
Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

author:Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants

The turtle is a highly intelligent breed of reptile pets, and it is extremely long-lived and very psychic, making it the oldest crawling pet in the world. Turtles are generally very spiritual, but there are still some differences between different species, and the degree of relatives is not the same. Here are some of the best pet turtle breeds for spiritual interactivity.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Mahjong turtle

Mahjong turtle: the world's most widely kept as a pet reptile, turtle keeping is a must-have, many turtle friends' first turtle is the Brazilian turtle. Because there is a pair of thick red stripes behind the eyes, it is also called "red-eared turtle". And the reproductive ability is extremely strong, can be called an ecological killer, absolutely can not be released into the wild.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Chinese grass turtle

Chinese Grass Turtle: The people of Japan, the Philippines, europe and the United States regard it as a symbol of "auspiciousness, longevity". It has the characteristics of fast growth, strong disease resistance, high meat yield, delicious taste and high ornamentality. Due to the decline in the number of wilds, the market price remains high and is favored by farmers.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Musk turtle

Musk turtle: One of the smallest species of zephyll turtles. The shells of young turtles are inky black and very rough, and by adulthood the shells turn round and fade to brown to black. The name derives from a common trait of the genus: when disturbed, a pungent-tasting liquid is released to intimidate skimmers.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Helmet mud turtle

Helmeted Mud Turtle: The degree of land habitat is amazing, and if the habitat dries up, it will cross the land and move into a permanent body of water. It can often be seen crossing roads, and many turtles have been killed as a result. Or bury yourself in the dirt and go into summer sleep. Quite docile, but also easily provoked, bite people without hesitation.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Western turtle

Western Turtle: Almost any permanent body of water in North America with a suitable sunbathing site is inhabited by these brightly colored water turtles. The dorsal carapace is smooth and flattened oval in shape. The color ranges from green to black, and some subspecies also have red markings. It is well received by reptile pet lovers due to its ability to adapt to a variety of habitats.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Texas Map Turtle

Texas Map Turtle: The smallest map turtle with olive back armor and a web pattern of yellow lines. The shield is protruding, with low blunt spikes on the ridge, and the tip of the spike is often black. The ventral carapace is yellow with thin black lines along the seams of the shield. Docile and active personality, it is very suitable for breeding as a crawling pet.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

West African lateral-necked turtle

West African side-necked turtle: Very similar to the East African side-necked turtle, but it is darker in color. The ventral carapace of the East African lateral neck is gourd-shaped, and the adult body is very obvious, which is an important basis for distinguishing the east and west non-lateral necks. The swamp side neck is the flattest and most widely distributed. The East African side neck has basically not entered the domestic market.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Yellow-headed lateral-necked turtle

Yellow-headed side-necked turtle: The second largest in this genus, the most common in this genus, and a more common breed in the pet market. The yellow spots on the head of the juvenile are very bright and gradually fade after four or five years. The whole impression is like a clown turtle with oil paint.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Mexican Giant Egg Turtle

Mexican Giant Egg Turtle: A very good turtle species, very interactive, you feed it food and eat it, as soon as it is fed, it is very popular. Like the sun, happy to enjoy the sunbathing with ribs, but the time is not too long, 10-20 minutes can be, if the home is not convenient to shine the sun, then it is necessary to use synthetic UVB tubes for 4-8 hours of irradiation.

Sbike Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna: Top 10 Spiritual, Interactive, and Intelligent Pet Turtles

Small alligator turtles

Small alligator turtle: One of the oldest surviving reptiles and one of the largest freshwater turtles in the world. Ferocious carnivorous turtles, large and aggressive, with few predators except alligators. Because of its high ornamental value and strong adaptability, it is favored by domestic turtle lovers and has now become one of the most popular pets in the pet crawling circle.

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Note: This article is the original of the Sbike Encyclopedia of Animals and Plants, please indicate the source when reprinting.


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