
One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers


Wen Shu Sairen

When television was not yet fully popularized in China, we had begun to introduce foreign TV dramas, the first was the American drama "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic", and then the "Garrison Death Squad" that caused a huge sensation, which also aroused the vigilance of the relevant departments, and after 16 episodes, it was suspended.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Garrison's Death Squad

Later, it was difficult for American dramas on television to form a sweeping support among the Chinese. The most popular is still a Japanese drama, the hottest, in order of "Volleyball Women", "Blood Doubt" and "Ashin".

"Volleyball Girl" excites children, "Blood Doubt" worries children's parents, and "Ashin", the vast masterpiece in the history of world television drama, has been classified as one of the most important cultural phenomena in all of Asia in the 1980s. Similarly, it is also a good food that must be waited for after meals.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

"Blood Doubt"

For a long time, television sets quickly replaced radios, and were the first choice for people to pass the time and collect talks. In a sense, it even replaced the cinema. When a popular drama is broadcast, there are fewer people walking on the streets, even the crime rate is reduced, and the theater can not talk about the attendance rate.

The overseas TV drama mentioned above, when the Chinese people were immersed, did not receive much spiritual baptism, and the human rights and humanity shown there, we basically maintained another form of things that do not concern themselves and hang high. It is not difficult to understand that when Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas and domestic dramas attacked, the loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and family and Wanshixing that overflowed there were obviously more in line with our appetite.

Most people then devote more time and energy to the joys and sorrows of their own business. Or their own people know their own people best, Chinese TV dramas are obviously more popular.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

"Volleyball Girl"

Some people mistakenly think that I watch film and television dramas to decompress, to find fun, and not to listen to any big truths. In fact, education is the greatest entertainment. We are still the most willing to be educated by our own people, teach us to be good, compromise us, teach us to balance, teach us to endure and endure, teach us to keep the clouds open and see the sunrise. It can be said that if a work is not written in the tao, it has no vitality to speak of.

In the 1980s, children loved to watch some TV dramas set in World War II, such as Yugoslavia and the GDR, which were still in the same socialist camp at that time, and some mystery dramas in the Federal Republic of Germany, which were also of a very high standard. Such as "Sheriff Luz" and "Inspector Derek".

Housewives are most fond of some feuds in Brazil and Mexico, interested in literature, probably very fond of British dramas, many of Dickens's works, which I first observed through TV dramas. Such as "The Wanderings of the Bitter Child", "The Old Antique Shop", "David Copperfield", "A Tale of Two Cities", "Difficult Times", "Our Mutual Friend" and so on.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

David Copperfield

And the British mystery dramas "Sherlock Holmes Detective Collection" and "Miss Marple" also won my heart, especially the latter. Another British drama based on the famous book, "The Crown Jewel", left a very peculiar impression on me.

I personally also love the Italian national treasure drama "Octopus", which was translated as "Born into Death" when it was broadcast in China, the pace was extremely slow, and I didn't want to catch people at all, but when I watched it, it made people want to stop. It's about the fight between the police and the mafia, which doesn't seem to want to be gripping, but it can make people with hearts uneasy. It was at the beginning of this TV series that I noticed that there were words in the words, pictures outside the picture, arias after the story, and the subconscious below the consciousness.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

"Born into Death"

"The Crown Jewel" and "Born into Death" are under the guise of educating people, and in fact they do not have much teacher dignity, and they are afraid of making mistakes that make people faint. At the same time, they are not afraid of being misread, and the mind of the benevolent to see the mountains and the wise to see the water expands our dual feelings about history and people, rather than taking the easy and convenient trust.

My personal favorite TV series is "17 Moments of Spring" produced by the Gorky Youth Film Studio in the USSR.

This is a spy drama, before this, there is a North Korean spy drama "Unsung Hero" is also quite sophisticated in production, the writing and directing are excellent, but it is too conclusive and reasonable. And "17 Moments of Spring" naturally moves closer to mainstream values ideologically, but it also has a more continuous and simple expression than the sense of home and country.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

17 Moments of Spring

Many people will overlook that the director of "17 Moments of Spring" is a lady named Tagiana Lyoznova, one of the most proud disciples of the master Gerasimov.

The spy drama that was once very lively on our side was heavily influenced by the play, and there was the movie "The Eternal Radio Wave", which coincidentally, it was also the work of a female director, and it was the most important female director (without one) Wang Ping at the beginning of New China. They do not deliberately create a sense of tension, and no matter how strong the dramatic conflict, they strive to become the simplest daily routine.

"Latent" is the most learned in this regard, but it is still not as quiet as the two female directors. Lyoznova, in particular, is often distracted in a work environment that requires a high degree of concentration to be competent, which is where it is particularly magical and difficult for latecomers to emulate.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

"The Eternal Wave"

Wang Ping noted that family was the most important protective color of the hidden front, while Stielitz, played by Tikhonov, was an unmarried person, and all senior SS personnel had a routine comment on their files. That is, "strong family concept and clear social relations".

