
Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

author:Seven days of fishing

Summer is the most active season for the trout, and from morning to night these elves swim along the riverbank in groups, except foraging for food is to breed offspring.

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

In the impression of many people, the trout is a small multicolored fish, with a flat and square body, like a leaf, looking very cute. In some places, people figuratively call it "stone rolling skin", which means the shape of its body, as if it was crushed by a stone brick, and only one skin remains.

But the "stone rolling skin" is not as many people think, only the size of a coin. Recently, when an angler in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, was fishing outdoors, he encountered the infestation of salmon! What surprises the anglers is that the little elf in this impression has grown to the size of the palm of the hand, is it a mutation?

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

There are more than a dozen kinds of salmon in China, and most of our common ones are Chinese sturgeon. Compared with some individuals around 30mm, why can some salmon grow so big? Some say it was hybridizing with crucian carp, and genetic variations caused them to grow in size.

For this statement, Xiaobian also expressed doubts. The trout belongs to the subfamily Trout and their spawning methods are very different from those of other fish. They are accustomed to laying fish eggs into the mouth of river mussels, which are a kind of fish that symbiosis with river mussels, so it is unlikely that they will cross with crucian carp.

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

This oversized sturgeon may be another subspecies.

Although these "stone rolls" look very popular, anglers do not welcome them. Xuzhou's fisherman said: The palm-sized flounder fished a lot, and the smaller one caught dozens of fish... The big ones have one or two, and although they look good, they still hate them...

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

Still dissatisfied with catching so many fish? That's better than going home empty-handed, right? For such an idea, many netizens do not understand.

In fact, the main reason why anglers hate them is that their foraging strategy gives anglers who are at ease fishing headaches. Once the bait is thrown down, the sturgeon adopts the tactic of wolf packs, swarms, and grabs the bait in three strokes and fives, and with them there, they don't want to catch big fish.

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

Although the "Sturgeon" is small, its "wolf pack tactics" give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food, fishing is not strong, and can not eat, but also affect the efficiency of fishing, which is a few reasons why they give anglers a headache.

They are fierce in their prey, but their mouths are too small to swallow the hook, so the angler can only sit on the shore and watch the floating up and down, but there is no choice. Occasionally, I can catch a few, most of which are hung up because of "car accidents". Some anglers will even throw them in the water after they are thrown to death, but this still does not scare off the "wolves" in these waters.

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

Of course, there are also many anglers who will be happy to enjoy this kind of "harassment", when replaced by a special small hook thin line, to catch this kind of scrambling "stone rolling skin", half a day less can also catch dozens of ... Compared to the coin-sized trout, the slightly larger "palm trout" is easier for anglers to catch.

Although the "Trout" is small, the wolf pack tactics give anglers a headache! They are too fierce to grab food

How big can a trout grow? Many anglers have different opinions, some people think that it can grow to one or two weights, but some anglers also say that they have caught more than two or two giant fish, which looks even larger than a palm! Fishing is also quite enjoyable.

However, such a large giant sturgeon, have anglers ever seen it?