
Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method

author:Farmers read

Family vegetable gardens can solve the problem of food safety and freshness very well, but food safety does not completely come from the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the safety of the soil cannot be ignored.

Ecological organic fertilizer can solve the problem of soil very well: organic fertilizer can improve the quality of the soil, increase the fertility of the soil, fertile and safe soil can increase and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and the vegetables grown are healthier and of excellent quality.

The family vegetable garden can buy ready-made organic fertilizer, and can also use the domestic garbage at home to undergo scientific fermentation and make high-quality organic fertilizer, that is, to solve the domestic garbage, and provide green organic fertilizer for the small vegetable garden, killing two birds with one stone.

Different types of domestic garbage to make organic fertilizer methods are also different, the following is an introduction to several common domestic garbage homemade home organic fertilizer operation methods.

Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method

Put a small amount of bone meal, grass and wood ash in the tank or jar, add water to soak, add collected vegetable leaves, branches, weeds, etc., and mix a small amount of cypermethrin after sealing, rot for 20 to 30 days, filter out the dregs can be used. Add vegetable leaves and water later, and you can continue to use it.

The fertilizer liquid made of vegetable leaves is highly efficient and has a fast effect.

Take a waste bin, lay 8cm thick garden soil inside, put in the chopped eggshell, weed bone, fish scales and other waste materials, and then add the garden soil, so that the garden soil and waste are alternately placed, after watering, the cover is compacted, and the seal is decomposed.

Summer temperatures are high, turning the pile once every 15 days, and low temperature in winter, turning the pile once a month. After 4 to 6 months of decomposition, it can be mixed with the garden soil according to the volume ratio of 1: 3 can be used to cultivate flowers and trees, and the remaining compost can be sealed and stored in plastic bags.

Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method

Put okara in the tank, hold water for 7 to 10 days, add 3/4 of the water and mix well, use to water the potted flowers, the effect is fast.

The spoiled soybeans, peanut rice or bean cakes, rapeseed cakes are crushed and fried, put into the bottle and soaked in 2 to 3 times the water, sealed fermentation and rot, and the liquid juice is a fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer, and the phosphorus and potassium content is relatively high.

The shells of green broad beans and green peas are loosely filled with small tanks, filled with water, sealed the cylinder mouth with plastic film, etc., and fermented and rotted for about 1 month.

Soybean husk fermentation is fast, fat, odorless, slightly acidic, high nitrogen content and contains phosphorus, potassium and other elements, diluted with water 15 to 25 times when applied, the remaining residue can be used as the bottom of the pot for spring flower potting.

Put rotten fruits, peels, melon peels, etc. into sealable jars or bottles, add an appropriate amount of water to soak, seal and rot, and wait for the fertilizer water to turn black before use.

Fill the jar or bowl with Chinese medicine residue, add water to prepare for a period of time, and then use it after the residue becomes humus.

The advantages of organic fertilizer made of Chinese medicine residue are to promote growth, strengthen stems and leaves, and flower well.

Eat the remaining ribs, poultry bones, fish bones, etc., soak in water for a day and night to wash off the salt, then steam in a pressure cooker for 1 hour, take out and mash and become bone meal. Bone meal is mixed with sandy garden soil in 1: 1 is a completely nutritious base fertilizer.

Mash 0.5kg of snails into a jar or bowl, add 2.5kg of water and seal the mouth of the jar (bowl), seal half a month in summer, and seal January in winter.

After fermentation is completed, open the pot, stir well, pour into the pot to make the pot soil wet, and the effect will be visible in about a week.

Some used water such as tao rice water, raw bean sprouts replaced by water, as well as rainwater and wastewater in fish tanks can be used to water flowers and trees, these waters contain a certain n, p, k, as long as the dosage is appropriate will promote the growth and development of flowers and trees.

Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method
Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method

Use small tanks or small altars to collect waste vegetable leaves, melon peels, chickens, ducks, geese, fish intestines and waste bones, eggshells or moldy and deteriorated foods, etc., the collection amount can refer to 5 to 10 parts of rotten fruits, 15 to 20 parts of melon peels, 1 to 3 parts of tea residue, 3 to 7 parts of tao rice water, 4 to 10 parts of fish offal, 4 to 8 parts of vinegar, 3 to 7 parts of melon seed shells, 2 to 5 parts of fish scales, 3 to 8 parts of expired biscuits, 5 to 10 parts of expired yogurt, 6 to 12 parts of eggshells, 2 to 6 parts of leaves, 7 to 12 parts of rotten vegetable leaves, and 2 to 6 parts of expired flour.

After the solid is crushed and mixed with the liquid, add 1 to 3 parts of deodorant, put it into the cylinder or tank, seal and rot for about half a year, take the supernatant diluted 15 to 20 times and then apply.

To avoid or reduce the odor emitted when making homemade organic fertilizer, the following four methods can be taken:

The first is to put a few pieces of orange peel in the fertilizer container to reduce the odor. When the effect of the orange peel is weakened, you can continue to invest a few new pieces of orange peel. Orange peel is also a good fertilizer after fermentation, which can increase fertilizer efficiency.

The second is to put the family's rotten eggs, animal offal, bad milk, soy milk and other side food waste into the kimchi jar, add an appropriate amount of water, pay attention to filling the jar with water, and buckle the lid to avoid the smell from emitting.

The third is to add an appropriate amount of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and other oxidants to the fertilizer liquid, which can absorb the odor-causing substances and deodorize.

Fourth, adding 500 to 600 times rice vinegar dilution before fertilizer water application can alleviate the odor of liquid fertilizer.

The text source of this article is the book "Scientific Production and Use of Organic Fertilizers"

Green health starts from the source, teach you to use domestic garbage homemade small vegetable garden organic fertilizer 1, vegetable leaves, branches, weeds to make liquid fertilizer 2. Eggshells, miscellaneous bones, fish scales, etc. 3. Okara, bean cake, bean shell 4. Melon peel 5. Chinese medicine residue 6. Bone meal 7. Snail 8. Wastewater 9. Mixed fat homemade organic fertilizer odor removal method

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