
Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

author:Yao Nong Gate

Fir wood not only has the characteristics of short growth cycle and wide practical performance, but also has high economic value and medicinal value, which plays an important role in driving the economic development of planting areas. In order to improve the economic and ecological benefits of fir planting, it is also necessary to strengthen the application of fast-growing and productive cultivation technology of fir, and do a good job in the prevention and control of fir diseases and insect pests. Based on this, the cultivation technology and pest control strategy of fast-growing and abundant fir trees are analyzed and discussed in detail.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

Fir, also known as sandwood, belongs to the cypress order, fir family. Fir trees can generally grow to more than 30 m, the diameter of the chest can reach more than 2 m, the outer skin is gray-brown, the inner skin is pale red, the large branches are flattened, and the small branches are nearly opposite, often in two columns; The flowering period of fir trees is generally around April every year, and the fruit bulbs are ripe until late October; Fir trees like warmth and humidity, but they are afraid of wind and drought, and are generally planted at the foot of mountains or valleys with fertile soil and abundant precipitation. At present, the planting range of fir trees in China is very extensive, and certain development has been achieved. In order to better improve the quality and yield of fir planting, the relevant planters also need to strengthen the application of fast-growing and productive cultivation technology and pest control technology of fir trees to improve the quality of fir planting, shorten the rotation period of fir trees, and improve the economic benefits of forest farmers.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1 Fast-growing and productive cultivation technology of fir</h1>

In order to better improve the economic value of fir planting, it is necessary to carry out planting work in accordance with the requirements of fir fast-growing and productive cultivation technology, mainly including the following 6 aspects: 1) Do a good job in the selection of fir; 2) Do a good job in the selection of land for fir planting; 3) Do a good job in the preparation of fir planting; 4) Do a good job in the cultivation of fir planting; 5) Pay attention to the fertilization work of fir planting; 6) Do a good job in the care and management of fir planting.

1.1 Selection

When planting fir, it is necessary to do a good job in raising fir seedlings. In terms of seedling selection, the following three technical requirements should be followed: 1) According to the growth environment of the planting area, select the fir tree species suitable for planting for planting; 2) It is necessary to collect those fine fir seeds with strong disease resistance and full appearance for seedlings; 3) The collected seeds should be soaked, germinated, and disinfected first, and then sown and seedlings.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

1.2 Site Selection

The preparation of land selection for fir planting mainly includes the following four aspects: 1) According to the characteristics of fir trees that are afraid of wind, those low-altitude mountain foot or shaded valley areas should be selected as planting areas, and those windward places should be excluded; 2) It is necessary to select areas with loose soil and fertile soil for planting work, because fir planting requires a lot of nutrients, and those arid and barren areas cannot meet the nutrient needs of fir trees; 3) It is necessary to select a place with a perfect water source irrigation system and convenient transportation for fir planting; 4) In order to better strengthen the nutrients in the planting area, it is still necessary to carry out mountain refining work, but when carrying out mountain refining, it is necessary to pay attention to fire prevention, so that fire seedlings spread to other areas.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

1.3 Land preparation

Before planting fir, it is also necessary to do a good job in land preparation, not only to meet the soil requirements for the growth of fir, but also to prevent soil erosion and maintain soil power. 1) There are generally two kinds of land preparation methods, mainly according to the successive distinctions between the opening belt and the digging of the ridge, one is to open the belt first and then dig the ridge, and the other is to dig the ridge first and then open the belt; 2) The gentle area can be used to combine the opening belt and digging the ridge, and if the planting area has a large slope, it can only be dug in the way of the ridge. The general size of the open belt is 60~80 cm, while the digging size is 50 cm×40 cm×30 cm (the length of the ridge× the width of the ridge× the depth of the ridge) is more appropriate.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

1.4 Planting

In order to improve the yield of fir planting, it is also necessary to do a good job in the application of fir planting technology. Pay attention to the following three aspects: 1) Pay attention to the time and weather of seedling planting, generally in the winter of the year on cloudy days, light rainy days and rainy days when the weather is sunny; 2) Pay attention to the way of planting, when starting seedlings, first use mud to dip the roots of fir seedlings, and then carry out planting work, planting should pay attention to correcting seedlings, roots, seedling tips downwards do not "anti-mountain", keep the seedlings upright; 3) After planting the seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to the solid filling of the soil to prevent the seedlings from being blown down by the wind, and at the same time, it is conducive to retaining water at the roots.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

1.5 Fertilization

In order to make the applied fertilizer have a greater effect, different fertilization measures should be taken for forests of different ages. 1) Fertilization of young forests: phosphate fertilizer is better applied as a base fertilizer in one-time in the year of afforestation, and nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer are applied at one time in April and May of the second year after afforestation; If you choose compound fertilizer, it is best to apply it in one time in April-May of the second year of afforestation, which can not only produce greater economic benefits, but also save labor and save costs. 2) Fertilization in middle-aged forests: fertilization is usually applied after the second interfortation, generally carried out in the 10th to 12th year after afforestation, and the fertilizer begins to produce results in the 2nd to 3rd year. 3) Fertilization in near-mature forests: Generally carried out 5 to 10 years before the main harvest, the purpose is to improve the main logging stand accumulation, increase economic benefits, and achieve results 3 years after fertilization.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

