
The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

On March 4, 1935, Liu Bojian, director of the Political Department of the Gannan Military Region, led the troops to break through, but was wounded and captured. Before his execution, Liu Bojian wrote the last family letter to his wife Wang Shuzhen.

"Comrade Shu Zhen:

You will see my letter of desperation and will. Do not be sad, I hope that you will work for the Chinese revolution no matter what, do not break away from the revolutionary front, and use all your strength to raise the tiger, leopard, and bear three young children to adulthood, and continue the cause of my light (rong) revolution. I was buried near Dayu Meiguan. Twelve o'clock is coming, and I am going to go to the killing field, and I can't write anymore. A tribute to the last revolution! ”

The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

Photo: Liu Bojian's last letter to his wife

However, this letter could not reach the hands of his wife Wang Shuzhen. Just a few days before Liu Bojian's sacrifice, Wang Shuzhen had unfortunately died...

His wife failed to see the instructions written by Liu Bojian to herself, but this letter from the Communists continued to inspire those who came after her to fight for the revolutionary cause for the rest of their lives.

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The story of Liu Bojian, a model political worker

In the spring of 1926, Feng Yuxiang lost in a warlord melee. In order to win Feng Yuxiang to join the United Front of the National Revolution, the Comintern and the Communist Party of China arranged for Feng Yuxiang to go to the Soviet Union for study and study.

In July 1926, the Northern Expedition war carried out by the Kuomintang and the Communists was officially launched, and the National Revolution ushered in a climax. Encouraged by this, Feng Yuxiang decided to return to China immediately, reorganize the old department, and plan the Northern Expedition. Before leaving, he pleaded with a man to return with him to help him revive the Northwest Army. This person was Liu Bojian, then secretary of the Mozambican branch of the Communist Party of China.

The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

After coming to the Northwest Army, Liu Bojian was appointed vice minister of the Political Department. At that time, the morale of the Northwest Army was low, military discipline was in ruins, and stealing and fighting occurred from time to time. In view of this, Liu Bojian felt that it is not only necessary to strengthen the organizational discipline of the army, but also to improve the military and political quality of officers and men, so that they can become a revolutionary contingent with faith. The only way to achieve this is to carry out revolutionary ideological and political education and strengthen political work among the troops through "political management of the army."

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Pictured: The Northwest Army, an old army that was on the verge of disintegration, quickly transformed into a mighty division with a neat army and high morale

However, in April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup. Under chiang kai-shek's inducements, Feng Yuxiang agreed to exchange the "Qing Party" for the "Joint Northern Expedition", and more than 200 communists in the Northwest Army who were openly identified were "sent out of the country" by Feng Yuxiang.

In 1931, when the September 18 Incident broke out, Chiang Kai-shek still adhered to the policy of "foreign countries must first be at home" and forced the Kuomintang 26th Route Army stationed in Ningdu, Jiangxi Province, to step up the "suppression of the Communists", which aroused strong dissatisfaction among officers and soldiers.

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Pictured: The policy of "encircling the outside world must first be at home" is a reactionary policy proposed by Chiang Kai-shek to compromise with Japan and go all out to "suppress the Communists."

The Kuomintang 26th Route Army was originally the former headquarters of Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army. As a "miscellaneous army" that was incorporated, this unit was highly marginalized within the Kuomintang army.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China believed that this unit had the possibility of revolting and joining the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, so it ordered the secret members of the COMMUNIST Party who had been lurking in the 26th Route Army for a long time to establish a secret special branch of the COMMUNIST Party and quickly carry out military movement work.

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Pictured: From left to right, Zhao Bosheng, chief of staff of the Kuomintang 26th Route Army, Dong Zhentang, commander of the 73rd Brigade, and Ji Zhentong, commander of the 74th Brigade.

Zhao Bosheng, chief of staff of the Kuomintang 26th Route Army, Dong Zhentang, commander of the 73rd Brigade, and Ji Zhen, commander of the 74th Brigade, secretly sent people to the Soviet zone to contact Liu Bojian, who had served in the Northwest Army. Liu Bojian, who was already the secretary general of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission at that time, immediately reported to the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and wrote a reply to welcome the insurrectionary officers and men to join the Red Army.

At dusk on December 14, 1931, the ready rebel officers and soldiers took advantage of the vast night and withdrew from Ningdu City in turn. Early the next morning, more than 17,000 people of the 26th Route Army assembled on the bank of the Meijiang River and drove towards the Central Soviet Region. The rebel forces were reorganized into the "Fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army", and Liu Bojian served as the first director of the Political Department of the Fifth Red Army.

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Pictured: The Fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

In October 1934, the Central Red Army was forced to withdraw from the Central Soviet Region and embarked on a long march, and Liu Bojian was sent to the Gannan Military Region as the director of the Political Department, insisting on guerrilla warfare. On March 4, 1935, when Liu Bojian led his troops to break through, he encountered an enemy several times larger than himself, and in order to cover the retreat of his comrades-in-arms, Liu Bojian was unfortunately shot in the left leg, wounded and captured.

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Pictured: Liu Bojian after being captured

From the first day of his arrest, Liu Bojian was determined to "die as a martyrdom", and he wrote four family letters successively using the paper and pen on which the enemy wrote him confessions.

The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

Pictured: Liu Bojian's "Walking with Shackles" written in prison

The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

Pictured: Liu Bojian's family letter to his brother and sister-in-law on March 16, 1935

This is a family letter written by Liu Bojian, who was in prison, to his brother and sister-in-law on March 16, 1935. In the letter, Liu Bojian specifically instructed: "You must not go to Mr. Yu and Brother Deng Baoshan to rescue me," and "I am fighting for the survival and liberation of the Chinese nation is different from the path they have taken." ”

Liu Bojian, who had stayed in the Soviet Union in the early years and served in the Northwest Army, had a very good personal relationship with Yu Youren, Deng Baoshan, and others, but at this time, Yu and Deng were already high-ranking Kuomintang officials, but Liu Bojian asked his relatives not to tell them about their arrest, let alone to find them to rescue themselves.

The time for execution was approaching, and Liu Bojian offered to write a final letter to his wife, Wang Shuzhen. During the revolutionary years, Liu Bojian and his wife Wang Shuzhen, who was also a member of the Chinese Communist Party, gathered less and left more. In order to work for the revolution, the husband and wife had to send three sons, Hu Sheng, Leopard Sheng, and Xiong Sheng, to be raised successively.

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Photo: Liu Bojian and his wife Wang Shuzhen

However, this last letter full of family and country feelings failed to reach the hands of his wife Wang Shuzhen. Just a few days before Liu Bojian's death, Wang Shuzhen had unfortunately died in the western Fujian guerrilla zone.

Liu Bojian has sacrificed for more than eighty years, but his courage and strength to live for faith and death have educated and inspired generations of Chinese.

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"Model of Political Work Liu Bojian"

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The recipient of this letter has been sacrificed

Source: CCTV4 "National Memory"

New Media, Chinese Global Program Center, China Central Radio and Television Corporation

Producer/Hou Jingshu

Editor-in-Chief/Junjun Yang Intern Editor/Zheng Siyi


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