
The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

author:Motono Nature

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If the grass turtle is the classic representative of the national turtle in the water turtle, then in the half-water turtle, the yellow-edged closed shell turtle is a well-deserved classic.

Regarding the breeding of the yellow edge, there are many god-level players hidden in the folk, as a player who has only been in contact with it for a few years, I dare not say more, and only briefly talk about some of my own ideas, because among the ornamental turtles I have raised, it is the yellow edge, except for the grass turtle that I raised since I was raised.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

Albino yellow edge, figure from the network

The first thing to say is that the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle belongs to the national second-level protected animals, so under normal circumstances, the player's personal breeding is not legal, unless it is a breeding license, but the personal breeding license is a very cumbersome and time-consuming and labor-intensive process, and in the end it may not be able to do it.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

Graphs are derived from the network

At present, the artificial breeding and breeding technology of Huangyuan has been relatively mature and perfect, in addition to professional farms, some high-end players have also mastered the breeding technology, and the regular farms are generally fully documented. Individual breeding a small amount of yellow margins generally does not have any problems, even if it is found, as long as it can be proved that it is traced back to the offspring of artificial breeding on a regular farm, there is usually no problem, and the serious point may be that the turtle is confiscated! (This depends on local policies and law enforcement officials, so it is better to try to be cautious.)

In addition, here is also to remind you that there are so-called introduction certificates for sale on many platforms, and that stuff is useless. The introduction certificate can only prove that your source is legal, can not show that you are breeding legally, really to investigate, the introduction certificate is not able to play any protective role, so don't be deceived. And the real citation certificate includes three copies of the breeding license of the farm, three copies of the business utilization license, one copy of the transaction contract, one copy of the business license, and a copy of the legal person identity of the farm, a total of nine documents, not a simple source certificate, you turtle friends beware of being deceived.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

The Ryukyu edge appears relatively rarely in the market, I have not started, so I will not say more, as for the Anyuan and The Taiwan edge, the Huangyuan market has developed to the present, you say that the Anyuan in your hand is a purebred Anyuan? Personally, I don't believe it, especially from farms.

As some players joked, as long as it is good-looking, it is Anyuan, as long as it is not good-looking, it is the Taiwan edge, so it is definitely wrong to distinguish, but it is not excluded that some merchants are selected to sell it.

As for how to distinguish between Taiwan and An, in order not to cause controversy or even tearing, I will not say it here. Personally, it is recommended to start with the yellow edge, either choose the low-cost currency edge, or choose a high-backed sphere and other high-backed individuals, and cautiously start with the currency with the name of An Rim.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

Images are from the web

Some of the more unpopular ones, such as water nutrition and naked breeding, will not be elaborated here, mainly talking about soil cultivation, which I have been using.

The choice of feeding containers is very diverse, sorting boxes, turnover boxes, ultra-white tanks, planting boxes, etc. can be.

The simplest soil maintenance arrangement is to lay five or six centimeters of dirt, put a dodge, a water basin, you can. The best choice for soil is humus soil, coconut soil or garden soil can also be, but pay attention to whether it is mixed with chemical fertilizer, the surface layer of the soil can be covered with a layer of dead leaves or pine needles, avoidance can be a ceramic flower pot, or a coconut shell, or its own diy, the water basin as long as it can hold water, the water level exceeds the yellow edge of the skirt, if the water basin is large enough, the edge is steep, you can put a non-slip pad.

If you want to be beautiful, especially if the breeding space is large enough to imitate the natural environment, you can plant a variety of ornamental plants, moss fern tiger ear grass, orchid bamboo dendrobium, copper money grass mountain turtle, and even strawberries can be planted in it. Of course, to be able to survive, it depends on personal skills.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

Yellow edge omnivorous, meat and vegetarian food, I only talk about my feeding rules, may not be suitable for the public, just for your reference.

Recipes I take the brand turtle food as the main food, before soaking soft after feeding, feeding once a day, feeding time is generally put into the food bowl before going to work in the morning, snacks are diverse, vegetarian aspects are often prepared with tomatoes, pumpkins, etc., occasionally fed cabbage leaves, etc., fruits to see the mood to feed, there is feeding, no feeding, generally bananas and grapes, there is a point of view that grapes can not be fed, but as far as my observation is concerned, there is no problem. Meat food, suckling rats, generally fed once a week, basically every weekend, crickets cherry cockroaches are also always prepared at home, thrown in alive, every time the turtles chase all over the ground, it should play a good exercise role, and then there are earthworms, earthworms after buying back remember to raise a period of time and then feed, to prevent the original earthworm farm soil contains chemical fertilizer.

The classic of the national turtle, the yellow-edged closed-shell turtle, also talked about some of his thoughts on whether the personal breeding of the yellow edge is legal. Anyuan, Taiyuan, Ryukyu? How to arrange the environment of the yellow edge is arranged for the treatment of the yellow edge after feeding the yellow edge to the home

It is still my personal practice and experience for your reference.

Now into the turtle, ninety-nine percent are through the online shopping express delivery to the home, after arriving home, after shooting the unbox video to confirm that the turtle has no problem, I will generally take the outer packaging off, and then the inside of the packaging box is intact, along with the received turtle into the pre-prepared feeding container, rest for a day, so that it has a buffer time, adapt to the environment, and then the next day, prepare room temperature water, conditional can add some electrolyte powder, add or not, it does not matter, because the basic are artificial turtles, and then give the turtle a bath, The water level can be in the position of the submerged skirt, the time is half an hour to an hour, generally speaking, when soaking in the bath, the turtle will defecate, if there is no defecation, then continue to soak on the third day, so that several consecutive times down, there will definitely be defecation, if the bowel movement is formed, then the next consideration is to open food, the opening of the food basically do not worry, artificial seedlings, more hungry and hungry, rarely will not eat, open food I generally use tomatoes, yellow edge seedlings as far as possible to vegetarian food.

The above are some personal practices, which may be somewhat different from some mainstream practices, and even some are considered wrong, and those who have ideas can leave messages and communicate reasonably.

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