
The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

author:Listen to the entertainment dry rice

On February 16, 1959, in an ordinary family in Weihai City, Shandong Province, Ni Ping was born.

His birth year coincides with the ninth day of the first lunar month of the lunar calendar, which is the birth of the Spring Festival.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Her life can be said to be bumpy, it can also be said to be a flat step , and it can be said that there is a little regret and sadness, but now it should be leisurely and comfortable. This beautiful woman graduated from the Shandong Academy of Arts, and the history of time has given her many identities such as: host, actress, writer, etc.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

In 1980, she starred in the first film and television drama in her life, "Female Soldier", and she played the female soldier zhou Yiyan of the War of Resistance, and she was not very old, and her performance was really heroic and cool, and she felt like a female soldier with a strong spirit. Therefore, when she graduated in 1982, she was assigned to work in the Shandong Drama Theatre by the school.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Because she is diligent and smart, she participated in the performance of the movie "They Are Not Strangers" in the same year, in which she prepared diligently and diligently to present everyone with a perfect color as possible, and she was also named a national second-class actor the following year.

At the same time, her artistic career also began a flat-paced journey, the emotions of life became more and more complicated, and she slowly learned that the ideal of love and the cruelty of reality will not be opponents after all, because the ideal is really just an ideal, and reality is what really happens around her.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Although her career is not bad, it can be called a small achievement, and it can be regarded as a flat step in the show business circle.

But her emotional history can be described as mottled and complex, making people unclear, either regret or regret for her, or understand some life principles.

It is said that the hero is late, the sword is not old, the red face is easy to grow old, and the beauty is late. For the five men behind her, everyone must be very curious. For Ni Ping, I will talk about her story-like emotional history, which is mottled and complex, but also shows real feelings and feelings about life.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Young people do not understand things, and they disperse early when they first become relatives

Young Ni Pingzhen can be said to be a great beauty, at that time her beauty and wisdom coexisted, many people admired her talent and beauty, saying that she had the beauty of Mao Yanshi and the talent of young Yi'an. But in the end, she was young and vigorous, and she married a man from her hometown in Shandong early and gave birth to a daughter for him.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Later, for various reasons, what separated the feelings of the two places became weak, what to see the children's disputes and the like, and finally the two divorced, and the cute and beautiful girl was awarded to her father, and we still don't know what happened to her first husband, but this is not important, as long as you can live a safe and stable life, raise the little girl to adulthood.

Anyway, this relationship is the first marriage, and now many people have a first love complex, and they can't forget the first love that has ended, I don't know what will happen to Ni Ping? Whether there will be some regrets, some pain in the memories, we don't know, but there should be some guilt and regret for that daughter! After all, there are only two children in this life, one is the first love who married and gave birth to a daughter after the first acquaintance, and the other is the son born to the second husband. Beginning and ending, it seems to be arranged by heaven, or something that is destined in the dark.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Marriage is not a child's play, marriage is a family-to-family exchange

After entering the central government, Ni Ping's work became more and more smooth, and after ending the marriage of her first husband, she also began the next relationship. Speaking of Guo Da, everyone should know that this sketch actor was also popular all over the country at that time, and many Spring Festival Gala programs had Guo Da's figure, and his sketches brought a lot of happiness to everyone.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

It is precisely because of this that Ni Ping and Guo Da met, and began a very short-lived love that was unforgettable, and they finally failed to successfully enter the palace of marriage. There were many rumors about them in the outside world, and due to the lack of media gossip at that time, there was no deep excavation. If you put this matter in the present, it can be said that it is an explosive news, and Ni Ping's relationship with Guo Da does not know that it will be gossiped out of several versions by the media.

In fact, the reason why they broke up was that Ni Ping's parents felt that Guo Da was too earthy to be worthy of Ni Ping, and did not let Ni Ping and Guo Da interact, and in that era, girls were generally "good children" who cared for the family and listened to their parents, so Ni Ping at that time could only be at the mercy of her parents and left Guo Da.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

This extremely emotional love affair also ended hastily, after all, the love at that time was exquisite. Even if many of the current love is still exquisite, it is necessary to consider each other's family lineage, relatives and friends, whether there are brothers and sisters, and so on.

