
Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

author:Farmer sheep brother

Fir trees are actually planted south of and north of the Yangtze River. In addition, it grows faster and has good quality, so it has also been widely used in related fields. Fir trees can beautify the environment, purify the air, and eliminate noise, so in recent years, they have also entered the field of urban greening. Overall, the promotion of fast-growing and high-yield fir is one of the tasks we must pay attention to. The key is to promote the practical application of its cultivation and pest control techniques.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Fir is mainly produced in China and belongs to the subtropical evergreen trees. There are many varieties, mainly divided into three types divided into yellow fir, gray fir and fir three kinds. Judging from the species and appearance characteristics of the trees, the texture of cedar is relatively hard, and the leaves are yellow-green and shiny. The texture of cedar is relatively loose, which means that it is not very hardy and the leaves are blue-green. Not smooth; The texture of the sweater is not as hard as the yellow cedar, the leaves are thinner, and the branches are drooping.

From the perspective of growth demand, fir trees prefer to grow in shaded, shaded and low-altitude mountain or valley terrain. It grows in an environment that is suitable for temperature and plenty of water. It is also the most prominent feature of subtropical evergreen trees. Fir has high soil requirements and is best suited to grow in fertile, loose and well-drained soils. Once the soil fertility is poor, the soil is compact or poorly drained, the growth rate and quality of the cedar pine will be greatly reduced. In addition, fir trees have a high demand for water, and drought or flooding will affect their normal growth.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

The following three parts need to be completed in the fir seedling stage: (1) Seed collection. October and November are the best times to collect fir seeds, which must be strictly controlled. Later, when collecting seeds, try to choose long-lived and high-quality tree species. Canopy integrity and density are indicators that must be taken into account when collecting tree species. Under normal circumstances, tree species can be collected when fir cones change from green to yellow-green. After the cones are collected, they should be dried in time. If the seeds are ejected from the cone during drying, they must be collected to avoid losing activity due to oiling. After drying, the seeds should be stored in a ventilated and dry place as much as possible. In the actual planting process, there is no need to deliberately store fir tree seeds if there is no need, just sow seeds in time after completing the seed collection operation.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Nursery and sowing. Before the seeds are officially sown, the seeds need to be treated. First, the seeds must be soaked in water and then picked up after absorbing enough water. After that, the seeds need to be soaked with 0.5% bleach or potassium permanganate solution and finally need to be airtight. Store for 1 h and then dry before sowing. In practice, the sowing time of fir trees can also be advanced or postponed depending on the weather or climate change. Usually, the best time to sow is from late December to January. Although spring sowing can also be carried out from February to March, due to the short winter time in Guangxi and the rare occurrence of frost disasters, winter sowing is the most suitable, which can prolong the growth cycle of seedlings and promote the growth of their roots. , and improve its disease resistance. In the actual planting process, if you need to sow seeds in winter, you have to sow more seeds. During the planting process, try to sprinkle the seeds on the seedbed, then cover with rare earths and cover with wet straw.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Seedling management. After the seedlings germinate, they enter the seedling management process. After 7-10 days of seedling emergence, the weeds covering the seedlings should be removed in the morning and evening and the Bordeaux mixture in a ratio of 1:10 should be sprayed daily. After lignification of seedlings, soil and weeding should be carried out. When it is found that the seedlings grow slowly, fertilizer should be added in time and sprayed with an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer with water. When the seedlings grow to about 30 cm, the seedling management can be completed and the afforestation period can officially enter.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Specifically, the following aspects can be used in the actual afforestation process: (1) seedling methods. The root system of the fir tree is very developed, so the survival rate can be maintained when transplanting seedlings, so the transplanting method can be used. In the transplanting process, care must be taken to control the density of seedling roots to avoid nest root problems. If necessary, deep planting can be used to inhibit rhizome germination in the soil. (2) Cutting method. In the process of fir afforestation, the method of logging is also often used. Compared with the seedling method, the operation is simple and the survival rate is higher. In specific operations, you need to use strong seedlings and top buds with a history of 2 years as as inserts. After cutting it into 45 cm chips, the lower end of the chips needs to be trimmed into a "horse ear" shape. Finally, in early spring, it can survive smoothly by inserting 1/2 or 1/3 of the cut strips into the soil.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

When the above afforestation methods are used, the fir trees need to be cared for and managed. Weeding must be managed 2-3 times in both the first and second years of afforestation. In addition to weeds, proper fertilization and root pruning must also be done. The depth of the soil must be controlled during fertilization. In the first few years, deep ploughing is not recommended as this can damage the root system of fir seedlings. In the later stage, the depth of deep cultivation can be appropriately increased to improve the absorption efficiency of fertilizer.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Common pest control technology of fir trees: green blight. The most common disease of fir during the nursery period is explosive disease. Fungal infections such as corrosive bacteria are the leading cause of disease. This is a very harmful infectious disease. If not properly controlled, it can lead to large areas of fir seedlings. death. Prevention and control measures: In order to avoid secondary seedling cultivation on mature land at the seedling stage of fir, newly cultivated seedling areas should be selected for seedling planting, and limestone should be disinfected 3-5 days before seedlings. Planting and sowing. In the event of explosive disease, 0.5% of the Bordeaux mixture should be sprayed on young trees, and the spraying amount should be controlled at about 1200-1500kg/hm2.

Cataplexy. Once the rainy season comes, cataplexy is prone to occur. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job of waterproofing and draining the seedling area before the rainy season. On this basis, 0.5% Bordeaux solution should be sprayed to cedar seedlings every 10 days. The whole spraying process should be continuous 4-5 times, and can also be appropriately extended according to the actual situation of the seedlings. Once the phenomenon of damping occurs, it is necessary to spray 6.5% Dixon from 500% to 800 times after dilution in time.

Fast-growing and high-yield planting technology of fir, and pest control technology, to ensure the healthy growth of fir

Fast-growing and high-yield fir has greatly promoted the development of domestic production and forestry economy of fir, and has also provided a large amount of wood for various industries. Similarly, practical activities in this area have also increased the economic income of the local population. In the future, it is necessary to promote the practical application of its cultivation technology and pest control technology to further improve the production efficiency of the fir planting industry.

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