Our flag captain can only write clichés such as "good relationship with colleagues, clear social relations". Being in the key department of the state organ, unmarried, and entrusting is a disturbing signal. It's not that you can't do it at all, but only if you start a family can you accept a more rigorous task, because you will be jealous, you will come and go, and only then can you be trusted. But the Imperial Security Service's suspicions of Schiritz were highly convincing.

In internal investigations, one could not hear a bad word from this excellent agent about the Third Reich, who was always confident about the future. In the eyes of the head of the Security Bureau, he was either a fool or he had ulterior motives. "Lying to a good friend does not prove love for the fatherland and the Fuehrer." Schiritz's over-caution is so unreal to the eyes of a real human being.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

It was after watching this TV series that Putin had the idea of becoming a KGB. But I don't know if Putin has seen that as an intelligence officer, Schiritz is extremely good, not perfect, and he has made serious mistakes more than once during reconnaissance.

Here, I have to explain the background of this divine drama. In March 1945, Nazi Germany was on the verge of extinction. Soviet intelligence was informed that there were people at the top of germany who wanted to circumvent the Red forces and make peace with the Western world, specifically negotiating with the Americans. The task of Schiritz, a veteran Soviet agent who had infiltrated the key department of the Party Guard, was to find out who was secretly sending Qiu Bo with the Americans.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

In the interspersed documentary, there are only Imperial Field Marshal Goering, Propaganda Minister Goebbels, SS Chief Himmler and Party Minister Bowman. In locking in the candidates, Schitrich soon made the first mistake, and he was ready to test his superior Himmler in his own way. Fortunately, the danger is turned into a disaster.

The second serious mistake he made was to send an inexperienced old intellectual, Professor Preschner, to Switzerland to deliver the secret telegram. Who knows, this poor old gentleman was dizzy by the peaceful sun, completely forgot the important code of the joint, and died. (This scene is quite well filmed, calm and affectionate)

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

It should be said that Stielitz, who deals with the devil, is a man who has been favored by God. It's not just his protagonist aura that can make him die again and again. The point is that this was the spring of 1945, when the German Reichstag was about to collapse, and the state apparatus was still operating efficiently and tightly, but this was only a superficial phenomenon. They just seemed to be doing their duty, just not disturbing their conscience, according to an old spy.

They have lost their original passion, for intelligence work, it is not enough to rely on calm and composure, as long as you are passionate, you are sensitive enough. And when the lamps ran out, the Nazis, who thought they were loyal, the slightly sane, had to look for another light. Because they were not as serious as they thought, Schiritz was able to complete the task and plug the loopholes in the play that were not worth scrutinizing.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Stiritz's character Vyacheslav Tikhonov is my favorite actor, not one of them. He has also come to China and starred in a movie called "Red Swan".

His performance is not completely Stanislavsky's set of experience-based performance genres, his performance is closer to mental imaging, as long as there is something in the heart, there is no expression on the face, it can still be more shocking than the transmission of the gods. He is quite calm, and he responds to change with no change. It made him mentally more like a high-level agent, and agents are also kind of performers, and the best performance is not to perform. On his cold face, as the title suggests, the breath of spring is scattered, and in the thin hope, quietly cultivated.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

According to the TV series, Tikhonov is a standard beautiful man. I am afraid that women will definitely be more excited than I am when they see such a handsome and melancholy face.

The idle writing of the whole film almost revolves around Schiritz's attitude toward women, an old lady, a waitress, an ugly woman who drinks big. Schiritz is equally gentle and amiable, and of course, to his female colleagues, he is even more at risk. His kindness to women is a kind of self-consciousness without purpose, and naturally it is also a buffer to express high pressure.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Only in women can he get rest, and more importantly, only with women who are very simple can he feel that he is living. Director Lyoznova probably thinks that's what a good man should look like, and I think so too.

When Schiritz inadvertently discussed the question of war with the women, he got another strange answer. The weathered but childlike old lady, while playing the piano, said: The war is long over. He may have understood that human subjectivity may have triumphed over objectivity long ago.

At the beginning of the TV series, Schiritz and the old lady are scattered in the quiet and idyllic grove, chatting as if the war did not exist. Schiritz said that he likes women best, one is when they are old and when they are pregnant. When I first heard this statement, I didn't know how to understand it, but then I figured it out. Women at this time, are lazy and seductive, they will be self-sufficient because of autonomy. If you want to be beautiful at this time, that is really beautiful.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Several of the voice actors who have voiced this extremely good TV series are leaders in this industry. In particular, the three Zhangs, namely Zhang Yunming, Zhang Jiasheng and Zhang Guilan.

In the impression, Zhang Jiasheng rarely dubbed, which should be his representative work. People love to gossip before they talk about military affairs. Müller, the SS detachment leader of the Zhang family, was particularly fond of sharing his physical condition and saying bad things about his colleagues.

