
Ados. Huxley

author:Mr. Cosmo

Ados. Aldous leonard huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and one of the most prominent members of the famous Huxley family. Huxley wrote a number of excellent works during his lifetime, the most famous of which is the never-ending science fiction philosophical allegory novel brave new world (1932), a classic of dystopian fiction. Notable works include the novels crome yellow (1921) and p

oint counter point 1928), eyeless in gaza (1936), psychology works The Doors of Perception (1954) and Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell 1956), sociological treatise Brave New World revisited (1958).

Huxley's grandfather was the biologist and evolutionary supporter Thomas Henry Huxley, the father of the British novelist, the older brother the famous zoologist, and the younger brother the Nobel Prize winner.

Huxley received a good education from an early age, graduating from Eton College and oxford university. An eye disease in his youth almost left him with complete loss of vision, and after learning Braille, he began to write.

Huxley had an unmatched insight into the social problems facing mankind, and through his novels and essays, Huxley acted as an interrogator of social moral standards and ideals, thus making him an outstanding public intellectual in Twentieth-century Britain. The first half of his life was dominated by social satire novels, and after middle age, his creation began to reflect the phenomenon of technological development erasing human nature. Many of the prophecies in his work have come true today.

During World War I, Huxley spent most of his time at Mrs. Morrell's Garsington estate. Here he met several members of the Bloomsbury Faction, including Bertrand Russell. In Krom Yello, he depicts life in Garsington.

In 1919, he married Maria Niss and had a son, Matthew, who later became a well-known writer, anthropologist, and epidemiologist. In the 1920s, the family lived in Italy for a while, and Huxley visited his friend David Herbert Lawrence. After Lawrence's death in 1930, he edited Lawrence's letters.

In 1937, the Huxley family moved to Hollywood. In 1938 Huxley became friends with Gedhu Krishnamurti. Huxley was a humanist with interests in psychicism, parapsychology and philosophy, and mysticism. Huxley had extensive ties to the Southern California Vedanta Society, founded by swami Prabhavananda. Together with the writers Christopher Isherwood, Gerald Heard, and other followers, he was guided in meditation and spiritual practice.

The story of the novel "Brave New World", which reflects the inhumanity of scientific and technological development, takes place in 2532 AD, which is a new world with highly developed science and technology: there is no worry about material scarcity, no troubles of aging and decadence, no tiredness of tedious work, no pressure to nurture and raise, no constraints on sexual morality, no restrictions on drug abuse, no suffocation of political high pressure, just like the "paradise" and "utopia" that human beings have always longed for and dreamed of. However, in this Brave New World, people lose their personal feelings – Mom and Dad are humiliating words; lose love – sex replaces love; lose pain, passion, and the feeling of experiencing danger. The most frightening thing is that people lose the right to think and lose the ability to create. All human worries about itself and the future are contained in this work. In Brave New World, Huxley depicts a society based on mass production and pavloval conditioning principles.

Huxley's The Gate of Perception uses vague words to document the extrasensory experience of taking psychedelics himself. "The Gate of Perception" is an immortal classic of the "Beat Generation", "Yappie" and "Hippie", which are almost universally owned.