
Stroll through the border city of Zhangfeng

author:At this time Dehong
Stroll through the border city of Zhangfeng

Longchuan Forest Park. (Photo by Zhang Zhiping)

Every city has its own similarities and differences; the roles are different, and the underlying context is different. For the town of Zhangfeng, everything is brand new, the sky is blue, the clouds are snow-white, the wind is refreshing, the trees are verdant, and the freshness, purity and tranquility that have been missing for a long time make your eyes, skin and nasal cavity quickly feel refreshed and immersed in a pure world. The city is in the green, the green is in the city, and people and nature are closely integrated, like an oxygen bar.

The streets and alleys are full of green shadows and melons and fruits. The fruit trees and the polo honey trees connect the city into a huge orchard, and even the air is full of fruity smells, and if you walk on the sidewalk a little inattentively, your head will hit the fruit hanging from the branches. If you come from out of town, you will be amazed by the dozens or even hundreds of huge fruits hanging from a Polo honey tree. Wide and straight streets, various ethnic sculptures are arranged on both sides of the road in turn, and buildings with strong national characteristics are lined up one after another, giving you a new perspective and reconciling a simple and harmonious beauty.

The forest park in the middle of the city, like a huge lung in the green, filters the noise and impetuosity of the city and releases fresh air. It's definitely a cool, relaxing place. Outside the park, cannon flowers, phoenix flowers, and bougainvillea are competing to open, which has already created a romantic and amorous interlude for you.

On the west side of the park, a sculpture stands. He is the national hero - MuRan Early Ledong. The statue is solemn and sacred, like a strong spine, those deep eagle falcon-like eyes have been looking ahead, as if the slightest wind and grass, he will pull out the long knife clenched in his hand, fight for the motherland, fight for the nation. The bougainvillea on both sides danced in the wind like a cluster of heroic torches. Gently caressing the cold sculpture, as if feeling the boiling blood inside...

Walking along the volcanic stone paved path, various towering ancient trees are intertwined, like lines of cultivation hieroglyphs, telling far-reaching and artistic conception, writing creativity. The densely packed leaves are filled with a special thick atmosphere, and the air filtered by the leaves makes every breath inhaled so clean and pure.

On both sides of the path, those nameless grasses topped with a delicate and tender green, like those shy wildflowers, probed out of the dead leaves of the rotten grass, and looked at the wonderful world that had been missing for a long time. The sunlight seemed to have sharpened its head and squeezed in from the outside, and the dark forest seemed to have received a handout of broken silver, and the bright and dangling began to come alive, like a shiny fairy tale world...

When you meet the sun, the vision gradually becomes clearer, which also indicates that you will step out of the package of the dense forest and return from the primitive to the modern. The National Square stands out from the greenery, and the Meow Show Building in the center of the square rises into the clouds, and the perfect combination of hornbills and long knives brings people into a thick realm at once. Shi Dong is generally composed of 4 vertical 2 horizontal 6 thick rectangular wooden plates plus base, with red and black and white 3 colors painted irregular spiral geometric pattern, the middle 2 vertical plates are slightly higher, the left for the male card painted with the sun pattern, the right for the female card painted with the moon pattern, representing the Jingpo tribe from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Sun Moon Mountain migration, but also means that the yin and yang collocation and human beings can not do without the sun and the moon; the following is the spiral dance pattern, representing the route of the ancestors of the Jingpo tribe in the year of migration; further down is the legendary pattern of hornbills and peacocks leading the dance, The two slightly shorter signs are ancestral male and female piles, the top of which is painted with the ancestral birthplace - "Wood Fold Province Lapbang"; the bottom of the left pile is painted with diamond-shaped gem patterns, and the right pile is painted with ripple-shaped migration routes; the bottom are all flower flowers symbolizing human reproduction, pumpkin seeds symbolizing the unity of all nationalities, symbolizing the bull's head that eliminates disasters and evil spirits, and the breasts of human reproduction; the upper piece of the horizontal one is painted with a field pattern, the next piece is painted with livestock and poultry, grain patterns, and there are intersecting knives and arrows between the yin and yang male and female piles, indicating that the lives of the Jingpo people are inseparable from swords and swords. It also embodies the heroic and courageous spirit of the jingpo people.

Every year during the Spring Festival, here are salutes in unison, gongs and drums, the momentum is huge, the silver light is shining, the crowds are crowded, and a magnificent scene will lead you to the ocean of dancing by thousands of people.