In short, this old man who does not obey the old always likes to ridicule himself for retiring from the stage of history early. In fact, he is full of fighting spirit, an old fox who is not led by experience and tries to "start from reality". He lived by doubting people, but what he frequently showed the world was that I was most suspicious of myself. The role was so successful, first of all, that his actor Leonid Bronevoy was so outstanding.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

On October 4, 2021, Zhang Jiasheng, a famous sound artist and drama performance artist, passed away. I listened to his performance before I watched "The Siege.". Fang Hong gradually became aware that there was too much overlap with our lives, but Zhang Jiasheng used his unique setbacks to let us stare at the lazy red dust people in and out of the place without caring about ourselves.

Later, Zhang Jiasheng had two blockbuster works in the history of Chinese acting. One is the narration of "Armageddon", the same iron horse glacier into the dream, the same country and mountains are more and more delicate, leading countless heroes to bend their waists.

There is also a commentary on a TV special that caused an uproar, the title of the film is not easy to say, so stop here. There is also a memory of the TV series "Dream of the Red Chamber" unfinished "Good Song Note", "What is the fat is thick, the powder is fragrant, how to make two sideburns into frost?" Yesterday the loess dragon head sent white bones, and tonight the red light tent was lying on the bottom of the mandarin duck." It is said that life is impermanent, and it seems that impermanence is the norm of life.

In the impression, he and my highly respected actress Zheng Zhenyao performed the radio drama "Du Shiniang", but the impression was all blurred.

I have heard novels, poems, and essays performed by Zhang Jiasheng. There is nothing he cannot read, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. Without him reading badly, sad and joyful. I learned from him about Yasunari Kawabata, George Bernard Shaw, Maugham, Brecht, and Strindberg. The world is so big, the world is so small. There are so many that can be installed, and there will actually be more that cannot be installed. In short, live to be the opposite of the legend, to live in the water and soil that language does not want to reach.

I haven't seen Zhang Jiasheng's drama, although he has won a national award for this. I have only seen him in the TV series "Master Soul" starring Li Baotian, and he is not dazzling. I can indeed hear his provocation at various parties. The last time I saw him on TV was when I read someone else's letter with Gui Yalei. The performance of the two is not particularly good. The middle qi is still very sufficient, but it is less than the sunset, and the rhyme of three turns in one step.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

The Soul of the Master

Zhang Jiasheng's dubbing is a must, and "True and False Princess" allows me to recognize his unique voice line at once. And the Müller he accompanied in "17 Moments of Spring" can be compared with Master Sound Artists such as Sun Daolin, Qiu Yuefeng, and Bi Ke. The many changes in timbre, the rapid change of tone, and the so-so when the breath is issued with a sigh because it has always been steady, it is particularly pleasant.

It was an old Nazi who was very deep in the city, and he could see through the lies of many people, and he himself tried to tell as many truths as possible. He had a big temper, and basically it was sent to people he trusted, or people he was ready to trust, such as those of Schiritz. "I am taller than you in terms of office, and I am older than you in terms of age." So, please retract what you just said." He was often like this, saying the words of request in a commanding tone, making his rudeness seem to be just the slack of an old man with an impatient tone, and his dry laughter only made the expression of his subordinates stiffer.

He knows that you must seek truth from facts in intelligence work, but in the duel between autumn wind and falling leaves, you lose as soon as you are serious, but he has to maintain a conscientious look. He couldn't finish his heart, he couldn't finish things, but he wasn't tired at all. If he really complains, it is when he is satisfied.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Zhang Jiasheng accurately and flyily matched the character's appearance and inside, deep and shallow, deliberate and inadvertent, and even the most difficult consciousness and subconscious. In addition, his own sound quality is the voice of the golden stone that is unmatched by all. Every time his matching Müller appeared, my ears stood up and a time of grace was about to begin.

Now, Zhang Jiasheng is gone. Fortunately, his voice can stay. He never spoke for an idiot, and listening to his voice, you seem to be smarter. And when Zhang Jiasheng is most attractive, he will remind you unhurriedly: be careful, don't be smart but be mistaken by smart.

There are too many smart people of all kinds in "17 Moments of Spring", and the really smart people don't want people to see this advantage of them. They use machinery to appease uneasiness, coldness to disguise vulnerability, ruthlessness to look up to affection, and waiting to exchange hope. This allows this TV series, which should be extremely tense, to repeatedly embark on a chaotic rhythm, and even a quiet and deep beauty.

One source of Chinese spy dramas | Ten racers

Everything was the externalization of their minds, the birch trees, the boulevards, the mornings with the fog. And the soft gaze of the two babies who did not cry at the crucial moment, and the stranger who came to the face. It is to this extent that this drama, which has die-hard fans all over the world, is poetic, the highest expression of poetry: that is, what the old woman said, in the eyes of pacifism, war seems to never happen.

But what I'd rather say is that in the month before the end of the Second World War. Countless people are already frightened birds, too many people want to be fish in the net, but the gears of the state apparatus are still running precisely. This is the deepest impression that "17 Moments of Spring" has impressed me the most.

Schiritz was perfect, he could play chess, he could dance, and lying was his greatest talent. This made him doubt even his own comrades, and twenty years of infernal affairs made him wonder if he was really in love with Germany. This is true of the nostalgia for people, and it is also true of the feelings of the country.

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