So marriage is not a child's play, marriage is a family-to-family exchange, many mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship contradictions are caused by no communication and no communication, once there is any contradiction but do not explain it will accumulate deeper and deeper, and finally reach the point of deep resentment. Therefore, when you want to get married in the future, you must consider the factor of family, because a good family will make you happy for the rest of your life, and a bad family will make your people suffer and feel uncomfortable in the second half of their lives.

Ni Ping's extremely emotional love affair ended.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

After ending her relationship with Guo Da, Ni Ping had her third relationship, a relationship with the famous director Chen Kaige.

It is reported that the two met in a program recording in 1991, and it was not long before the two were living together. Some people broke the news that Chen Kaige divorced his wife for Ni Ping, but the final result was no next episode, but this is all an afterthought.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

When Ni Ping came to the central government for more than a year, her career was in an ascending period, and Chen Kaige was also preparing to shoot the movie "Farewell to the Overlord", and the two had their own careers, and they were very busy. While serving as the central host, Ni Ping became Chen Kaige's woman in private, washing and cooking for him, and keeping the home organized and clean, like a couple who had been married for a long time.

The two have been in love for a total of five years, Ni Ping has been silently paying, perhaps affected by the love with Guo Da, in this love she is willing to pay, with extreme affection. As the saying goes: "I don't know what to do, but I go deeper." Chen Kaige has always accepted such a sacrifice as a matter of course and has not given her a justifiable name.

In the past five years, Ni Ping has always hoped that she can marry Chen Kaige, and received Chen Kaige's marriage proposal and had a marriage contract. But she couldn't see that Chen Kaige didn't want to marry her at that time, so Chen Kaige also took out his so-called "unmarried thinking" to prevaricate Ni Ping. Until the arrival of a popular star disrupted all this, that is, Chen Hong.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

On that day, Chen Hong came to Chen Kaige with a big belly and said that she was pregnant with his child, and asked Chen Kaige to break up with Ni Ping and marry herself, and it was at this time that Ni Ping saw clearly this scumbag who promised his marriage. When emotion triumphs over reason, reason can no longer gain the upper hand, and this sentence is very relevant to Ni Ping. Overwhelmed by love, she did not see Chen Kaige's ugly appearance, her deep love poured into the deep seabed without the slightest sound, at that time she could not imagine that she would meet someone unladylike, like Chen Kaige this man.

Therefore, this five-year relationship will more or less leave regrets in her heart.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Marriage is like a struggle in the dark, as long as there is light in the heart will succeed After experiencing a relationship with Chen Kaige, Ni Ping was introduced to her second husband, Wang Wenlan.

The age of the two is not small, after a year of love, they entered the palace of marriage, and Ni Ping also took a huge risk, as an elderly mother, gave birth to a son for him. Originally such a happy life was about to begin, how to create a person, her son , ⻁ zi was detected to have congenital cataracts must be treated in time.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

Ni Ping, who had experienced four feelings in this way, collapsed in an instant, and she wondered why God was so unfair. At the right time, she was presiding over the Spring Festival Gala, and the director heard about it and wanted to replace her.

However, she said: "The audience has accompanied me for more than ten years, has not conceded defeat, I can not live up to everyone's expectations because of personal matters, I will not let the audience see the tear marks on my face, just as the darkness can never defeat the light." Therefore, in the following ten years, she has been running at home and abroad, seeking medical treatment for her son.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

But no one could have imagined that such a woman, in her eighth year of running and labor, her husband who had accompanied her for eight years also left mercilessly, when she was so haggard. However, just as she said that darkness could not defeat the light, in the past ten years, her son's condition had gradually improved, breaking through the dark clouds in his heart and bringing light to Ni Ping.

Even so, she will also have some regrets, regretting that she always encounters people who are unladylike, but fortunately she survived and her children slowly recovered.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

The marriage of Mei Kai three times is also very happy and happy

Leaving her second husband Wang Wenlan, she and her third husband, the current husband Yang Yaya, were married in a low profile, and the two accompanied each other in their hearts, and this three-degree marriage completely made Ni Ping feel happy from the bottom of her heart.

The tragic life of "Spring Festival Gala Goddess" Ni Ping: three marriages and two children, what cannot be written are regrets

When Ni Ping was 55 years old, she returned to the stage of CCTV as a host, but she was tired and suffered from leg diseases and could only sit and host the show, although this can still see her ⻛ cai is still the same. She, a woman who has been burdened by family and marriage all her life, has finally lived a good life. I also wish her a happy and happy life in the future.

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