Walking through the National Square, a pure lake water comes into view, quiet and deep. The sparkling surface of the lake is like a sparkling gemstone, elegant and noble, and the various birds and animals carved by the antique stone railings on both sides come to life. The breeze gently caressed his face and took a breath in the sweltering summer, as if all irritability, exhaustion, and bitterness were gone, giving the soul a great comfort. From time to time, small fish jump on the surface of the lake, and the splash of water is like a grain of sparkling pearls, reflecting the colorful light...

Of course, everyone's preferences are different. Some people like to take an afternoon stroll, hide in the shade of the trees, find a long nap in this place where the birds are singing, the noisy and noisy city around is much quieter, and even the dreams are very sweetly mixed under the green shade and the fragrant air. I like to walk here in the morning or at dusk. In the morning, the wet air seemed to be able to wring out moisture with a single twist; the steam rolled over the lake, gradually forming a light veil-like mist that spread from all sides. The graceful bamboo tails by the lake are like a group of fairies who come from the clouds, flicking their beautiful long hair and playing in the water, turning into a wave of light that melts into the ripples of the lake. The Fengqiao Bridge in the middle of the lake is suddenly bright and dark, and has long been illusory into the mythical Penglai Immortal Pavilion. A good human wonderland, a good ink painting!

At dusk, the sun gradually faded in the western mountains, and the surrounding area was quiet. Here is already the light floating, the shadows are longing. Smelling a wisp of flowers wafting through the streets and alleys, warm and comfortable. Old people sing and dance; children skate and play ball; young men and women walk hand in hand on the trails, pouring out sweet words...

About two kilometers away from the forest park, is the Jingpo Ecological Park. Here is a condensed landscape of national culture, a vast forest sea composed of towering ancient trees, small bridges and flowing water, grass huts, caves, as if to bring you into the most primitive tribe. The silver bubble sparkling Jingpo girl, the Jingpo guy wielding a long knife, invite you to dance together. Taste a feast of green leaves, which is the intimate contact between the tongue and the products of nature, digesting the most primitive and ecological nutrients.

Whenever walking in this bustling land, the heart is always inexplicably drawn into a strong magnetic field. Looking at the rows of tall buildings, the variety of shops, the traffic of the street scene, in an instant, the past here suddenly burst out of my long-sealed memory, slowly softening into a detail in my thoughts, a touch of clouds.

More than 20 years ago, Zhang Feng, nearly two-thirds of the town's area is still barren slopes, ravines, overgrown with weeds, only a asphalt road runs through the north and south (now Sanxiang Road), the shops of the oil felt house are low and dilapidated, listlessly attracting a small number of customers, and the air is filled with a scorching smell. Earthworm-like dirt roads are potholed and uneven, and "a body of mud in the rainy season, a gray body in the dry season" is a true portrayal of people's travel at that time. Adobe houses and bamboo fence houses abound on both sides of the road.

Nowadays, walking in the streets and alleys of Zhang Feng, the heart is comfortable, the eyes are clean, the air is pure, and even the cement road leading to the suburbs has been spotlessly cleaned. In the field, the green is tobacco leaves and sugar cane, and the yellow is canola flowers, and under the breeze, layer after layer of golden soft waves are gushing up. The sun writes the poems of spring on the thin petal tips, and the colorful butterflies and bees that stay on the petals are also poetically transformed into various related symbols. From a distance, the earth is like a golden carpet, and like nature sprinkled with gold, the fresh, free, refreshing fragrance and warm, brilliant, wordless colors blend into a burning flame, decorating the earth into a beautiful landscape.

At dusk, the villages and mountains are full of honey-like golden afterglow. Weeping willows bathed in the sunset stand on both sides of the river like countless ribbons of jewelry. The sparkling river surface is also plated with layers of gold, and a few twilight cows have undoubtedly added a few heavy strokes of pen and ink. In the distance, high-rise buildings have sprung up on the barren slopes of the past, full of vitality.

Today's Zhang Feng, the people of all ethnic groups have worked hard and exploded to activate the passion and wisdom they have accumulated for thousands of years, changed the face of poverty, and written a splendid and charming chapter.

Source: Dehong Unity Newspaper

Editor: City Times pays a little attention to Zhang Ruchen

Review: Zhu Xiaohan

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