
The invasion of lionfish species affects the ecosystem Panama organizes fishing competitions to kill

author:China News Network

According to the South American Overseas Chinese News Network, lionfish is a poisonous fish of the genus Anchovy, native to the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Ocean, after accidentally entering the Caribbean, due to the absence of natural enemies, the number has increased sharply, bringing a species invasion crisis to the local marine ecology. Panama has been holding lionfish fishing competitions since 2015 to limit its breeding rate.

The invasion of lionfish species affects the ecosystem Panama organizes fishing competitions to kill

Infographic: Lionfish. Image source: Visual China

Recently, the Fishermen and Agricultural Producers Association of the City of Tera Oscuola, Panama, held the first lionfish fishing competition of 2019, located in San Cristobal in the autonomous region of Ngobebgrad, and most of the participants were diving enthusiasts from nearby communities.

A total of 4 motorboats and 2 rowing boats participated in the competition, with a total of 645 lionfish caught, of which 184 were caught by the winners.

Lionfish is a fish that reproduces extremely quickly, with females laying between 150,000 and 300,000 eggs every 5 days. Lionfish are able to adapt to different sea depths, ecosystems and environmental conditions. They can eat up to 30 small fish in an hour, and their main prey is species of commercial value to Panama, such as sea bass, snapper and shrimp.

Lionfish are known to be highly aggressive when foraging, using stingers to catch prey, and the only way for humans to relieve pain after being stabbed is to rinse them with hot water.

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