
See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

author:Yan Wei's views win

There is a famous saying in Jin Yong's novel: Beautiful women are good at lying. Whether this sentence is accurate or not, I don't know, but in nature, most of the beautiful creatures are poisonous, and that is basically not false.

Oleander, Yu Meiren, Acacia bean, Manju Shahua in plants;

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Poisonous arrow frogs in animals, blue-ringed octopuses... It's all poisonous and beautiful.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

In the summer, everyone should pay attention to an animal that looks like a plastic bag and has no harm - the monk hat jellyfish, after seeing it, don't hesitate, run quickly.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Summer to Southeast Asia, the necessary homework before departure, in addition to cooking, durian, shopping, staying... You also have to learn about this creature! It looks strange, it looks like a plastic bag from a distance, it looks like a balloon up close, and if you're attracted by its bright colors and can't help but look up, then you're already hovering on the edge of danger; if you can't help poking, well, you can go to the hospital!

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Encounter it on the beach, bulging like dumplings, a little sticky, moving and deforming.

The monk's hat jellyfish, named after the bubbles on its head like a monk's hat, is its floating sac, which can control its rise and fall by filling it with carbon dioxide. And the real horror is the tentacles under the bubbles, which are distributed with thousands of toxin-filled thorn cells, which are very cruel, as strong as any poisonous snake in the world, and it is a matter of minutes to poison a small fish.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

According to 2000 data, 68% of swimmers who were stung by a monk's hat jellyfish died, and a considerable part of the remaining 32% of the survivors also fell disabled, and a very few lucky people were able to retreat from the clutches of this "jellyfish". The poison of the monk's hat jellyfish is also very violent, and after being healed, there will still be terrible scars similar to flogging on the body, which will not retreat for a long time.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

And the tentacles of the monk's hat jellyfish, up to 22 meters long, average 10 meters long, when you see it floating on the water in the distance, it may be that its tentacles are already around you. Therefore, the average person who understands it will quickly leave after seeing it; as long as there are traces of monk's hat jellyfish on the beach, tourists will be immediately removed. Once upon a time, 3 beaches in Thailand were shut down because of the monk's hat jellyfish.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Monk-hat jellyfish are mostly distributed in the tropical and subtropical oceans of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, they are not very good at swimming, generally go with the flow, if you are not careful, it will cause such a terrible situation.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

If this falls... It was horrible!

However, the monk hat jellyfish is still very rare in China, like what "Weihai found the monk hat jellyfish", "Qingdao found the monk hat jellyfish", basically can be identified as a rumor!

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Egg yolk jellyfish, box jellyfish The more gorgeous and peculiar creatures are, the more worth watching out for

After talking about the monk's hat jellyfish, it is worth being wary of the seductive yolk jellyfish, which looks round and round, and no matter how you look at it, it is a perfect poached egg, simply not too cute. However, it is not so easy to provoke, although the toxicity is not as strong as the monk's hat jellyfish, but it can also make humans unable to eat and walk away.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

And the most poisonous jellyfish in the world is recognized as a tank of jellyfish. The upper part of it is like a box, fluttering like a little fairy. But don't just look at the face and get close, its venom can directly damage people's nerves and hearts, making people killed in a few minutes! After being rescued, the skin of the injured area will also necrosis within a few hours, leaving a long purple scar.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

What if you take a "sea bath" and be stung by jellyfish is a common thing to be stung?

Although these varieties are almost invisible in our country, it does not mean that everyone can escape the harm of jellyfish, and for those who swim in the sea all year round, being stung by jellyfish or jellyfish is commonplace

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

So, having been stung by jellyfish, what should we do?

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

First of all, it should never be rinsed with fresh water, which will promote the release of toxins, but should be used with seawater. Of course, after you have removed some of the venom, you still have to seek medical treatment if necessary.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

Jellyfish can not be prevented, how to prevent it? Our big mom has a way, fully wrapped swimsuit plus face kini, mom no longer have to worry about you being stung when swimming! I feel that this set of equipment will be popular abroad!

In fact, no matter what gear you bring, what is the most important thing about going out to play? In addition to being happy, we must also have a safety heart that is always on guard.

See this "plastic bag" on the beach and quickly walk away! This is the monk's hat jellyfish

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