
Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

author:Black tea slow life

Huxley was a British writer who almost lost his sight after learning Braille, and after learning Braille, he began to write, wrote many popular novels, and became a star figure in the 20th century.

He is known for his novels and numerous essays, acting as an interrogator of social morality, standards, and ideals, and sometimes as a critic.

Huxley was a humanist, but in his later years he was also interested in psychic topics such as parapsychology and mysticism.

This is completely understandable, everyone is getting closer and closer to the bell of death in their old age, and at this time some faith, being able to appease themselves, is a very wise way.

Here are some of the philosopher's thoughts:

Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

1. No intelligent person would deny the exercise value of pain and sorrow

Since pain and sorrow cannot be avoided, and since life cannot avoid adversity, we must find ways to make it a good thing in concept.

Obviously, I can only eat bread every day, and I complain back to myself that this bread is too difficult to eat, and this way of handling is really screwing myself.

Huxley: The life experience does not refer to what happens to a person, but to how he faces them.

Some people, when encountering difficulties, have no desire to survive and make changes, complain bitterly, but let it go unchecked, let it develop, and of course the road is getting narrower and narrower, and it is more and more difficult to go; while some people, despite setbacks, always actively think of countermeasures, strive to improve their personal environment, and let things always become in a favorable direction for themselves; even if they are begging for food, they strive to squeeze into a place where there are more people; even in the face of death, they cannot move their hands and feet, and they always cling to the positive and upward mindfulness.

When South African President Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, he also protested in prison to get pants for all prisoners.

Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

2. What I have to do is to make my wishes conform to the facts, not to try to reconcile the facts with my wishes

When setting goals, it must be based on reality, not ideal countries, utopias; that can only become a big dream, a utopianism that can never land, and even how to start, there is no way to start.

The goal is too big and too strong, life is bound to be very tired; wealth surpasses Bill Gates, running through Bolt, swimming is better than Phelps, and the hardships along the way can be imagined.

Set an unrealistic goal, immersed in many years without realizing, for the whole life is very bad; obviously not good at painting, people are under the pen like a god, they have no interest in lifting the pen, yawning for days, the goal is to become a well-known painter; every day in this regard is very painful efforts, progress is very slow, that is, the goal is wrong, a wrong step, but also persistent and persistent, in turn let the facts have to cooperate with this wrong goal, have to squeeze on this road, squeeze stumbling, stumbling The head is broken and bleeding, it is really wrong to add mistakes, and it is a life of hesitation.

Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

3. Maybe this world is a hell on another planet

This sentence is particularly useful when life and death are parted, and can be talked about masturbation; since it is hell, is it not a good thing to be able to leave at this moment and escape from the hellish environment?

In the same way, it can be used in other unsatisfactory occasions; ending an unsuitable marriage, at this time, you can't say that I regret it, trying to remember the advantages of the other party, those good times, obviously can't live with myself.

After separation, I can only hold one concept, leaving you, I am finally free, finally liberated, and even freed from domestic violence to regain a new life, it is really an incomparable happiness. Whenever you are idle, you start to feel sad, and you start to worry about the country and the people, think about the hurt you have suffered; yes, ending this marriage is the wisest choice.

Extreme marital relationships, in the midst of domestic violence, endure and endure, after learning helplessness, eventually produce Stockholm syndrome: the hostages will have a psychological dependence on the hijackers; their life and death are in the hands of the hijackers, and the hijackers let them survive, they are grateful; they share the fate with the hijackers, regard the hijacker's future as their own future, and regard the hijacker's safety as their own; they completely give up self-help, and at the same time regard the liberators as enemies.

Kicked out from a bird company, you can no longer recall any birds and flowers in this company, how beautiful it should be, how to do it now, this is screwing with yourself; you must think of all the bad side, all the unfavorable factors for yourself, and constantly remind yourself that finally released from that depressing environment, you can choose to re-plan your future life, so that it is the most beneficial concept for yourself.

Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

4. The laborer is the most beautiful, but the laborer is easily ignorant and easily manipulated; so the social dynamic comes from the laborer, and the guide is the intellectual

Leaders often guide the direction and issue tasks; but this direction is only clear and clear in his heart; it may be wrong, it may be thankless, it may be executor who will offend people, or even cause trouble, but it does not matter if you ask questions, he can at most answer: It is all right, rest assured; for him of course, it is okay, it is you who have a problem.

Therefore, when working, intuition senses that this task is not reasonable, you are not suitable to come forward, but also to propose in time; can be solved the best, can not solve and then see if you can accept; the big deal to change a company, do not do those things that harm others and do not benefit themselves, conscience can not pass, or even break the law.

Too monotonous and tedious work is bound to lead to psychological stress; in 2010, foxconn employees jumped 14 times in just one year, which is a very classic case: doing simple and boring work on the assembly line for a long time; factories, dormitories, canteens three points and one line, boring and tedious working environment, so that employees in it become a machine alive.

Therefore, it is not necessarily right to just work hard; sometimes the harder you try, the more dangerous it is, the worse it gets, the harder you try, the farther away from your goal, and even the harder you try, you pay the price with your life.

When you are buried in the road, you must also look up at the sky and look into the distance, this road is not where you want to go.

5. Life is not governed by the environment, but by the intimidation of one's own habitual thoughts

We thought we were in a harsh environment and couldn't hold on.

In fact, many times it is because the brain preconceivedly negates that objective environment, so it will produce this uncomfortable and even terrifying feeling, and it is the brain that deceives itself and scares itself.

The same is true of the person's opinion; first a subjective judgment arises that the person is friendly, and then the evidence of the kindness of the benevolent brother is gathered in all aspects, all negative information is blocked, and the mishandling behavior of the person is reinterpreted; then the conclusion is that, sure enough, the person is good and good to me; and vice versa.

In fact, the brain has already decided in advance, nothing more than to collect the corresponding evidence after making this judgment.

Huxley: No wise man denies the exercise value of pain and sorrow

In 1932, Huxley wrote Brave New World, which left its name in history, a novel that reflected the development of science and technology and exterminated humanity.

In 1938, he became friends with Krishnamurti.

In 1960, his health deteriorated and he wrote the utopian novel "The Island".

In 1963, a few hours after Kennedy's assassination, Huxley died; on his deathbed, unable to speak, he asked his wife Laura by handwriting for "lygopropyldiethylamine, 100 mg, intramuscularly."