
The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

author:The end of the small north
The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

In the adult world, there is really no easy word, many times, it is not true that you can exchange for sincerity, and your efforts will often be useless.

You think you're doing well enough, but in the eyes of others, it may not be worth mentioning.

When you give a lot and don't get the corresponding results, you will feel very uncomfortable in your heart and even complain about unfairness.

When you give, you have great hope in your heart, and if you can't do it, your heart will naturally feel uncomfortable.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

In fact, this is the norm in life, but you just don't want to accept it.

At any time, don't have too much hope for your own efforts, and don't have too much hope for people.

The relationship between people seems simple, but in fact it is very complicated, not that the true heart will necessarily change the heart, it is likely to be exchanged for false intentions.

The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

We don't have the ability to predict the future, but when the results don't come up, it's all speculation.

Since you're going to do it, just do it, and as for the result, don't get too tangled up.

Work or feelings, just do it yourself, just be ashamed of your heart, as for the result, it is not something we can influence.

There are many people who work hard and continue to pay, hoping to realize the value of their lives, but in the end it is still a bamboo basket to hit the water.

At this time, I believe that many people can't stand it, but even if it's uncomfortable, what can it do? The result is such a result, and it cannot be changed.

There are also some people, meet people they like, desperately pursue, hoping to eventually become a family member with the person they love, but they still can't be together for various reasons, if they can't let go, how bitter it is.

Many things in the world are like this, the more persistent you are, the more bitter your heart is, and the more difficult your life is.

Tell me the story of my friend Ge fei.

Ge Fei worked in a company for 6 years, during which time she worked very hard, but the position has not changed. Seeing that the person who came later than her had become her boss, she was particularly anxious in her heart, and she did not understand what the problem was?

The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

Once, when we were talking about this topic, Ge Fei said:

"Xiao Bei, why do you think this is so?" I work so hard and keep giving, why is this the result, is there still fairness in this world? ”

After she said it, I was also thinking about this question, didn't I say that as long as I worked hard, I would reap the rewards, and if I did, why did I pay so much or didN't gain anything?

A lot of things don't feel bad if you don't want to, just think about it and feel particularly uncomfortable, because you can't find the answer.

I asked Ge fei, can this be changed? Ge Fei said that he did not know how to change, and he was powerless to change.

I advised her to relax her mind, and since she couldn't change it, she shouldn't bother herself.

If there is still hope in your heart, continue to work hard, maybe one day there will be a very good result.

Life has never been as simple as we believe, nor is it very complicated, what we have to do is to do good deeds, do not ask about the future, and follow your heart.

Even if there is no good result in the end, there is no shame.

The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

In life, nine times out of ten unsatisfactory things, everyone has a difficult time, if we are upset about every trouble, then the day really can't be lived.

I've seen a story like this:

The male protagonist has always been a person who works particularly hard, he originally had ambitions and was inspired to make a career, but unfortunately, although he worked very hard, the result was particularly bad.

At first, he couldn't understand it, and he was full of complaints about people and things, and he felt that his fate was bitter and he would not have good luck.

During that time, he lived in pain all day, was not interested in anything, and lived a good life.

Later, when he was at a friend's party, he met a friend who had worked particularly hard, but to no avail.

Not only that, some time ago he also lost an arm because of a car accident, he originally thought that the other party would complain more about society, but he did not expect that he was very optimistic, talking and laughing with everyone, and there was no dissatisfaction with society at all.

The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

Seeing this situation, he asked the other party why he had such a mentality, and the other party looked at him, smiled and said:

"Do you think I can change?"

After the other party finished speaking, he shook his head, and then the other party said:

"Since I can't change the situation with such a lot of effort, why should I be angry with myself?" If I still cling to it, what will I mean for the rest of my life? ”

At this point, he suddenly realized that many times, we really can't change the situation, and hard work may not necessarily bring the results we want.

But we still can't stop and have to do it, because this is life.

The outcome of things sometimes really depends on Providence.

The so-called success is in people, and planning is in heaven, this is the truth.

When you do a good job, then success or non-achievement is not something you can decide, so there is no need to dwell on it.

The truth of adult life: giving and getting, it is difficult to be proportional to 01: but do good deeds, do not ask the future 02: can not change the situation, just try to adjust yourself 03: Conclusion

Everyone wants to have smooth luck in their lives, but all those who are blessed by Heaven are those who do not accept defeat.

Instead of complaining that you don't have good luck, it is better to improve your strength, when you work hard enough, the goddess of fate will naturally take care of you.

Man lives for pleasure, not for pain.

Although we can't change the external environment, we can adjust our hearts, and when your heart is adjusted, even if the pay is not proportional to the get, I believe you will not be too entangled.

Isn't it?

For the rest of your life, may you not bind yourself in your cocoon, and may you live your own wonderful life.


About the Author: Su Xiaobei is a cutting-edge emotional writer and marital psychological counselor. If you have a problem and don't know how to solve it, you can ask me a question and look forward to your consultation and message.

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