
What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

author:History of Xiao Dong

The five elements of Taiji Yin and Yang, the four elephants and the nine palaces of Bagua, have been in the same vein in the course of thousands of years of history, and these ideas are derived from a strange book "Zhou Yi", which is known as the theoretical root of natural philosophy and humanistic practice. Speaking of which, then the question arises, since "Zhou Yi" is known as the root of thought, then what is the root of "Zhou Yi"? To understand this problem, we must first understand two other things, and this is the River Tuluo Book, which is called the Wordless Heavenly Book, and what is the connection between the River Tuluo Book and the Zhou Yi? Are the Five Elements of Taiji Yin and Yang The Four Elephants Bagua Nine Palaces also related to it? In this issue, we should talk about the mystery of this.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

It is said that a long time ago, during the Three Emperors and Five Emperors period, the human emperor Fuxi brought his tribe to the tuhe river, when the people on both sides of the tuhe river were facing a huge test, that is, there was a monster with a dragon head and a horse body in the tuhe river, which often came out of the river to eat the people along the river, causing the people to be bored, and at that time, the human emperor Fuxi decided to kill the monster with the dragon head horse body in the Tu river in order to save the people from danger, but when Fuxi was going to kill the monster with a long sword, the monster begged for forgiveness from Fuxi and said that he would no longer hurt and eat people in the future. So Fu Xi Nian had the virtue of good life in heaven and forgave him a few days later, in order to thank Fu Xi for his grace of not killing, Long Ma took out a jade plate with black and white dots from the river and dedicated it to Fu Xi, and later people called this jade plate marked with black and white dots as the river map.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

According to legend, the black and white dots on this jade plate constitute a pattern, the first two seven, the last six, the left three eight, there are forty and nine in fifty, such a pattern makes Fuxi deeply puzzled by this, so he racked his brains for several days and finally understood the true meaning of it, he combined the celestial geography and various laws of nature to create a far-reaching image of the future Generations Bagua, Fuxi's Bagua has two basic units, namely yin and yang, on the basis of which four elephants are derived. The four elephants are Taiyin Sun Shaoyin and Shaoyang, and on the basis of the four elephants, they each give birth to Yin and Yang, and the order of the Gossip is dry and distant from Zhenxun to see Gong Kun, and this is the origin of Taiji Sheng's two instruments, two instruments, two elephants, and four elephants, and later generations have also become the gossip created by FuXi as innate gossip.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was another person who had made great achievements in gossip, and it must be no stranger to find someone who was Ji Chang, the king of Zhou Wen, who derived sixty-four gua on the basis of the innate gossip, and the sixty-four gua was the sixty-four codes of the universe, and it is said that those who master these sixty-four gua can penetrate the mysteries of the universe, and in many interpretations, Ji Chang is interpreted as a capable person who can pinch and calculate, which is due to his achievements in innate gossip, and posterity calls the gossip that has been improved by King Zhou Wen the day after tomorrow. After the death of King Wen of Zhou, his descendant Duke of Zhou organized a group of extremely intelligent cultural figures to study bagua when he was making ritual music in Chengzhou Luoyi, and eventually they calculated the sixty-four gua by King Wen of Zhou.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

Each gua is divided into six yao each one is accompanied by a text description, compiled into a book of more than 4,900 words, which is the "I Ching" that is widely sought after by later generations, and about 500 years later, Confucius's disciples compiled seven "Yi Chuan", and this is the "Zhou Yi" that we all know. Many people think that the river map and the Luo Book are a thing In fact, it is not, about the Luo Book, there is also such a legend Let's take a look at it together, this matter still has to start from the time when Dayu Zhishui, according to legend, when Dayu ruled the water, he came to the Luo River, but after arriving at the Luo River, the flood has not been controlled, Dayu is very distressed about this matter, and when Dayu came to the Luo River to find a way to cure the water, suddenly a five-colored ghost emerged from the river, and the texture on the back of the god ghost formed a wonderful pattern. Like some words, this makes Dayu puzzled, and this pattern is what later generations call the Book of Luo.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

