
When the weather warms up, chickens pay attention to the problem of parasites, and chicken farmers come to learn: "taeniasis" I, taeniasis hazards of chicken taeniasis II, clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production III, clinical misdiagnosis and etiology analysis IV, tapeworm prevention and control

author:Encyclopedia aquaculture sharing

The weather is warmer, the parasite problem is gradually increasing, let's take a look at it together: "chicken tapeworm disease".

Taeniasis of chickens is an intestinal parasitic disease caused by a variety of tapeworms, characterized by anemia, wasting, thinning, decreased or stopped egg production. Tapeworm is a milky white, flattened, banded worm, the body of the insect is composed of several or more segments, each segment is 0.5 mm long, the insect body is up to 50 cm long, divided into three parts: head, neck and body. There are many species of tapeworms that live in chickens, and they all parasitize the small intestines of chickens, mainly in the duodenum.

When the weather warms up, chickens pay attention to the problem of parasites, and chicken farmers come to learn: "taeniasis" I, taeniasis hazards of chicken taeniasis II, clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production III, clinical misdiagnosis and etiology analysis IV, tapeworm prevention and control

When the weather warms up, raise chickens to pay attention to the problem of parasites, to learn the next: "tapeworm disease"!

Taenia chickadenos are widely distributed, which is associated with the widespread presence of intermediate hosts ants, flies, and Coleoptera beetles. Because ants, snails, slugs, scarab beetles, etc. are intermediate hosts for tapeworm development, tapeworm disease mostly occurs in chicken farms with wet sites, poor sanitary conditions, and many intermediate hosts. Therefore, free-range chicken insect repellent is particularly important.

<h1 class= "article-title" > first, the harm of chicken tapeworm disease</h1>

  This disease can cause serious harm to chickens, due to parasitism in the intestine, destroying the intestinal wall, causing inflammation of the intestine, the severity of which depends on the number of tapeworms in the chicken body, the resistance of the chicken, the age of the chicken and the breeding conditions. Generally after infection with this disease, chickens show loss of appetite, increased thirst, thin or mixed with blood in feces, emaciation, sagging wings, erect dorsal hairs, and a pale crown. Malnutrition due to parasitic diseases is also susceptible to infection with a number of other diseases.

  Chickens of all ages can be infected with taeniasis, but chicks are susceptible to infection and have high post-infection morbidity and mortality in chickens aged 25 to 40 days. It mainly causes chicken anemia, wasting, diarrhea, reduced egg production of laying hens, and even stoppage of production.

When the weather warms up, chickens pay attention to the problem of parasites, and chicken farmers come to learn: "taeniasis" I, taeniasis hazards of chicken taeniasis II, clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production III, clinical misdiagnosis and etiology analysis IV, tapeworm prevention and control

<h1 class="article-title" > ii. Clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production</h1>

  1. The egg production rate of the first laying hen has slowed down or stagnated significantly, and the egg production rate is mostly hovering around 80%, and the amount of food intake is not high.

  2. Just after reaching the peak of egg production of more than 90%, the egg production rate begins to decline slowly, the egg weight is light, and the eggs are small. About 10-15% of chicken crowns are whitish and inverted.

  3. High-yielding layer chicken, light eggshell color. Brown-shelled eggs turn white (pronounced) about 25% or less.

  4. In the laying hens, a small number of chickens are thinned, first prolapsed anus, and then pecked at the anus, and the fatality rate increases.

  5, chicken feces thin, red, material stool, according to enteritis, small intestinal coccidiosis, enterotox syndrome treatment, many times the drug is still repeated, long time can not be cured, feel very confused.

When the weather warms up, chickens pay attention to the problem of parasites, and chicken farmers come to learn: "taeniasis" I, taeniasis hazards of chicken taeniasis II, clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production III, clinical misdiagnosis and etiology analysis IV, tapeworm prevention and control

Laying hens, showing digestive disorders, emaciation anemia, increased beaking and pecking of the chickens. Eggshell color, hardness and egg production have stopped growing or decreasing significantly in young chickens, food intake has decreased, drinking water has increased, weight gain has slowed down, and the flock has developed slowly and the uniformity is poor. Sick chickens appear sluggish, their feathers are disheveled, their crown hair is pale, and they die of emaciation. The yolks are getting worse color and the eggs are getting smaller.

  Hemorrhagic enteritis: tapeworm head segments penetrate deep into the submucosa of the intestine, destroy the intestinal mucosa to form nodular lesions, causing hemorrhagic enteritis, the stool is thin and yellowish white blood-like mucus, and the stool is formed into sorghum-like reddish-brown feces.

  Stool examination: pregnancy nodes are found in the stool, and the segments of sesame seeds to the size of rice grains are visible to the naked eye, milky white, and sometimes the peristalsis of the segments is visible.

  Neurological symptoms: Metabolites of the worm body can cause self-poisoning in sick chickens, showing neurological symptoms such as spasms.

  Autopsy symptoms: hypertrophy of the mucosa of the small intestine, hyperemia, may detect adult worms. The parasite site is a large nodular lesion with a needle tip and a central depression. When a large number of insects gather, it causes intestinal blockage, which can cause intestinal rupture and peritonitis. Severe causes death.

When the weather warms up, chickens pay attention to the problem of parasites, and chicken farmers come to learn: "taeniasis" I, taeniasis hazards of chicken taeniasis II, clinical symptoms of taeniasis and signals in production III, clinical misdiagnosis and etiology analysis IV, tapeworm prevention and control

<h1 class="article-title" > third, clinical misdiagnosis and etiological analysis</h1>

  Due to the slow pathogenesis process of tapeworm infection chickens, the clinical symptoms appear slowly, mostly infected in June to November, especially in October and November, the temperature drops, the egg-laying performance decreases, and the clinical connection with cooling causes misdiagnosis, and it is more often treated according to viral diseases, mild influenza or enteritis, and repeated drug administration is ineffective.

  Tapeworm parasitizes the intestine, the head segment is adsorbed in the intestinal mucosa, destroys the integrity of the intestinal wall, causes hemorrhagic enteritis, fecal symptoms are similar to the symptoms of enterotoxic syndrome, more according to enteritis, enterotoxic syndrome treatment can not be cured. Careful observation of feces, tapeworm pathogenic characteristic feces: red in color or rusty color in "sorghum-like feces", white "sesame grain-like" tapeworm segments on the stool. After effective tapeworm repellent 7-10 days, sorghum-like stool and egg laying performance can return to normal without recurrence.

<h1 class= "article-title" >4, tapeworm control</h1>

  Regular deworming: 60-day-old young chickens, 120-day-old early laying hens, each dewormed once. Adult laying hens are dewormed once in July-August and once in November-December. Since summer and autumn are the breeding seasons of intermediate host flies and beetles, and are the stages of tapeworm infection in layer hens, it is particularly important to deworm in October-December according to the climatic zone. Click on Chicken Disease Consultation

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