and could only spend his spare time in the library, so he read a lot of books. From him, Billy knew a lot about the history of the town of Derry and that Ben had seen a clown with a red balloon in the library. Later, more and more children who had seen the clown joined them, and they described their fears when they met the clown.

Billy begins to believe that George is dead and that he may have met the Joker like the children, but he was not so lucky to escape and was killed.

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

A combination of red balloons, clowns, fear, revenge, and the psychological factors of wanting to find out the truth and not want to go on with the wreckage, they decided to find the clown and not let him hurt any more Delhi children. Together they went on an expedition to a house on the outskirts of the city, and in this struggle with the Joker, they were unprepared to be attracted to their respective objects of fear designed by the Joker, and were separated, having to face their inner fears alone, but finally trying to find each other and temporarily overcome the fear.

Calm often implies a larger conspiracy. Befra injures her father and tries to assault her, but is taken away by the Joker. Billy, who could not find Befra, recalled the children and began his journey to save Befra. This time, for the sake of a common "lover", they no longer do "loser". Together, they rescue Bevera and eliminate the Joker. Billy is finally relieved of George's death.

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

◆ What exactly is the clown in the film? ◆

The clown "it" that runs through the whole movie, in fact, the editor prefers to believe that he is not a specific person or monster, it is actually everyone's heart demon. One of the most obvious scenes in the work is that whenever the children feel frightened, they are accompanied by clowns or red balloons. If the clown is a materialized person, it seems that he can't be so ghostly, right? Another foreshadowing is that only children can see the clown, and adults can't see it, so adults don't understand and can't understand what children are afraid of.

George was afraid of the dark, afraid of Billy's blame. In the opening credits, Billy asks George to go to the basement to get paraffin in order to make a boat for George, and George is scared. As for George's death, I am more inclined to think that it was an accident, because the ship was washed into the sewer by heavy rain, and George slipped in when he put his hand into the sewer to try to pick up the boat. Billy, on the other hand, is filled with guilt and fear that his dead brother will blame him.

In the movie, different children see different things, Billy sees his brother George, Bevera sees blood and hair, and Ben sees headless corpses in military uniforms. Every child's fear comes from his own experience. At the end of the film, when the children overcome their fear of these things and finally defeat the Joker, they really come out of the haze.

A well-informed reader may have guessed it when he saw this, and this movie is about phobia. As a psychology student, Xiaobian here gives you a popular science that looks ordinary, but it is not so simple three words - phobia.


Just by looking at the name, you can guess eight or nine, and phobia is a disease or symptom caused by terror. (Well, there's nothing wrong with that.) )

Phobia is a neurosis in which the main clinical manifestation of the symptoms of terror is. Patients develop strong and unnecessary fears of certain specific objects or situations, accompanied by obvious anxiety and autonomic symptoms such as sweating, shivering, and rapid heartbeat, and actively take avoidance to relieve this uneasiness. The main point is that patients have self-knowledge, knowing that fear should not be uncontrollable.

The most common are hydrophobia, fear of heights, dog phobia or social phobia.

Like all mental illnesses, we divide the causes of phobias into innate genetic factors and acquired factors.

Fortunately, although a large number of surveys have shown that identical twins suffer from homotopic phobia more than fraternal twins, there are also studies on the pedigree of phobia that have not found an increase in the incidence of homogeneity in phobia, so the role of genetic factors in phobia has not yet been found. That is to say, the cause of phobia is not genetic and can be reversed.

But there are also many psychologists who attribute the collective unconscious, which has a greater impact on phobia, to genetic factors. The collective unconscious is a concept proposed by the psychologist Jung, a precipitate of countless similar experiences passed down from generation to generation on the psychology of all members of a certain family. For example, I don't know why, people are afraid of the dark from birth, afraid of sudden, loud noises, afraid of snakes and so on.

(How do I feel like I'm saying a bunch of crap?) However, there are indeed many clinical causes of diseases, whether psychological or physiological, that are not clearly defined. )

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

Although the genetic factors of phobia are inconclusive, the source of "acquired learning" is indisputable. The famous psychologist Watson (This Watson was not Holmes's assistant, but a famous psychologist in the history of psychology, the founder of behaviorist psychology. American, elected president of the American Psychological Association in 1915. In his most famous statement, he put it this way: "Give me a dozen healthy babies, a special environment at my disposal, and let me raise them in this environment, and I can vouch for the choice of one, whatever his parents' talents, inclinations, hobbies, occupations and races of his parents, and I can train them as I wish to be any kind of person—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, or even a beggar or a robber." ”

Of course, no one gave him a dozen babies, and he didn't have an environment at his disposal, but he did a somewhat cruel experiment. The subject of this experiment was a 9-month-old child named Albert.

The lab did this by first presenting Little Albert with mice, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, masks with and without hair, cotton wool, and incinerated newspapers, which Little Albert did not react to fear.