Through repeated speculation on the pattern, Dayu sorted out the contents of nine aspects, including the calendar of planting grain, the formulation of decrees, and the Five Elements Theory, etc. Dayu also divided the world into nine states according to the contents of these nine directions, and later people compiled a scientific code "Hong Fan Chapter" according to the content of Dayu, which seems to be just a non-marginal legend, but later archaeological discoveries proved the existence of the Book of Luo. In 1977, in the tomb of marquis Ruyin of the Western Han Dynasty in Shuanggudui, Fuyang County, Anhui Province, a piece of Taiyi Jiugong Zhanpan was unearthed, and there was a small disc in the center of the Taiyi Jiugong Zhanpan, drawing four equal lines in the center of the small disc, marking one jun to nine people at the two ends of the equal division, two to eight, three relative to seven generals, four to six, these numbers are exactly the same as the layout of the Luo Shu, is this a coincidence or another meaning?

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

In 1987, another jade turtle and jade plate were found in another ancient ruin, and the edges of the jade plate were dug with small holes, and what is even more incredible is that the arrangement of these small holes is the same as the mark on the Luo Book, and the patterns found one after another are enough to prove that these discoveries are not so-called coincidences, and the Luo Book should also be real, and also have an impact on people's lives. The river diagram can be drawn as a five-digit figure with fifty in the center, and the Luoshu is the upper nine, the lower one is the left three right seven, the two four are the shoulders, the six eight are enough to be the digital structure diagram in the center of the five, but the river diagram and the Luoshu have the same thing, that is, they are all composed of black and white dots to form a mysterious pattern for posterity to ponder, after careful investigation and research by experts, the river diagram and the five elements in traditional culture have a deep origin, the numbers on the river chart one and six represent water, two and seven represent fire, three and eight represent wood, four and nine represent gold, and five represent earth. This is the earliest physical evidence of the Theory of the Five Elements of Yin and Yang.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

From this experts give relevant inferences, China's yin and yang five elements theory should also be derived from the book of Hetuluo, the theory of yin and yang five elements is the most basic philosophical view in China, the ancients believed that everything in the universe is composed of five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the five elements in the earliest cognition is the five directions of the southeast, south, and northwest, in life, the five elements correspond to the five seasons of spring, summer, long summer, autumn and winter, in medicine, the five elements have a correspondence, the spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and the movement changes of the five elements follow the relationship between each other. It reflects the philosophical thought of the simple dialectical materialism of the ancient ancestors.

What exactly is the River Chart and the Book of Luo? How bullish is it? Why dare to be called the source of Chinese culture?

Such philosophical ideas run through all aspects of life, from food, clothing, shelter, and transportation to governing the country with soldiers, which are inseparable from the influence of the Hetuluo Book, such as the capital city of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the capital city of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the nine miles from the north and the south, the six miles from the east to the west, and the two numbers mentioned here are exactly the numbers corresponding to the Qiangua Kun Gua in the Zhou Yi, and there are many similar buildings Such as the capital city of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Chang'an, and the capital city of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Beijing, are all laid out according to the five elements, which shows that the influence of the River Tuluo Book on Chinese architecture is very far-reaching. Looking at the five-thousand-year history of China, it is not difficult for us to find that whether it is Taiji Yin and Yang or the Four Elephants, Five Elements, Bagua and Nine Palaces, they all have an extremely close relationship with the River Tuluo Book, and we still do not care whether the appearance of the River Tuluo Book is really so mysterious, but we can believe that it is precisely because of the emergence of the River Tuluo Book that there was the later Bagua "Zhou Yi" Yin and Yang Five Elements and other ideas, so the River Tuluo Book is more as a symbol of ideology and culture, and this symbol is the crystallization of the high wisdom of the ancient Chinese ancestors.

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