There are two kinds of fertilization of fir trees: base fertilizer and topdressing. The base fertilizer is applied when the topsoil is returned to the hole, and the fertilizer and the returned topsoil should be mixed evenly, so that the fertilizer is evenly distributed in the soil layer of 15 to 20 cm. Topdressing adopts the method of ditch application, open an arc-shaped ditch on the slope of each tree or a ditch on both sides of the tree, the ditch is 40 to 60 cm long, 10 to 20 cm wide, and 15 to 20 cm deep, and the ditch is projected under the canola projection of the canopy, and the young trees are generally 40 to 60 cm from the trunk and immediately cover the soil after fertilization. Fertilization should be mastered in the best after rain, fertilization should be loosened before the soil, weeds should be removed, and the budding strips in the woodland should be removed in time so as not to affect the fertilizer efficiency.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

1.6 Care management

In order for fir to achieve the effect of fast-growing planting, it is also necessary to do a good job in the relevant care and management work during the planting of fir, mainly including the following three aspects of management. 1) It is necessary to do a good job in weeding the new afforestation land, remove weeds and weeds in the woodland, weeds, etc., this is because the weedy will not only compete with the fir for nutrients, but also affect the lighting and growth space of the fir. 2) It is necessary to do a good job in the loosening of the soil, expansion, tillering, fertilization and pest control of fir planting, and the loose soil is mainly reclaimed in the fir tree. Young forests are generally nursed for 3 years, twice a year, the first care is carried out from April to May, and the second is carried out around the middle of August. If the weeds are particularly lush, they are nurtured three times a year, the first time in mid-April, the second time around mid-June, and the third time around mid-August. 3) Planters should do a good job in fertilization, in general, the fertilization of fir trees is mainly carried out in the spring and summer, mainly farmyard fertilizers, supplemented by other compound fertilizers.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2 Pest control measures related to fir planting</h1>

In the process of fir planting, various pest problems are often encountered, such as crickets, double-striped fir tianniu, termites, anthrax and fir moths. Therefore, to do a good job in the control of insect pests, relevant control can be carried out according to the different areas where diseases and insects occur, such as underground pest control, stem pest control, moth control, tip pest control and so on. From the perspective of disease prevention and control, it mainly includes fir anthrax and fir yellowing disease.

2.1 Underground pests

In the process of planting fir trees, it will be affected by some underground pests, so it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention and control of underground pests. Termites are one of the most common underground pests, which are controlled according to the victimization situation, and can be treated with 40% octyl thiophos 1,000 to 1,500 times liquid leaching root for serious damage.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

2.2 Stem pests

During the planting of seedlings, their stems are also affected by pests, such as the stems of fir trees are often affected by crickets. In the prevention and control of cricket diseases, the following methods can be taken: 1) crickets generally travel at night, and can be slaughtered at night; 2) After finding that the seedlings have been eaten, they can be booby-trapped with rice bran and enemy insects; 3) You can find cricket caves for irrigation killing.

2.3 Dried moth pests

During the planting of fir trees, fir cadres are also affected by dried insect pests such as double-striped fir tianniu. In general, when carrying out the control of dried moth pests, it is necessary to strengthen the cleaning of eggs and kill their adult insects; For trees that have been infested with dried moths, they should be pruned and removed in time to avoid harming other normal trees.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

2.4 Tip pests

The tip of the fir tree is also affected by pests, such as the small curl moth. In general, this pest burrows into the tip of the fir during the growth of the fir tree, hindering the normal growth of the fir tree. Therefore, when a small roll moth infestation occurs, it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and control in time and remove the diseased part.

2.5 Fir anthrax

During the planting of fir trees, it will also be affected by some bacterial diseases, and fir anthrax is a more common disease in the process of fir planting. The pathogen is gelospore anthracnite bacteria, which can cause the death of the whole plant when the disease is severe, usually in areas with poor soil fertility. Therefore, in the prevention and control of fir anthrax, in addition to the use of Bordeaux liquid and other chemical agents for prevention and control, it is also necessary to appropriately increase soil fertility.

Fir tree planting, these diseases and insect pests should be well controlled, in order to ensure the healthy growth of fir trees 1 Fir tree fast-growing and productive cultivation technology 2 Fir planting related pest control measures 3 Conclusion

2.6 Fir yellowing disease

In the process of fir planting, we should also pay attention to the treatment of fir yellowing disease. Yellowing disease mainly causes the leaves of the fir tree to turn yellow, produce flower spots, and thus appear to be hindered in growth. Therefore, planters should improve the standing conditions of fir planting, strengthen drainage and fertilization during prevention and control, and promote the growth of fir.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3 epilogue</h1>

Through the application of fir fast-growing and productive cultivation technology, it can greatly shorten the growth time of fir, improve the efficiency of fir planting, and effectively promote the economic development of fir planting areas.

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