Two months later, Watson began experimenting, putting Albert in the lab and putting a white rat with him. At first, Albert and the mouse got along well, even using the mouse as a toy, and later every time Albert wanted to touch the mouse, Watson and his assistants made a loud noise after Albert tapped the iron rod with a hammer, which would scare little Albert into crying.

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

After repeating this a few times, Albert developed a fear of white rats, and then this fear spread to all kinds of hairy things, even Santa Claus.

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

This experiment applies the principle of classical conditioning. A neutral stimulus (a rat that does not originally cause a fear response) is connected to a stimulus that causes a fear response (a loud noise), and the body will later develop a fear of neutral stimuli.

And the fears of everyday life are mostly like this. For example, Xiaobian is afraid of heights, because when he was a child, he fell off the wall when he climbed over the wall and went into people's orchards to steal fruit, and he fell old and hurt. For example, in one of the cases we are going to talk about next, a woman is afraid of rats, in fact, she is not afraid of rats at first, but when there are rats, the screams of people around her will scare her, and after a few times this conditioned reflex will stabilize, and she will be afraid when she sees mice.

First of all, to clarify, not all horror symptoms are phobias, for example, the normal degree of fear response is the human self-protection mechanism, but if this horror symptom has constituted a neurosis, affecting normal life, such a situation occurs, Xiaobian recommends that you seek help from a professional psychologist and receive professional treatment.

Generally speaking, the more effective therapy is systemic desensitization therapy.

Systematic desensitization therapy, first of all, must establish a step-by-step system, that is, the therapist cooperates and guides the patient to grade his fear, and then gradually try, step by step to overcome. However, the grading must be uniform and reasonable, the grade difference is too small to drag the treatment process, and the grade difference is too large to be easy to cross, resulting in frustration.

Bao Bao: What you said is shrimp rice, how can the baby not understand it?

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

Babe: Hmmm... In this case, let me give you an example, is it okay to say this?

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

Bags: Okay, okay, okay

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

(Here is the small eyes expected by the brain supplement package ~)

Let's take a very common case, many girls will be afraid of rats, including some medical students or nursing students, but these students can not avoid contact with mice in experimental classes, so there is this case we are going to talk about today.

Visitors: Female, sophomore, nursing major. Reason for coming to the clinic: Fear of mice, leading to anxiety about upcoming lab classes, and the desire to eliminate fear of mice.

Before formally starting systematic desensitization, first of all as a therapist to establish a good therapeutic relationship with the client, the client must fully trust the therapist. And there must be relaxation training as a preparation, that is, when the therapist lets the client relax, the client can do it, and then there is the most critical step of systematic desensitization therapy - setting up the system.

As written earlier, the therapist cooperates with the client to set up a system, and the client's fear needs to be graded, for example, in this case we use a five-point system, the fear level of the mouse placed in the cage at a distance of 5 meters is rated as 1 point, the mouse placed in the cage at a distance of 2 meters is 2 points, the mouse is placed in the cage 1 meter away is 3 points, the mouse is placed in the cage next to itself is 4 points, and the touch mouse is 5 points.

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

(Do you dare to touch me like this)

After the grading is completed, the system is desensitized. The cage containing the mouse is first placed 5 meters away from the client, the client develops fear, muscle tension, at which point the therapist guides the client to relax until there is no fear reaction twice in a row. Proceed to the next item until all have passed.

If several consecutive times can not pass, then consider whether the previous stage of desensitization is complete, such as the previous stage of desensitization is complete, but the current stage can not pass many times, to consider whether the difference is not set unreasonable.

Of course, the degree of this method is not very good to grasp, so if you readers have any fear symptoms that affect your life, you must see a regular psychologist, with their help, I believe you will soon overcome your fear and overcome your own yo~

These children, who have experienced father-killing, pedophilia, rape, school bullying, the departure of relatives, overprotectiveness, etc., have given up, complained, and escaped, but finally chose to unite to overcome their inner fears. They are unfortunate to experience this, but they are lucky to overcome it.

What about you, those fragments of you that are cold and sweaty every time you think back, or people, things, are you still afraid?

Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you, will you choose to jump into it, or jump over?

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Sources for this issue Watson. Behaviorism[m].Li Wei, trans. Peking University Press, 2012 [2] Little Albert's experiment, Baidu entry Hu Peicheng. Psychotherapy[m].People's Medical Publishing House, 2007 Qian Mingyi. Abnormal Psychology[m].Peking University Press, 2011 [5] The images in this article, if not illustrated, are from Baidu Images [6] Source: Stills from Gravity Clown Editorial Board of the current issue Main Draft: Lady Li Beibei; Topic Review: Xiao Yuanyuan & Bao Bao; Consultant: Little Dance; Proofreading: Sky; Title: Fancy Boy; Typesetting: Lu Luxiu
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you
Shhh, there's a clown hiding in the sewers, staring at you about phobia, what do we need to know? What is a phobia? How do phobias arise? What should I do if I have phobias? They've overcome, you

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